Sunday, November 16, 2008


So everyone needs to read Bill's blog , he is all sad because, "No One reads my blog"
yada yada it's hamboneflippy.blogspot anywho, things around here are moving right
along. We have one house that is a real possibility, or we just have decided to look at
apartments, which are actually about the same price but , with utilities included they
can be much cheaper, plus you get the pool , fitness center , etc. etc. So we are going to
go down Friday to check some stuff out. There are some really nice apartments that are
1500 a month, you can get a 4/2 nice house for that much, So we are looking at the middle
of the line ones, they seem nice but we will have to see. What do you all think? Should we
just go the apartment route, to make it easy and be done with it, give us a year to find a
house, although the one house that is a possibility is nice, in a beautiful court, where there
is no through street at all near it, it is a turn off a road with lots of courts and no through
street which is nice. So I think we will look at it as well, we still aren't quite sure where
people get deposit's from, rofl, that's a lot of scrilla, which we may have had if Bill wasn't
off work for so many months. Oh well it will happen.

So in other news , my sister posted about Black Friday, and whether you should
all go shopping and spend your money, this was my response.
"From a retail manager who has to be in my store at 2:30am on Black Friday,
(which for me since I live half hour away it means getting 'up ' at 12:30am,
hmmmm getting up?) and working a minumum 12 hour shift , but it will probably be
like 16 hours, means you all will be crazy spending money and fighting over things and
I will be making bank, and calming you down,while I tell you Im sorry there is no way
I can just pull that item , or an extra cart out of my behind, if I could I would , but I
just can't!, Thank you , have a nice day and "expect great things"


`4GiVeN said...

come on I know you have an extra cart or two in there prolly a dress also. People read Bill's blog but he only posts once a month

Jennifer said...

I'm curious as to where the house is you are interested in? Email me the address will ya?

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