Saturday, August 30, 2008

Everything comes full circle

More of Selah's photos

So tonight we were reading, me and the kids, ( the elusive husband was at work)

Selah brings out a book that Mana (bills grama) gave her. It was the books that were called ready set grow, they were a series of books from my childhood that talked about things like , getting along with your brothers and sisters, eating healthy , lying, etc. You may remember them, they were the ones that had drawings like cartoons that acted out the different scenarios, they showed the kids arguing and yelling in one cartoon and tears flowing in the next.

Anyway... Selah started to read it, and she starts pointing out the cartoon parts that she likes, which were exactly the parts I liked when I was a kid. This particular book was about fighting with your brother and sister and the reasons why we do it. It was some pretty deep stuff. We came upon reason #3 everyone wants to feel special- and it talked about all having special gifts, and talents even though they are different from others etc. So it asks questions at the end of the section and I said , " What makes you so special Selah?" and she said , "Because I'm the best at being Selah, and Aslan is special because he's really good at being Aslan!

Oh if we could all just know that, God created us to be the best us we can be, not someone else, I know we hear it all the time but oh if we could believe it

So Aslan brought out the book, (also one I read as a kid,) Called Mom and me, and read it to us. (this is the series where the little creature always has a grasshopper and spider or mouse on every page) I used to love these books as well , it's true everything comes full circle.

Friday, August 29, 2008

It's been a hard days night, and I've been working like a dog.

So yeah long long day, tough night here at the Hartman house. I think I have this guy that I'm married to, that's bald if I remember correctly and really handsome, but I don't really know because we hardly see each other anymore. lol His schedule came out for the next two weeks and it's hilarious he works on long 10 hour shifts and they happen to fall on all my days off! Too funny! At least we don't have to worry about childcare!

To every thing there is a season I know, and some seasons sure last a very long time it seems. Discouragement is a tough demon to fight sometimes but I remind myself , that God never leaves us or forsakes us, and he has ordered our steps, even if they are directly in the mudd and ruin your brand new shoes...(figuratively of course).

That's all i have in me tonight, except of course two ways in which my children our wonderful, last night during prayer time, Aslan asked us to pray for the poor(fresh in his mind thanks to Auntie Heather who showed them not everyone has the blessings we do), and Selah tonight, knowing i had a long day and bad night, (not sure how, but she just knows!) rubbed my feet for me, what sweet angels they are!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

"Mommy and Daddy, I'm never having a baby!"

More of Selah's pics-It's interesting what she chooses to take pics of!

So Selah walks in our room in a very serious way, "Mommy and Daddy, I need to tell you something, You will never be grandparents unless Aslan gets married" just stated matter of factly like there's no argument,

When we inquired as to why that is , she said quite sternly, " I am never having a baby,"

Once again through our chuckles, we ask why and she said, "Because it hurts!" Kids say the darndest things, how funny she is, but I will let her believe that up until she is married a few years then I will tell her of the beauty of an epideral, lol!

So it's interesting to me that this morning Joyce once again was talking about negativity and not speaking negitive about other people, which I usually do not have a problem with, however there are always exceptions, no one is perfect.

So I go to work and I know I've noticed this before, but some people that I work with are so so so so negative. . Now they all tease me because I see the best in people and always defend them, but today seemed like intensified I was just standing there amazed at how people can live their lives like that. I know our world is going to Hades in a hand basket but I can't help but believe (even in the worst of circumstances), that there is still good in people, and trying to see the positive first. Even a girl at work that not too long back tried to start 'high school drama' with me, for something that God as my witness that I was innocent of. I dealt with it correctly and even though she tried to smear my name, she realized that no one was believing her so she apologized, and I geniunely forgave her! Even her though I find myself really truly hoping the best for her, and feeling bad for her when times are rough, because after all I know that is what Jesus would do. I think we need to take ourselves out of the judgement seat sometimes and cop a squat on the mercy seat, there I don't think we can go wrong!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

4am comes early

More of Selah's photography

Yeah i gotta get up at 4am for the next two days to go to work and Saturday I don't have to get up at 4 .... I have to get up at 3am- Yeah that's right we have 'power hours' whoo hoo lucky me means i have to be there at 5am. Yeah I 'm not so much a morning person, mornings are tough for me... anyway. Today is a good day, my amazing friend Heidi got my hair done for me, (her daughter Brie does it, from a salon she is in now!) Yeah i needed it so bad, God is amazing cause it was not on the top of my priority list as far as budget goes, but for Bill and I's 12 year anniversary she wanted to do this for me! She doesn't read blogs, she doesn't really use the internet much but I still have to say she is amazing and such a blessing to me, I tried to turn her down but she insisted, so I guess since she twisted my arm.

