So I am challenging everyone who reads my blog to do this, it's not only fun but gives you insight into yourself and gives others insight to you. Lets get to know each other better!
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, challenge your friends to do this!
1. I was born at the same hospital as my mother by the same doctor, so I'm lucky to be
2. I would rather spend time with my family than anyone on the planet, they are my favorite people
3. I am way too hard on myself, all the time constantly way to hard on myself
4. I enjoy drawing and painting a lot, I just started a few years ago and rarely have time but I enjoy it
5. My husband is my best friend and sometimes I'm too hard on him, We have been through everything in this world together and I can't remember my life before him. He is also my hero and he truly cares deeply about people. There is no fake in him, what you see is what you get.
6. I love to blog, I love to read blogs (if they give insight into someones life not a soapbox)
7. Nothing is an off limit subject to me, I will talk about anything, and I mean anything which my include but is not limited to poop , etc. etc.
8.I look up to my sister Heahter, more than she will ever know she is such an amazing mother and a loyal friend to soo many many people. Also she is very talented. (Her face is on my right side in the people column which is what made me think of it)
9. I love working with young adults and youth, I can't imagine anything better in the whole world to do.
10. I almost gave up on ministry a few times last year, and was very discouraged
11. My family eats dinner at the dinner table every single night and talk about our day, and it's my favorite part of each day
12. We have family movie nights on Friday nights which the kids look forward too more than anything, not the movie but the time spent
13. I work for one of my hero's Donnie Moore ( I truly gave my life to Christ at one of his camps, and got called to ministry when he was speaking at a youth convention)
14.I don't like people to know if I'm sick or not feeling good ,or about my fibromyalgia so I don't tell many people what really goes on with my health, and only one person in the world knows it all
15. I'm happier than I have been in a very very long time, I love our church, city and house so very much, (and my job)
16. My love language is acts of service, (people showing they care by doing nice things for you) and gift giving, ( I love to give gifts)
17. I like things like this quiz to really get to know people , so I hope everyone does it!
18. I am insane about note taking, I take more notes than any human being I know. It's ridiculous actually, I'm so afraid of forgetting things that I like to write them down before they leave my head
19. I worry wayyyyy tooo much about things I cannot control, and care too much about what people think about me
20. I'm a very honest person with my feelings etc. I like to get it all out there in the open so there's no gossip and backbiting
21. I used to be confrontational in a bad way, I used to go off on people , then regret it greatly later:(
22. My dad is my hero, he took on 3 teenage girls and later an infant , when most men would have run away, plus he adores my mom and she adores him. They just fit so well together
23. I get stressed out royally if my house is dirty, I just can't stand it
24. I love fashion, clothes shoes accessories and I like it when people say I'm stylish
25. I get hurt deeply, I take things personally, and I harbor over negative words spoken to me or about me. I remember things that were said at a very young age all the way up to now. But I truly forgive very easily , like completley if someone is genuine!
Please do this , it's fun and therapeutic! I enjoyed doing it!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
What's in your backpack?
We had some great friends over to see the house tonight and to eat dinner and when we were talking it reminded me that I was going to blog about this story, I didn't forget I just haven't had time to write it out, and when I wasn't feeling good I didn't want to take the time as the computer was making me ill.
So Monday Selah and I stayed home sick. I made us lunch and we were sitting at the table eating and somehow we started talking about peer pressure, the rest of the conversation is as follows
(remember Selah is 7)
"mommy do you know what peer pressure is?"
"Yes Selah I do"
"Well , I used to have a lot of it in my backpack"
"Your backpack, really Selah, what do you mean"
"Well I had a lot of things like selfishness, disobedience, and peer pressure in my backpack but Sunday at church I gave them to God"
As I sat there stunned at a few things, 1. She learned this at kids church 2. She understood fully the concept 3. She is such an insightful girl
The conversation that followed was so amazing she told me how peer pressure worked and how it was hard sometimes, and I asked if she had ever given in, and she said things like yeah I played that even though I didn't want to etc. but not bad things. Then it opened the door for me to really talk to her about the fact that she can talk to me about anything , (which she said she already knew) and then she talked about the fact that sometimes even though we leave those things they like to sneak back in, so we have to empty our backpacks again..... Wow.... Wow ...
