Sunday, November 30, 2008

Goodbye's are never easy.....but "God told us to!"

Well I think I'm out of tears...literally...emotionally exhausted ...but in a peaceful joyful way. Today was so hard. Saying goodbye to people who are family, who have embraced us,
and loved us for 5 1/2 years, and the best pastor we have ever had...not an easy day. It was my last day leading worship for our church and I could hardly get through each song, due to all the memories flooding back, and all good memories.When you leave somewhere in peace all you remember is the good! Pastor honored us today in so many many ways. The church honored us today, and there was so much love all around. People are truly excited for us and we are truly blessed to have known all of these wonderful people, and we can't wait to see what God does here in Gridley, because I know He is getting ready to do some great stuff.
Even though there is great sadness in our home (kids too) there is much anticipation for the new chapter. I have so much faith, like never before because God has worked every detail of this move out more than I've ever seen happen before, it's amazing, I know I've talked about it but wow! So here starts a new chapter in our lives...I know God has amazing things in
store for us, "Though the vision tarry....wait for it"
Today at lunch when Bill's grama (mana) asked Aslan
"So Aslan what do you think about moving to Stockton?"
Aslan said matter of factly , "Well God told us to" and went back to eating his food. It was so special and priceless, not only does Aslan have such a sweet spirit , but an understanding
of spiritual things, he is so very amazing ( of course I know I'm biased but oh well!)
So now comes a week of a lot of packing and a lot of moving, I wish I could skip over this part but , it is a neccessary evil, lol So I will try to blog this week , by the way do you know if you subscribe to blogs, when they post it shows up on the dashboard so you can know who posted since the last time you were on. It's kinda cool!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Is it over or has it just begun??

So Black Friday was long and exhausting but it went very quickly.
I got to bed around 7:30pm woke up at 11pm couldn't get back to sleep,
but laid there until 1am when the alarm went off, got to work at 2:30am
and then worked until 2:30pm. On my end of things it went very smooth,
I did my job so well that it went off with out a hitch,
(my store manager told me so!) It still amazes me though how people
will fight (literally fight) through those lines to save 10 dollars or so .
Literally a few girls in the line about an hour , had two toys, they retailed
at about 10 dollars and they were on sale for 3.99 each , and thats all they
bought. A line that long for that!!! I can almost understand the blenders the
microwaves, the pots and pans cause you save a lot , but two little toys, wow.
I think for some people it's nostalgia, they just like the rush of it all. Most
people were being civil human beings which was nice, but there are always
those exceptions. When we opened the doors at 4am the line went all the way
around the building outside and we had over 500 people walk in the door I was in
utter shock!! Anyway though today I got up at 4am got there at 6am and it was the
opposite, it got busier later but Im super exhausted, and I have to pack and move
on Friday!!
So I'm not at all sad about that, even though I couldn't do the walkthrough
with Bill today, the kids love the house and the back yard and their rooms,
and Bill loves it too of course, We just need to get some Big area rugs
(since it's all tile) So if anyone just happens to have some of those laying
around let me know (lol) I will post some pics of the inside of the house tommorrow
but if you want to read a tear jerker concerning "the hartman's journey"
check out my mom's blog , it's an honor to us and a tear jerker for sure! I have the best mom!

Friday, November 28, 2008

I stand in Awe of God...

Wow.... pretty much sums it and wow.

We got the beautiful home with all the things
we could ever imagine wanting, and we sign the lease tomorrow.
God is so good, a few weeks ago when all this happened
I never would have imagined that every step would be so clear and easy.
A few weeks ago we didn't know how we would get the deposit,
where we would live, or work, etc. but now it's all fallen into place,
( the only detail left is the perfect job for Bill) I have been told that
I am pretty much getting the perfect job, monday through Friday,
evening weekends and holidays off, and a constant hands on ministry
( I will tell you more when I get the for sure for sure from my new boss's)
As tears fill my eyes for the hundreth time today, and I pinch myself not
believing it could all be this smooth, and the fact that the plans we
had for a house , God was like oh no I have something better,
every detail you wanted that you didn't even think to ask,
a great neighborhood and a great school district, wow and wow.
I had an amazing lunch with my current Pastor's wife the other day and
That was another awe situation, she was so supportive and excited for us
She said we have so many giftings, and talents that she can't wait to see how
God uses them. We wept together and bonded like we hadn't done in awhile .
It could not have gone better. God you are so very very good, and you do
order the steps of a righteous man
So maybe this will encourage someone today, you feel like your in a desert or in
the fire, take heart, stay faithful, and trust in God and he will bless you , "above what
you could ask or think, pressed down , shaken together and running over."