So I have a little survey... What did you do for your last wedding anniversary? Im curious cause I was bummed we didn't do anything but a lot of people say they do nothing so I need some feedback on this, so use the little comment button and let me know.

Ok and Aslan has another wonderful day, he is remembering things like tonight he told me all the things he learned about the solar system, how the planets rotate and most important when I asked, "What did you learn today" he says, "Pluto is not a planet!" which is so funny considering it was when I was in school! Also in the after school program , Aslan got a "Caught you doing something good" which is a little award , we were so proud of him, and he was so proud of himself. And I was worried about school....pfffff.... silly me,

And one more thing.. today Joyce Meyer told me something amazing, ( yeah told me, that's how I see it) She said, "Stop being negative so God can bless you" so I am giving my house and all the other complaints to God, and hopefully you will hear no more about it! Thanks for reading everyone it means a lot to me!

I'll add another Selah photo everyday that I remember!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

"Mom let Jesus Drive"

Selah's photography skills
2nd day of school

So it so fun how kids have special talents and each one is amazing at something and the other something else. For instance Aslan is amazing at building Bionicles and lego star wars, as well as saying and doing things that have so much insight it amazes me! For instance on time I was driving and worrying about a lot of things and (Aslan was probably 6 at the time) and he said "Mom let Jesus drive, give him the wheel and give him control, he does a better job anyway" It was the most random thing but gave me so much comfort and peace it was amazing. And last night , it was a very tough night ministry wise, as it's been a tough season, and I was worrying etc and Aslan had his back to me in the living room and just said out of the blue," Mommy don't worry" and that was all, just like that, I had not done or said anything to make him think that I was worried in the least, and i just stood there mouth open going... what just happened. Through the mouth of babes....that statement sure doesn't lie, and thank you Jesus for a son who is sensitive to your voice or at the very least a vessel.

So Selah loves photography and singing and reading, her photography is very perceptive a lot of angles and great pictures I pick ed my favorite one as of late and posted it above, and I promise it was really hers. Selah also understands things that go way beyond her years. She will ask questions sometimes that are even a challenge for me to answer. She has an amazing memory too, you tell her something once and she never forgets, as well as having the type of photographic memory that I have , where she will remember details of a place we've been quite a bit later...little details...very cool.

I attached pictures of the second day of school, since we were so preoccupied on the first that we forgot to get pics! And by the way another great day , Aslan said he learned about the indian ocean and Selah about 'peanut science'!
Everyone have a blessed day and pay attention to the sometimes 'little' voice of God

Monday, August 25, 2008

School's in and it's still summer here in Cali

So school was today! Yay! Aslan and Selah's rooms were right next to each other room 5 and room 6! We met Selah's teacher first she is young and sweet and seems like she is great.
Then we met Aslan's teacher........................... As we were walking down the hall to his class there are posters on the wall saying'Welcome to super room 6, and was signed by previous students with little comments about what you will get to do in 'super room 6', So we were off to a great start. Then on the door is a big sign that says, "Welcome to Super Room 6's space camp" and as you enter there is an astronaut on the wall! Whoo hooo I like this class already! So Aslan walks up like a perfect gentlemen and introduces himself to the teacher and shakes her hand. She is a very nice teacher it seems, and when we picked them up , we asked their favorite thing about the day , Aslan's answer was "my teacher". So thank you Jesus for great teachers, and Selah's answer was 'Everything' and telling her story of her Colorado vacation, (which her teacher said she talked in depth about) Also they both did science projects already today! Wow!
So thank you Jesus for amazing teachers and a great first day, when I asked the teacher how he did she said, "we are going to work on raising our hand, but he did great!" Last year we never got just one behavioral issue
Yeah for progress! God is good! Thanks for your prayers sis, it helped a lot!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Enjoyable Insanity