If we as adults could truly have the faith and understanding of a child, I think sometimes we makes things so complicated when God is saying, "Hey just give me your backpack, Let me take the weight for you , give it to me and I will replace it with joy and a new lightness.
Thank you Jesus that we don't have to do it alone.
In other news:
If you want a good laugh check out this you tube video
So Monday Selah and I stayed home sick. I made us lunch and we were sitting at the table eating and somehow we started talking about peer pressure, the rest of the conversation is as follows
(remember Selah is 7)
"mommy do you know what peer pressure is?"
"Yes Selah I do"
"Well , I used to have a lot of it in my backpack"
"Your backpack, really Selah, what do you mean"
"Well I had a lot of things like selfishness, disobedience, and peer pressure in my backpack but Sunday at church I gave them to God"
As I sat there stunned at a few things, 1. She learned this at kids church 2. She understood fully the concept 3. She is such an insightful girl
The conversation that followed was so amazing she told me how peer pressure worked and how it was hard sometimes, and I asked if she had ever given in, and she said things like yeah I played that even though I didn't want to etc. but not bad things. Then it opened the door for me to really talk to her about the fact that she can talk to me about anything , (which she said she already knew) and then she talked about the fact that sometimes even though we leave those things they like to sneak back in, so we have to empty our backpacks again..... Wow.... Wow ...
If we as adults could truly have the faith and understanding of a child, I think sometimes we makes things so complicated when God is saying, "Hey just give me your backpack, Let me take the weight for you , give it to me and I will replace it with joy and a new lightness.
Thank you Jesus that we don't have to do it alone.
In other news:
If you want a good laugh check out this you tube video
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I would like to eat 4 cookies!
The title was just a response to a pal's post! But I would and I guarantee I would eat them if I had them. I had a completely wasted day today. I can't hardly move. I slept all day and my house is a mess because of it. 3 kids left up to their own devices all day leads to big messes! I will do my best not to stress about it! Mess is just a mess, and I can't do anything to change it now right?
I'm trying not to complain, cause my sis just posted about complainers, but ewwww icky wasted day, and to top it off, Selah got a bad headache tonight before bed, (which is how my sickness started) So I'm praying she doesn't get sick!!
Well I heard church was wonderful and we are having a strategy meeting next week before our Tuesday launch! So so excited about that! We have a myspace now and it's growing by the minute, also a cool logo that one of the college age just threw together, and it's good!
'Collision is coming, Brace yourself"
I'm trying not to complain, cause my sis just posted about complainers, but ewwww icky wasted day, and to top it off, Selah got a bad headache tonight before bed, (which is how my sickness started) So I'm praying she doesn't get sick!!
Well I heard church was wonderful and we are having a strategy meeting next week before our Tuesday launch! So so excited about that! We have a myspace now and it's growing by the minute, also a cool logo that one of the college age just threw together, and it's good!
'Collision is coming, Brace yourself"
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Happy Birthday DAD!
So today was my dads b-day party at his sisters house. We usually only see them at Christmas and sometime Thanksgiving so it was very cool to see them today.
They are a great family they have been married a long time and are still very much in love, and they have two really great kids. It was really cool getting to bond with them, and get to know each other all a little better. If it wasn't my dads birthday I would have stayed in bed , I haven't been feeling good the last few days, and it was worse today, but I'm sooooo glad I went. We need times like that with them, to be an example of Christ in our lives , that we care what goes on with theirs. I geniunely like spending time with them, their son is going to be famous some day I'm sure he is so so talented. So please pray that we continue to get oppurtunitys to get to know them more and in doing so minister to them.
