This is the second blog I've had on this subject, LOL, its funny I must really need to learn something here, as I sit at 1115 on a Saturday night with the neighbors music blaring, Aslan is not asleep yet because of it and I'm here with my thoughts.
It's funny because other men, (actually women) try to steal my joy all the time, it's not from being mean or anything like that its because I get concerned about them, so much that it makes me sick to my stomach and feel all down and like stuff is happening to me directly. I care too deeply for people, it's God's gift and it's his curse, but obviously he is trying to teach me a lesson. Care for deeply...but let no man steal your joy....!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
It's been awhile!!!
I know it's been months and no things have not slowed down but my emotions have risen...LOL I was inspired to day to start blogging again, I just read a friends blog about her beautiful son who has down syndrome , and wow it puts things in perspective. You need to check it out what a blessing it was
And I will read back for a bit on all the blogs I've missed ( maybe not all) and will update everyone on life...but not is family night!! With homemade pizza to boot! We always have so much fun making homemade Pizza!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Simply put
So Selah and I spent the day together on Saturday, just the two of us! I love her she is amazing, so we are sitting there and she says,
"Mommy the guy from Hannah Montana had cancer but now he doesn't"
I said "Oh really wow that's cool, he had it and now he doesnt huh?"
"Yeah and I've seen every episode of hannah montana and he never says OMG (meaning oh my God cause we don't say that) (and every episode, yeah right)
"And how does that have to do with it?"
"Because I think he's a Christian"
It was so amazing to me how she notices things in people at 7 years old, something like that, the morals of people that we are different and thank God she sees the difference in Christians. It was pretty amazing, my little girl is really growing up!
Also the other night in the car when she was tired and emotional she said, " I'm so glad that God healed Aslan, because I just love him so much and I'm glad he's here with me, I don't know what I'd do without him" she said with tears running down her face. She is so dramatic but feels very deeply, such a sweet girl!
"Mommy the guy from Hannah Montana had cancer but now he doesn't"
I said "Oh really wow that's cool, he had it and now he doesnt huh?"
"Yeah and I've seen every episode of hannah montana and he never says OMG (meaning oh my God cause we don't say that) (and every episode, yeah right)
"And how does that have to do with it?"
"Because I think he's a Christian"
It was so amazing to me how she notices things in people at 7 years old, something like that, the morals of people that we are different and thank God she sees the difference in Christians. It was pretty amazing, my little girl is really growing up!
Also the other night in the car when she was tired and emotional she said, " I'm so glad that God healed Aslan, because I just love him so much and I'm glad he's here with me, I don't know what I'd do without him" she said with tears running down her face. She is so dramatic but feels very deeply, such a sweet girl!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I dont' want an add in your directory!
So it feels like everyday I get a call here at work about this. They say they are just "updating" information on your business, then somehow they try to get you convinced that you agreed to sign up for another year and that you owe them 400 (they don't tell you that part on the phone of course that comes with the bill) . The first call, I almost fell for it, then when they said they were transferring me to someone to confirm I was like hold up I'm not agreeing to anything. That is when they pull the whole, this is for the previous year.
So I said all that to say , I got in a heated argument with one of these people on the phone. I was so mad, she was rude said we made a verbal contract last year, when I know that Lisa didn't so I told her I wanted a copy of it, and she was like blah blah really rude! So I asked to talked to her supervisor and she said conviently that he was not there. Ok yeah right, your the boss? right... so anyway...when I want to I can be very "firm" with my words. Years ago I used to have a point where I would just see red and go off on someone, and I haven't done this for a very long time, I have controlled these "going off" spells. (only certain people could trigger them) anyway this lady almost had me back in that place. Our words were heated for sure, but I kept my cool and was very firm and finally instead of arguing I said I will call back and talk to your supervisor, goodbye click.
It's just funny how the saying is so true, "Your old man is never so dead that he can't be resurrected because boy is that true, and I have to remind myself of that everyday when the devil tries to throw stuff at me, that way I keep on my toes.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Vertex and Vertice's
Suppose you have a shape with 10 sides. Choose a vertex then draw lines to the other vertices's , how many vertices's do you have?