Thank you Jesus!

(By the way these are the kids new haircuts)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thankful Day

So I figured I should post now because I am going to try my best to
go to bed by 7pm, since I have to get up at 1am to get ready for work,
Yes I said 1am, I have to be at Kohls' (30 minutes away) at 2:45am.
In-stinkin-sane I know. But anyway I am thankful for my job,
I got a text from someone I've been ministering to at work,
a college kid who needed encouragement and he said he was
thankful for me, for caring and helping, it touched me, cause
to me it's just how I roll, I listen I help when I can and I
encourage, but it meant a lot to him and that feels good.
God has given me such vast opportunities to minister in my job ,
I will truly miss that, but I know I will have even more
in the future!
So Jen asked what people were thankful for in her blog
and this was my response, (forgive the copy and paste but I didn't
want to have to type again!
I am so very thankful for so many many things, I too had a very tough
childhood and very often I sit and say, Wow God I don't deserve all of
this, all these blessings and the perfect family, etc. I'm so grateful that
even when I've questioned the call or felt like giving up , God has held
me right there on the edge not letting me fall over. I'm thankful that
he has sustained the house we are living in and thankful that he has
something better for us. I thank God that he has given us the opportunity
to open a new chapter in our lives, with people we love more than they will
ever know. The people who , when we were going through our hardest stage
of ministry took the time to send us a card saying they believed in us, and
who would've that that the bond that begin there would end up here. I'm
so so thankful, for the opportunity he has given me to minister at my work
and to truely touch lives there, and now a greater opportunity in my job to
touch even more lives. I'm thankful most of all that no matter what the future
holds for us that we are in God's hands and nothing will change that!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

If what you think you want to work out doesn't...

I tell young people all the time, if what you think you really really want to
work out doesn't , there is a reason for it and God has something better for you.
So it happened that way today. Now I admit when the landlord from Hacienda court
called us to say that he decided to go with an older retired couple with no pets, my
heart sank, I was at work and I'm not gonna lie, I kinda felt the wind knocked
out of me a bit. I know I seem extra anxious, but if you only knew the extent of where
we live at this time and I really want to get settled to decorate for Christmas,
and convince the kids that a new house is all the gift they need from us etc. etc.
Anyway, so I got home and resumed my search for the perfect house.
Well when we visited Stockton awhile back we drove
through this area called Weston Ranch, it is really really nice, and there
schools are highly rated , it's a bit further from the church than we want but a really
it appealed to us. Anyway we called on it and left a message not expecting to
hear back from the guy right away, well he called
us right back and he and Bill really hit it off, and etc. so he sent u s pics of the inside
and my mouth hit the floor, these are recent pics he just took, and so we sent off our
application, and Bill is going to go see it Saturday, the guy said if our info checks out
then the house is ours, so pray that he gets all the info he needs and if this is God's
will that it will all work out, it is beautiful as you can see but I only want God's will!
But in case God wants my opinion, those granite countertops, tile floor and
walk in closet in the bedroom are looking pretty

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Emotional day....

Alas, a very emotional day. Next Sunday is our last Sunday
at our church. Bill is preaching , and we are leaving on the best of
terms, but it's still very hard. They are our family, and of course ,
there is my real family, it's not easy. But I do know God is up to
something big, even Bill's grama came down today and said some
surprising things about this move, I thought she would be negative
about it , but she wasn't at all, she was very encouraging , so it was
good. Now more of the unknown, not my personality to leap so far with
so few guarentee's but that is where God always comes in, when we get
to the end of ourselves and our ability to control situations is when he
does his best work. So keep us in your prayers, perfect job for Bill,
perfect home(hopefully on Hacienda court lol) etc. I had an interview
for the most perfect job the other day , I feel good about it, and I really
pray I will get it. So I can't wait to share all the miracles with you as
they come! Thanks for all your support, you guys are the best!!!

What a day...

