Sunday, November 23, 2008

Emotional day....

Alas, a very emotional day. Next Sunday is our last Sunday
at our church. Bill is preaching , and we are leaving on the best of
terms, but it's still very hard. They are our family, and of course ,
there is my real family, it's not easy. But I do know God is up to
something big, even Bill's grama came down today and said some
surprising things about this move, I thought she would be negative
about it , but she wasn't at all, she was very encouraging , so it was
good. Now more of the unknown, not my personality to leap so far with
so few guarentee's but that is where God always comes in, when we get
to the end of ourselves and our ability to control situations is when he
does his best work. So keep us in your prayers, perfect job for Bill,
perfect home(hopefully on Hacienda court lol) etc. I had an interview
for the most perfect job the other day , I feel good about it, and I really
pray I will get it. So I can't wait to share all the miracles with you as
they come! Thanks for all your support, you guys are the best!!!


hambone flippy said...

I love Hunny, everything will work out...."all things work together".

Jennifer said...

In regards to how I got my blog that way, there is a little icon on the left corner about how to have a custom blog - click that!


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