Yeah so good day
Also , so there is this pretty famous hip hop guy named Red Cloud, we met him 5 years ago at Joshuafest, and fed him and his crew spaghetti , and you know what they say about the way to a man's heart....anyway we have been friends since, he's done a few concerts at our church and it's become tradition that they eat with us at Joshuafest every year. Anyway he has this song called "Tapatio" you know the mexican hot sauce. So Aslan( being a little like his mom and grama) decided to try some on his eggs this morning. Then he said , "This tastes mouths on it red?" it was cute but I wasn't feeling good so I missed this. So Aslan was telling me the story and he says," Yes mom and I lived to tell about it" It was so funny, he has been cracking me up with ways in which he is maturing. I just love him so very much. My kids are amazing little humans! I know I'm biased but no one I've ever known that has met Aslan has said anything but "he's a love bug" or he has such a big heart. He's like his dad that way. A big sensitive teddy bear. I think this is why the devil has always been out to get him, because if he accomplishs even half of what Bill has in his life he will touch so many many. I'm sorry if that sounded proud, but I am proud of my boys!
Selah also is so incredibly smart an intuitive, her friend (who visits her grama some weekends and spends all that time over here) likes to come to our house, and when she comes in she hugs us, and you can tell she just loves being here. She lives with her mom, and I don't think she's used to the "family unit" . So last night Selah says to me, " Mom DD needs to stay and eat dinner with us, like at the table like we do, cause it's important !" Then later she invited her to missionettes with her on Wednesdays, and church on Sunday. What will my little evangelist do next?
They are a great family they have been married a long time and are still very much in love, and they have two really great kids. It was really cool getting to bond with them, and get to know each other all a little better. If it wasn't my dads birthday I would have stayed in bed , I haven't been feeling good the last few days, and it was worse today, but I'm sooooo glad I went. We need times like that with them, to be an example of Christ in our lives , that we care what goes on with theirs. I geniunely like spending time with them, their son is going to be famous some day I'm sure he is so so talented. So please pray that we continue to get oppurtunitys to get to know them more and in doing so minister to them.
Yeah so good day
Also , so there is this pretty famous hip hop guy named Red Cloud, we met him 5 years ago at Joshuafest, and fed him and his crew spaghetti , and you know what they say about the way to a man's heart....anyway we have been friends since, he's done a few concerts at our church and it's become tradition that they eat with us at Joshuafest every year. Anyway he has this song called "Tapatio" you know the mexican hot sauce. So Aslan( being a little like his mom and grama) decided to try some on his eggs this morning. Then he said , "This tastes mouths on it red?" it was cute but I wasn't feeling good so I missed this. So Aslan was telling me the story and he says," Yes mom and I lived to tell about it" It was so funny, he has been cracking me up with ways in which he is maturing. I just love him so very much. My kids are amazing little humans! I know I'm biased but no one I've ever known that has met Aslan has said anything but "he's a love bug" or he has such a big heart. He's like his dad that way. A big sensitive teddy bear. I think this is why the devil has always been out to get him, because if he accomplishs even half of what Bill has in his life he will touch so many many. I'm sorry if that sounded proud, but I am proud of my boys!
Selah also is so incredibly smart an intuitive, her friend (who visits her grama some weekends and spends all that time over here) likes to come to our house, and when she comes in she hugs us, and you can tell she just loves being here. She lives with her mom, and I don't think she's used to the "family unit" . So last night Selah says to me, " Mom DD needs to stay and eat dinner with us, like at the table like we do, cause it's important !" Then later she invited her to missionettes with her on Wednesdays, and church on Sunday. What will my little evangelist do next?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
You've learned a valuable lesson today
So God is up to something, just crazy little things that are happening in relation to the launch of
COLLISION- our new College Age ministry!