Well aunt Faith is here with here two kids Allie and Tyler, they usually stay
with us but I feel so bad cause this time they can't , for so many reasons, first one
being we had not two but three boys sleeping here last night, and we are packing,
and we are down one room. So thank God my Parents had a place for them, we stayed
up late talking which was good, it's always good when she comes, we have great talks
and great fun. We had a very long day and I'm exhausted, then I came home and
packed a bit cause we still have quite a bit to do and it's easier to tackle it in little bits
at this point, and now it's 12:15 am and we have church tomorrow so it's night night
time for me!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Believe with us!

This is the one we want! It has the seal of approval of Pastor (bishop rofl)
Joey Steelman, and most important Jen Steelman. So believe with us, the landlord
said we were at the top of the list, so here's to the perfect house. Check it out!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Just another miracle...

Well last night I found out that the two houses I really really liked, from the same
owner, we got approved for. They are in a great neighborhood by a golf course
(not that I play golf, although I can aim for the little windmills pretty good).
It's near a few elementary schools , that are well rated. So we are on our way!
We are going there tommorrow to choose our home. So pray for us, the deposit is
covered, but we need all the moving costs which I'm not worried about I just want to
get in there soon, so we can decorate for Christmas and get settled to start this new
chapter in our lives!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

There's always lumps..but sometimes it adds to the flavor

Even in the best of plans and scenarios I guess you gotta take a few lumps.
I called home tonight and Selah was bawling her eyes out, she said she just missed
me so so so much, and I know that is true because I 've closed for a few nights in
a row, (which is why I woke her up early to lay with me this morning before school),
but she was just inconsolable tonight. She is having the hardest time with the move,
she has lots of friends she is going to miss,and her teacher etc. It ripped my heart out
tonight, but I know God's got her in his hands and I will just pray for a better schedule
so I can be there to distract her lots til she can make new friends which she totally will,
but please pray for my princess, that she will make friends quickly and will not have as
hard of a time.
But if those are all the lumps then we are on a good God road, we get to see
two houses on Friday and we have a good feeling about one of them in particular,
I've been in communication with the guy quite a bit, so please pray for us in this situation,
It's a nice house in a great neighborhood. I'm so very excited at the possibility!
God is so good!
Oh and one more thing, I have two possibilities for jobs already, my position in Stockton
will be open in January which is exactly when I am quitting my store, kinda odd, but I
also have another possibility to look into so things are good. Let's now pray for Bill's
perfect job, cause anyone would be lucky to have him!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Where God Guides....He Provides...

I can't stinkin believe it, I'm in total shock right now.
It's taken me two days to be able to blog, and I'm still in utter shock and awe of God.
So last post we were talking about house vs. Apartment, well as it turns out having a
dog and an apartment isn't the greatest mix although we have two options, funny
thing is they are the same price as houses, which we have two solid options on those
as well, so it's a little crazy how this has all progressed, in a way that can only be God.
We told the church on Sunday and it was amazing, they gave us a standing ovation which reduced me to hysterical bawling, what a honor it has been to serve this church and this
man of God, who I know they are going toward bigger and better things. So Sunday on
my way to work I am on the phone (don't worry I used my headset..being a good girl for
CA law) and telling her about everything all the exciting stuff, and she has walked with
me through all the struggles of late so I don't have to tell her my fears of getting a deposit
etc. So we hang up. She calls back five minutes later and informs me that her and her
husband want to pay our deposit, not lend or loan but pay......I stood there in shock,
" Come again...what are you saying to me?" She said they believe in us so much and
(by the way her daughters got saved in our youth ministry) that they didn't want us
to have to worry about it." Wow guys that can only be God... there is no other way
around that, Where God guides he provides....Im still in shock and awe.....

So this morning as I'm trying to not step on one college age kid on my floor and not
to wake the teenage boy on my couch, and after Going to Walmart at 11pm last night
to get milk , yet again for these milk lovin' boys, I felt like God said to me...I want you
to have a house....pure and simple. Now I am pretty sure it was God, although I ate late
last night it could have been indigestion lol... but we will see, cause even though utilities
will be more in a house , I believe God will provide, but we will still check out the two
possibilities that accept pets and are decent, just so we can follow the peace. Gotta go
now or I will be late for work....!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