Ok that was a question on my 2nd graders homework. Wow it was crazy to me, I don't really remember all those terms it's been awhile. But the funny thing is I googled it to see what the answer was to make sure that I didn't misdirect her, and even on yahoo answers it was a very confusing explanation. I mean I get it, but still, Second grade? Am I crazy (don't answer if you home school because you already know this LOL)
The following were the answers:
Answer 1-the lines you are referring to are called Diagonals. Since you cannot draw a line between a vertex and it's two adjacent vertices's then the maximum number of diagonals that can come out from any vertex is 7. And also, since the vertex in question and it's two adjacent vertices's are out of the rule, then you may be able to start counting diagonals after these three points are discarded. (10-3)=7. However , if you assumed that all remaining vertices's would produce 7 different diagonals you would be double counting so what you must do is "discount" the diagonals that are already "shared" . Thus, the first vertex would have 7 diagonals, but the next one, would have only 6 different ones (as it shares one with the first one) So at the end
7+6+5+4+3+2+1= 28 different diagonals on a 10 sided shape.
Perfectly clear isn't it.
Answer #2
You can't draw a line to itself or either of the adjacent vertice's, but you can to any other vertex. thus, there are exactly 3 you cannot draw a line to. Note that you are drawing all the diagonals from one vertex The number is 10-3=7
A little more clear, but crystal clear to a 7 year old mind right?
By the way how do you paste onto this box, I couldn't paste that stuff I had to type it.
Ok that was a question on my 2nd graders homework. Wow it was crazy to me, I don't really remember all those terms it's been awhile. But the funny thing is I googled it to see what the answer was to make sure that I didn't misdirect her, and even on yahoo answers it was a very confusing explanation. I mean I get it, but still, Second grade? Am I crazy (don't answer if you home school because you already know this LOL)
The following were the answers:
Answer 1-the lines you are referring to are called Diagonals. Since you cannot draw a line between a vertex and it's two adjacent vertices's then the maximum number of diagonals that can come out from any vertex is 7. And also, since the vertex in question and it's two adjacent vertices's are out of the rule, then you may be able to start counting diagonals after these three points are discarded. (10-3)=7. However , if you assumed that all remaining vertices's would produce 7 different diagonals you would be double counting so what you must do is "discount" the diagonals that are already "shared" . Thus, the first vertex would have 7 diagonals, but the next one, would have only 6 different ones (as it shares one with the first one) So at the end
7+6+5+4+3+2+1= 28 different diagonals on a 10 sided shape.
Perfectly clear isn't it.
Answer #2
You can't draw a line to itself or either of the adjacent vertice's, but you can to any other vertex. thus, there are exactly 3 you cannot draw a line to. Note that you are drawing all the diagonals from one vertex The number is 10-3=7
A little more clear, but crystal clear to a 7 year old mind right?
By the way how do you paste onto this box, I couldn't paste that stuff I had to type it.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Let no man steal your joy
You know I've heard that term many times in the past , always thinking it was referring to conflict etc. But a few weeks ago Pastor Joey used the term when he was talking about people you are concerned about, people you care for etc. It has haunted me since then. I am such an emphathetic person, I feel others pain really deeply and more times than not I let it bring me down. So for the past few weeks I have been saying it over and over in my head, " Let no man steal your joy"
Enter into the scene, someone you love dearly and have tried for quite some time to help through a struggle with sin in their lives, and for quite some time this person has done really well, until last weekend when this person blew it big time. Enter now my emotion of the situation, my heart breaking for this person, because they feel so bad and so condemned. I assured them that there is no condemnation through Christ and we just have to pick up the pieces and move on.
But all day yesterday I fought hard to "let no man steal my joy" God truly prepared me for the situation a few weeks ago but I can't say I passed with flying colors, it came after an exhausting weekend and some physical stuff going on with me, so my guard wasn't completley up.