It's amazing because even talking to one of my closest friends today, about us not coming to their neck of the woods to minister and moving to Stockton instead, and it was confirmed even more in my heart and hers that we made the right decision. (Of course I already knew that but hey)
I get a random email today through Radical Reality because a girl thought it was a college group that met at her school, so I was able to tell her about our college group. She emailed back and said that she had gone to Lakeview and heard about the ministry etc. so It was crazy how everything is leading her there! Indeedy God is up to something... someone also put in an offering for the college age Sunday morning to the tune of 250 dollars which will help us get up and running...and...and...people are so so excited! So many people are just saying , " I can't wait , I can't wait." So it's gonna be good!
Oh and about my title.... Selah said something tonight joking about Aslan , that wasn't very nice, so I said something 'joking ' to Selah , and she was like mom. I said see Selah, just because it's a joke doesn't mean it's ok. So Aslan turns to her and says, "Selah you've learned a valuable lesson tonight" in those exact words, how cute its that!
COLLISION- our new College Age ministry!
It's amazing because even talking to one of my closest friends today, about us not coming to their neck of the woods to minister and moving to Stockton instead, and it was confirmed even more in my heart and hers that we made the right decision. (Of course I already knew that but hey)
I get a random email today through Radical Reality because a girl thought it was a college group that met at her school, so I was able to tell her about our college group. She emailed back and said that she had gone to Lakeview and heard about the ministry etc. so It was crazy how everything is leading her there! Indeedy God is up to something... someone also put in an offering for the college age Sunday morning to the tune of 250 dollars which will help us get up and running...and...and...people are so so excited! So many people are just saying , " I can't wait , I can't wait." So it's gonna be good!
Oh and about my title.... Selah said something tonight joking about Aslan , that wasn't very nice, so I said something 'joking ' to Selah , and she was like mom. I said see Selah, just because it's a joke doesn't mean it's ok. So Aslan turns to her and says, "Selah you've learned a valuable lesson tonight" in those exact words, how cute its that!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The cat came back..
Thet title has nothing to do with the post, it's just a song that Selah sings that gets stuck in my head all the time!
Since I missed blogging on the day our new president was sworn in, let me just say. I am happy. I think it says something for our society and where we have come from , that people can see past the pigment in someones skin. My Political views aside, it's a great day in America. Remember as Christians we need to pray for our president , for the good of our future and remember that God has it all planned out for us.
Anyway, things are so busy around these parts. God is good, oh so good! Simply put he is so faithful and he's doing things before we ask!
I don't have a lot ot say tonight and it's late but please keep Aslan in your prayers, he was starting to get a handle on school before we left Gridley and now here the school started in June (because it's year round) and so he is behind by two months and then his regular struggles. He is frustrated which makes us frustrated because he gets so discouraged and loses focus completley! We spend a good hour and a half on homework every night. It's not working for anyone. We are going to have an IEP meeting (which is a resource program), but prayer is what is needed in this situation.
Thank you all and I love ya!
Since I missed blogging on the day our new president was sworn in, let me just say. I am happy. I think it says something for our society and where we have come from , that people can see past the pigment in someones skin. My Political views aside, it's a great day in America. Remember as Christians we need to pray for our president , for the good of our future and remember that God has it all planned out for us.
Anyway, things are so busy around these parts. God is good, oh so good! Simply put he is so faithful and he's doing things before we ask!
I don't have a lot ot say tonight and it's late but please keep Aslan in your prayers, he was starting to get a handle on school before we left Gridley and now here the school started in June (because it's year round) and so he is behind by two months and then his regular struggles. He is frustrated which makes us frustrated because he gets so discouraged and loses focus completley! We spend a good hour and a half on homework every night. It's not working for anyone. We are going to have an IEP meeting (which is a resource program), but prayer is what is needed in this situation.