So everyone needs to read Bill's blog , he is all sad because, "No One reads my blog"
yada yada it's hamboneflippy.blogspot anywho, things around here are moving right
along. We have one house that is a real possibility, or we just have decided to look at
apartments, which are actually about the same price but , with utilities included they
can be much cheaper, plus you get the pool , fitness center , etc. etc. So we are going to
go down Friday to check some stuff out. There are some really nice apartments that are
1500 a month, you can get a 4/2 nice house for that much, So we are looking at the middle
of the line ones, they seem nice but we will have to see. What do you all think? Should we
just go the apartment route, to make it easy and be done with it, give us a year to find a
house, although the one house that is a possibility is nice, in a beautiful court, where there
is no through street at all near it, it is a turn off a road with lots of courts and no through
street which is nice. So I think we will look at it as well, we still aren't quite sure where
people get deposit's from, rofl, that's a lot of scrilla, which we may have had if Bill wasn't
off work for so many months. Oh well it will happen.

So in other news , my sister posted about Black Friday, and whether you should
all go shopping and spend your money, this was my response.
"From a retail manager who has to be in my store at 2:30am on Black Friday,
(which for me since I live half hour away it means getting 'up ' at 12:30am,
hmmmm getting up?) and working a minumum 12 hour shift , but it will probably be
like 16 hours, means you all will be crazy spending money and fighting over things and
I will be making bank, and calming you down,while I tell you Im sorry there is no way
I can just pull that item , or an extra cart out of my behind, if I could I would , but I
just can't!, Thank you , have a nice day and "expect great things"

Thursday, November 13, 2008

My little evangelist...

So tonight at dinner we were talking to the kids , as always, and they were being amazing as ever, (after the stint in the store where they were both being the opposite of angels for some reason, maybe because they are kids lol) anywho Aslan said out of the blue, Beer is bad it has drugs in it... and people drink it all the time at parties and stuff. " So we asked, " Well Aslan where did you hear that, and it 's not drugs it's just alcohol, " and he said, he had heard it different places, etc. and almost none of the kids at Wilson school love Jesus, but at least my teachers do, " he said. " How do you know? " Because I ask them , "Do you love Jesus", he is such a little evangelist , he always says things like that and is concerned with people's salvation, and people saying "OMG" he considers that a cuss word which we have told him shows disrespect to God. But anyway we then had a blast telling silly stories , the ones we grew up with and stuff, too funny.

So today was exhausting but it was fun, we felt the feel of Stockton, got familar with some areas and found a few possibilities for houses, it was a good day , Stockton is so much more intricate then anyone would think from first glance, the church is beautiful and has so much potential it's amazing! It's tough when I think about coming up with the deposit and jobs but when God guides God provides. So keep praying for us and guidance and now I'm off to snag a job and google. lol Love you all!

Doors part 2

So tommorrow we are going to test a not really it's a pretty amazing opportunity for us, and nothing we planned or even saw coming, yet the most amazing opportunity we could have asked pray for us, it's going to require a few miracles but God is in that

funny story of the day: Aslan loves to talk with his hands, he comes by it honestly, since if I sit on my hands I'm silent because I forget how to utter words. So he is describing something tonight and he is counting on his fingers and for some reason he always uses the middle first, so he is sitting on one forever just flipping us all off, not of course realizing what he is doing he is just trying to remember his number two point , /bill and I turn our heads and are cracking up, cause it's just so innocent, he's so amazing an cute and innocent, I wouldn't change that about him for the world....our little zilla gorilla....

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Does this count?

I hope this counts , in the challenge I accepted to blog everyday from my sis. I didn't get to yesterday, work was insane with Mervyns closing we have even more customers than before, then dinner with the best family ever , then some "im "conversations and some googling (lol some people know what I mean) Now I am off to go back to the rat race, although I love this season for so many reasons , the fact that it's so busy makes the days go by so so fast. Not to mention the fact that our future is filled with even more hope than ever, God 's got some plans for us I just know it, now I'm just waiting for it to all fall into place cause I know it will! Oh and I'll blog again tonight just to make sure!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Mommy, no more buying stuff .....