I don't know if anyone is like me that when your trying to help someone through tough times and they blow it, a part (sometimes a big part) of you feels like you failed them. I know I'm very hard on myself, that is what the devil was speaking to me, all day long, " you failed, you should've done this different or this different" At some points I was really doubting the effectivness of my ministry (stupid devil) But I fought through it, we had an amazing day at church yesterday, which kept me in the right frame of mind, and when it tried to hit me again today I just kept rebuking and repeating the word
I don't think anyone still reads this blog, but if you do maybe it's for you that I shared something so personal, but it's also for me, to speak the truth of God's word , to shove it in the devil's face!
And the person and I are wiping off her knees and starting over, not from square one but getting back on the path, think about the fact also that she didn't have to tell me yet she did, that is a big step, and she knows that God is with her every step of the way, and I'll be there to hold her hand
Enter into the scene, someone you love dearly and have tried for quite some time to help through a struggle with sin in their lives, and for quite some time this person has done really well, until last weekend when this person blew it big time. Enter now my emotion of the situation, my heart breaking for this person, because they feel so bad and so condemned. I assured them that there is no condemnation through Christ and we just have to pick up the pieces and move on.
But all day yesterday I fought hard to "let no man steal my joy" God truly prepared me for the situation a few weeks ago but I can't say I passed with flying colors, it came after an exhausting weekend and some physical stuff going on with me, so my guard wasn't completley up.
I don't know if anyone is like me that when your trying to help someone through tough times and they blow it, a part (sometimes a big part) of you feels like you failed them. I know I'm very hard on myself, that is what the devil was speaking to me, all day long, " you failed, you should've done this different or this different" At some points I was really doubting the effectivness of my ministry (stupid devil) But I fought through it, we had an amazing day at church yesterday, which kept me in the right frame of mind, and when it tried to hit me again today I just kept rebuking and repeating the word
I don't think anyone still reads this blog, but if you do maybe it's for you that I shared something so personal, but it's also for me, to speak the truth of God's word , to shove it in the devil's face!
And the person and I are wiping off her knees and starting over, not from square one but getting back on the path, think about the fact also that she didn't have to tell me yet she did, that is a big step, and she knows that God is with her every step of the way, and I'll be there to hold her hand
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Hello darling..
Hello great world of bloggers , we must all be busy not many posts! Just thought I should check in, such a busy time right now, but well worth it and we are very very happy. God works in such ways that go beyond our wildest dreams, and although there are many challenges here, specially with money LOL I wouldn't change it for the world.
Funny Selah Story
We were in the car the other night driving home form church just the two of us. I had bought a croissant early that day and it was on my lap and I was eating it. She was in the back seat and said, " I smell pastries" I almost choked, NOw i have an insanely good sense of smell, but didn't know Selah had inherited it. So I said , " Really?" that's all i said, a bit later she said it again, so I held back my laughter, then finally handed her a piece of it, she said "Thank you" with no surprise in her voice. Now I knew she couldn't have seen it so I asked her if she was surprised, she said, " No, I heard it in your voice when you said really that I was chewing" Which I knew was not obvious, so I said, " YOur such an observant girl just like your mommy, cause I am forever noticing clues to everything. She said, " Yes, yes I am " Maybe it's not funny to you guys but it was so funny to me!
Funny Selah Story
We were in the car the other night driving home form church just the two of us. I had bought a croissant early that day and it was on my lap and I was eating it. She was in the back seat and said, " I smell pastries" I almost choked, NOw i have an insanely good sense of smell, but didn't know Selah had inherited it. So I said , " Really?" that's all i said, a bit later she said it again, so I held back my laughter, then finally handed her a piece of it, she said "Thank you" with no surprise in her voice. Now I knew she couldn't have seen it so I asked her if she was surprised, she said, " No, I heard it in your voice when you said really that I was chewing" Which I knew was not obvious, so I said, " YOur such an observant girl just like your mommy, cause I am forever noticing clues to everything. She said, " Yes, yes I am " Maybe it's not funny to you guys but it was so funny to me!
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