So Saturday I had the whole day off, which hardly ever happens, and so Selah, mom and I decided to go to yard sales! We had a blast found some great deals, came home exhausted, all that fun stuff. Then the some of our closest friends the Partlow's called and we all decided they were going to come up and stay the night with their two kids. So... the house wasn't a mess but it needed a good solid hour of cleaning. Bill was sleeping, since he had to work last night, so it was just lil ol me, no big deal got it done, and it was so worth it cause we love having the Partlows over!
So Bill came home at 6:30 and slept til what I thought was 8:30, come to find out it was in fact 9:30, and by the time i realized it it was 9:45 actually, now i had to get two kids up, one showered, myself showered , fed etc. and I have to be on stage by 10:30 , yeah mothers are pretty good at pulling off the impossible. But since we had both kids birthdays today I was hoping that I could do my hair fix myself up etc. so I would look nice, hmmmmm ....yeah not so much, I went to church with the wet head look, and very natural look for makeup , oh well! God still showed up believe it or not! And Jaime ended up serving cereal and fixing Selah's hair, (cause she is the greatest).
After church we had the party , the kids got some great fun stuff, and we all ate my dads amazing spaghetti! I love my parents so much, they worked so hard on this meal and I can never tell them thank you enough!
I think this blog may end up longer than blogs should be but stay with me it gets better!lol
We had some friends(Adam and Cora ) we hadn't seen in a few years come a little late to the party...( a little late being after we had cleaned up and gone home hehe) but that was actually cool because we got to sit and spend time with them one on one and we had a great time, they are amazing people, I think Cora is one of the sweetest people ever! So we got to hang out with them (eat spaghetti again ), the spaghetti was just as good the second time around! So they left at like 8pm. Shortly after I realized tomorrow is the first day of school!
So..... I had went to get the kids clothes and supplies ready and I had a little bit of freak out moments, feeling unprepared , thinking it was because Aslan didn't have 'new clothes' to wear. Or they didn't have the right school supplies and I just started making myself sick, all the while I was like, what am I doing or thinking. Then it occurred to me what was going on. I am thinking about the first day of school for Aslan, worrying instead of praying. So after Bill got really frustrated with me, I told him what I was feeling and he of course at the moment didn't' understand. So I decided I had to go to the store anyway to get a few things we were missing, and I got in the car and put on a worship cd and prayed and prayed. I walked around walmart with peace, and came home in peace.
I don't know what tomorrow may hold for my little man, but God does and he has ordered his steps , and he has already picked out a friend , just for Aslan. He has a divine set-up in play. Sometimes it just takes me a bit longer to come around sometimes.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Wow , wonders never cease!

Hey hay maybe there will be readers to this silly little blog about a day in the life of the Hartman's. I like this outlet , getting out anything and everything!

So it's interesting to be a place like say....butte county fair.... wow is all you can really say about that! I feel blessed quite often that I have wonderful children and an amazing husband, but something like the fair puts things in perspective! The kids misbehaving cause the parents are too busy with their beers or their beau's. Or the parents straight up berating their kids in front of anyone within earshot ( within one mile radius) It 's really a sad state of affairs , and it just makes me all the more greatful that I have the most perfect family for me that anyone could ask for.

Which brings me to subject two, It was free to get into the fair for kids today 'yay' whoo hoooo
but of course it was highway robbery for adults to get in, not to mention the ride tickets were .95 cents a piece or $20 for an unlimted rides wristband. Considering that most of the rides were 5 tickets, the wristband seemed the most logical option however after 2 rides Aslan got so sick that I had to take him around the corner to gramas house to chill while Selah and Bill continued at the fair ( thanks grama for the cereal hehe!) .
So fellow mothers how hard is it for you guys to see your kids struggle? Aslan was on a climbing ride, one of those punching bag, climbing rope bridge slide thing, and he was having a really tough time, it's so hard for me as a mother to see him struggle. He was in physical therapy until we lost Kaiser insurance and I am looking to get him back into it with the new insurance, but first we must go through all the red tape, these doc's know nothing about his history so it will be interesting to see.
So if you think of it, say a little prayer for my little man, who is so strong because even when he struggles he still is the sweetest kindest boy on the planet. I just pray at school he will find friends who see that in him... wow where did that come from... I kinda like this blogging thing although i now have little tears in my tired eyes

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Another day another de bloom

So , my first blog, Heather said I should and I have been thinking about it for awhile so here goes, don't know who will read it but maybe Heather lol.

I went to the doctor yesterday and he gave me Lyrica for my fibromyalgia, studies say it works in a lot of peeps i really hope i am one of those people. It would be amazing if that was true..

We are celebrating the kids bday's on Sunday with a combined party, papa is making spaghetti so the kids should have a blast, then they start school Monday
Im excited for them , I hope though Aslan gets a good teacher who appreciates the little man he is , not like last years teacher. I am trying not to say "I worry" because that's in God's hands nothing I could do about it even if I wanted to.

oh to when the days were easier.....


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