So we have told the kids recently that we will be moving, We told them that we weren't sure where yet but that we would be leaving this house. Selah has been saying things for awhile about wanting a different house, and now she cannot sleep in her room because of the moisture against one wall in her room, reaking havoc. I hope when I talk about these things people don't think we are lousy housekeepers, cause the ones who know me know I am a clean person, I actually get a little crazy about messes. But the things I'm mentioning are the things beyond our control. Anyway so Selah and I were hanging out yesterday and she said, "Mommy , No more buying stuff, it takes a lot of money to buy a new house, maybe like 1,000 dollars and we have to save." Mind you I am aware of the cost of things, I had not bought anything recently to bring this conversation on, just little Selah putting in her two cents.She is too funny she is always acting like a grown up in certain situations, and then like a wonderful 7 year old in other situations it's great!
Last night she came into my room and I was reading the bible, I was feeling an attack from the enemy,( he was trying to make me go back to the 'worry wart ' personality I tend to cling to at times),So I was doing my little 'trick' of asking God to show me the scripture that I needed to hear, so I had this bible, one I don't usually use, it's not broken in, and I kept turning to Job. hmmmm not exactly the answer I wanted, "God why have you deserted me, left me in this" ok so I am convinced at this point it's just the way that bible falls , or else I'm in big trouble lol . So I get my John Maxwell leadership bible, which I adore , and I open it straight to, my favorite scripture of all time, Jeremiah 29:11, " For I know the thoughts I think toward you says the Lord, Plans to prosper you not to harm you, and plans to give you a future of hope" Wow that was so amazing, it's like in one minute I was transformed, from my old man creeping out trying to rear it's nasty ol head, to a peace like a river, There is so much power in the word of God! So back to Selah she comes in and I told her what I was doing so she wanted to join me, and she started opening the bible and reading out of it, the first scripture was in numbers where ashem begot adem begot shessalameccela jones etc. etc. So she said that is just a warm up I guess, then as she turned to the next and the next it was all so pertinent, one even going as far as to state, 'Pack up your belongings and leave this place' kinda odd. Then she sat on my lap and we watched Ed Young together and fell asleep. I would rather be with my family than anyone in this whole world, I have the greatest kids and family on the planet and I thank God so much for them, let's not neglect these moments with our kids, they can be a time where God chooses to speak very clearly to us, or our kids decide to reprimand us about spending money, either way they are precious!

Saturday, November 8, 2008


So yesterday's post the word i made up didn't work, not one hit on google or yahoo, not sure why, I wonder what it takes to get on google or yahoo, too funny, then I tried googling my name, and my maiden name , it turns out there is a Charity Hartman who graduated one year before me in Iowa, even though my name then was Pitts it's rather interesting. But a bit disturbing was in fact the people finder thing that said there was a Charity Hartman living in Gridley and if I paid I could find out more.... a little unnerving actually but luckily God has our protection in his hands.
Speaking of God's hands, we are always in his, recently God has done some big things in Bill and I's heart. To start at the beginning of the beginning, we have been in Gridley for 5 1/2 years and we love it here, our pastor is like a father to us, and our church is our extended family, which those things will never change. I know your waiting for the but... there is always a but... in a blog like this, you know what they say about but's lol...anyway I digress.... So in the last year our house has gotten really bad as far as the natural side of things breaking, leaks, holes, dry rot, not fun stuff at all. We have put band-aids on all these things, but in the last six months they have gotten out of control, some conditions becoming unhealthy, so I have been very discouraged and frustrated. Honestly I haven't blamed anyone etc, it's just hard to live like this. I know Pastors desire is to fix it but the church finances don't allow that at this time. So here we are faced with a dilemma, we are constantly praying about it, and even with Bill and I working full time each we cannot quite afford to get a house on our own (specially one where our live in teenager Ryan can have some room) So as the scripture says, God will keep in perfect peace those who's eyes are set on him. We just have been waiting it out , seeing what God was gonna do. So Bill and I have been really praying for direction in our lives with where we should live etc. and neither of us are sure how it happened but we both have felt a release, like it's time for us to move on. In our natural minds we don't want to leave Gridley , we love our Pastor and our church, my family is here, the kids have friends etc. But in our hearts we see the doors in front of us including the door that is shutting. We don't understand why this is happening this way, but if you know us you know we are faithful people, we are not hireling's we have never gone anywhere or left anywhere for the money or power or position involved. But God has His plan and His way , and when you just have that peace that just 'knows' you can't fight it. So with sorrow but anticipation we have decided to move on. We have some doors open to us, but honestly we have no idea where we will go. (that's girl scout's honor God's honest truth) We have met with our Pastor and he has been so supportive of us and our decision, he is an amazing man of God. He knows we still believe in His vision and the vision of the church 100% and are so grateful for the opportunity he has given us, but we must follow the will of God in our lives. So please if you think of it, say a prayer for us, that the right doors will open and we will continually follow His will. Thank you all for your prayers and support!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Kings rule!