Thank you all and I love ya!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Another GREAT Sunday! was another great Sunday, Pastor Joey tore it up this morning , and Darwin Benjamin preached tonight and it was awesome! So our college age service doesn't start til February, but I told Bill this morning we should just see if anyone wants to go eat after church, to kinda get to know each other. So yeah we thought maybe 6 or so....ummm 30 people showed up, that is not just an evangelistic number it was a head count! It was a lot of fun, I kept looking around and everyone was laughing and talking, and a lot of people commented " I didn't know we had this many college age in our church" yeah it was awesome!
So it probably a good thing that we saw this because we were going to start off in our house but , as big and nice as our new house is, 30 people plus would be crowded. So we are very excited about kicking off the service we already have a lot of the band on board and we are rearing to go! It's so true that when God calls you to do something his blessing is there every step of the way!
So it probably a good thing that we saw this because we were going to start off in our house but , as big and nice as our new house is, 30 people plus would be crowded. So we are very excited about kicking off the service we already have a lot of the band on board and we are rearing to go! It's so true that when God calls you to do something his blessing is there every step of the way!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Happy Birthday Jen!
So we had a birthday for Jen tonight at our house and it was a blast! It was such a great team effort, everyone involved brought something, helped decorate etc. So Jen of course kinda knew something was up, but oh well we all hid and jumped out and yelled surprise! It was great, I didn't have the heart to tell Selah not to hide since Jen knew she lived here! So Jen fained surprise, which made the kids happy!
Anyway we truly had a blast!! It's always hard when you move away from so many friends and family and you feel lonely or you think wow this is a different world. But tonight, it was like, well I don't know how to describe it, it was just home. We have felt like this was home but tonight was like wow this is home. I don't know how else to say it... I sat there at one point when we were all laughing hysterically about twinkies and biscuits and I said to myself, "Self... this is the beginning of one of those memory times, the inside jokes, the things you look back on and laugh at, it felt good, really good, everyone totally being themselves and just having a blast. We also had a quite serious discussion about avoiding getting the "sug's" hopefully none of you will ever get the "sug's " because they involve twinkies, biscuits with jelly or a lot of both, and trust me folks it is ugly!
Anyway we truly had a blast!! It's always hard when you move away from so many friends and family and you feel lonely or you think wow this is a different world. But tonight, it was like, well I don't know how to describe it, it was just home. We have felt like this was home but tonight was like wow this is home. I don't know how else to say it... I sat there at one point when we were all laughing hysterically about twinkies and biscuits and I said to myself, "Self... this is the beginning of one of those memory times, the inside jokes, the things you look back on and laugh at, it felt good, really good, everyone totally being themselves and just having a blast. We also had a quite serious discussion about avoiding getting the "sug's" hopefully none of you will ever get the "sug's " because they involve twinkies, biscuits with jelly or a lot of both, and trust me folks it is ugly!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Wow I really have to catch up!
A lot has happened in the blog world since I've been gone. I'm so sorry my comments on everyone's blogs are sooooo last week , but I have not had the time to read the blogs etc. Between logging my food and fitness on spark people, and actually doing the fitness to log and my new job and new school, well I just haven't had any time at all. is good. Thank you all for reading that terribly long blog and all the encouragement you gave, I love you all! love school, we all love love our church, In fact Bill preached last night and it was amazing, now I know my husband is anointed but last night it was even different then I've ever seen him before. The people responded really well too! It was a fantastic night. We already have a ton of young adults waiting for the college age to start too!
Also when we were eating dinner tonight we asked the kids what their favorite thing about church was, Selah said, "Little Joei, and the playground" Aslan said, " everything"
Now they also love kids church (as I've mentioned before but those were their first thoughts.
Ok your probably wondering why their is a pic of a bathroom on my blog, Lisa issued me a challenge. The fourth file in your pictures and the fourth picture , post it and describe it then challenge four people to do the same. So that is a pic Bill took of our new bathroom , before I got to see it, it doesn't do justice though, I love our bathroom!