So I got to do an event tonight at the kings game! At half time we handed out shirts to the craziest hyper fan, then in third quarter to even crazier fans. It amazing how much people cheer for their favorite team. We have all heard it said that if we would just give an ounce of that devotion to God, what a difference we could make, and boy is that true! Or an ounce of the money people spend at these games, fries $6 water $4 beer 6 or 8 I'm not sure and yet so many people had so many of these things (especially beer and alcohol). If you look at it in that perspective , it's funny how much time and money we put into our hobbies, yet when it comes to the house of God, it is lacking. Intersting thought anyway.
But the game was fun, we were on camera a few times and I looked awful on camera, but oh well I'm not trying to get a movie career anytime soon. :)

I typed that cause I'm curious if I type that then google it will my blog come up, it's a burning question for me I'm so curious , I will let you know next time how that turns out.
Sorry my blogs have been so serious, it's a result of some major changes that require seeking God that much more in this season of our lives, but I promise I will try to be funny next time!

Ok that's odd I googled that word and there were a ton of hits, and I thought I made it up so I must try another hmmmm.....

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Jesus bless us indeed....

Jesus bless us indeed
Enlarge our territory
That your hand be upon us
And you would keep us from evil
Help us to have sweet and happy dreams
In Jesus name, Amen

YOu may recognize the pray of Jabez (except the last line we added ourselves, actually Selah made it up when she was 2 and half) Anyway we have prayed that prayer with our kids since before they could talk. Now it is said in our home , every single night without fail, If they are being watched by someone they pray it together, although that doesn't happen often. So this morning I was having my coffee and thinking about everything going on in my life right now, the way that God works, and I realize how God sets things up. I don't feel worthy of God's blessing in my life, I feel more worthy of the bad stuff that happens and Ithink that it is God punishing us for some unknown reason sometimes. Then my sane mind takes over and I realize everything is in a season, and God says if you are faithful with little he will give you much.
Sometimes he also closes one door and opens another, it's not for us to understand why, just to know that when God's in it he has every person involved in his hand, every situation that comes up. It's taken some serious faith to even explore any new doors lately, and a lot of prayer, but God pretty much has set up some "that's not odd it 's God" situations lately. I have more peace then I have had in months , even in the midst of the unknown, because there is a few things I know for sure and that is , My family's steps are ordered of God, God wants to bless us indeed, enlarge our territory, His hand will always be upon us and he will keep us from evil. Thank you Jesus.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Hand to the homeless, heart for the lost

My kids say all the time how they really want to help the homeless, I know they handed out sandwiches in Colorado when they went to visit there and we have taught them quite a few times how to react to homeless, we've showed them what it means to have compassion. So there isn't a lot of homeless people in Gridley for some odd reason but Friday night on the way to Sacramento there was a homeless guy with a sign , and we were able to give him a few dollars, actually Aslan was able to hand it to him, and it was the best thing in the world for him, better than any toy we could have given him. My kids have an honest heart for the homeless and I have always had one, that is why when all the homeless people were coming to our church I was so thrilled, then when they stopped coming I was upset, (but that is a whole other story). It is odd to me how some people can excuse their lack of compassion for the homeless by saying they deserve it, they've earned it etc. which may be true. But how many of us get what we deserve, are we without sin, do we deserve God's grace and mercy on our lives? I know I don't! I have been going through such a time lately of just feeling like I just want to be able to reach more , do more, etc. We were at a friends church last night, this church has numerous outreaches to the poor, and the pastor was talking about, the call, the harvest being plenty laborers are few and he said that the ambassador of Christ is 1.appointed and sent, 2.he travels light, (meaning to we own stuff or does stuff own us?) 3. Understands the urgency of his message. I think some times it is just too easy to keep on keeping on instead of really exploring what God may have for us, because time is short and the message is urgent, maybe we are being used but maybe God has even more if we just ask him, and if we ask , seek and knock He will answer and open the door.


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