So I challenge..........
Rebecca's all you guys now!!!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
No forward motion.....
No forward motion goes untested! For every new level there is a new devil! I know we have all heard those things before but when they come about , I don't know about you but it always throws me off just a bit. Maybe someday I will just stand with my hands in the air and say, "Come on devil come an get me, come on I'm ready!" but alas that time has not yet come.
But thank God for blogs cause they help you give a virtual scream about these situations and in doing so it lets out the viral endorphins to help you feel a bit better, knowing that your friends on the world wide web can share in your trials!
So as anyone who went to Lakeview Sunday can tell you, It was amazing!!!! Amazing and amazing, a great first Sunday kick off for the Steelman's, a Sunday night welcoming all was well.
Monday morning started off er...sorta kinda well enough...sorta..not really but not bad. So we get to the school to register the kids real quick for school. Now mind you we have checked this school out and were assured , yeah this is your school, etc. etc. We find out that you can only register them between 10am and 11am , ok big city we will play your game...
So 10:20am hits, (20 minutes to get the kids out of the house and into the car looking somewhat presentable) So we are there and second in line.. ok so we get the HUGE packet of paperwork to fill out and they don't even give you a clipboard, and I realize we forgot the utility bill as proof of address, so as I try to balance and fill out my family history in a (did I mention sweltering hot ) office, and Bill returns in the rain to our house to get the bill. So.... the kids are a bit antsy in the office but not too bad, I am feeling sick from the heat, and finally I hand over all the papers,( you think in the files from the other school they could've got some of this info, but oh no that would be too easy.) She looks at the papers and says, do you have the original shot records I can't take this printout you have because it could have been entered wrong, I looked at her blankly, and said :well no we turned them into the other school and our copies are packed " (considering we just moved and all) So the young lady, , says, "Well you can have them fax me the records then." Clearly she wanted to get rid of us, as they were busy. Bill pulls out the phone and says, ok I will call them, So luckily our small town school who loved us sent the papers right over. Now I must say through it all we were very kind to the Registrar. So finally we get it all signed and ready and then , "Wait your not in our school"
"Um excuse me?" ( this school is two blocks from our house, no lie)
" Your supposed to be at August Knot" ( oh and by this time it is 11 :30am) This is when it became a huge test for me not to get mad at the girl as it wasn't her fault, although no one at this school was very accommodating! So now we are past registration time , so I ask " Will they still take us," And she said ( Now she only said this because we continued to be kind to her and patient through the entire process) " I will call them and tell them your coming" Thank you Jesus!
So long story short ( I know too late) other school , people are much friendlier and immediate good first impressions, met 2 vice principles, one whom was an amazing lady! So all seems good then we get into the fact Aslan needs an IEP- which is a resource program to help him with his reading, and adaptive PE. Then it becomes about which track can fit him in (since it's year round school) and they may not start until February 2nd.
At this point mommy (aka me, the one who has had to bring them to work with me while trying to learn my new, not easy, job) is about to blow a gasket, because I was letting my flesh rise inside me. But as the lady told me she would call the school get the info and let us know in a day to be sure, I very politely said, "Thank you so much" because they were wonderful, then went outside and scowled to myself.
So then we get into the car, and the expedition is doing some crazy thing as I try to go to work, so I drive home call bill crying and saying I almost wrecked cause the car did something when I turned...blah blah. So he met me at home to take me to work and by this time its' like 12:30pm, and we need gas, Guess what the pumps not taking our card , we go to a new pump, not taking the card, there's money there it's just not taking it. We go inside every things fine, but meanwhile Aslan, who didn't look so good when he woke up, says to me , " mommy I'm really not feeling good" and I look at him he's pasty and white and with him you can just I did what any sane person would do.... I called Jen... I called cause I needed a friend and because I knew she had been at the office earlier, and she knows me better than Cindy... I just called her to tell her what was going on and why I was running so late.. .but I cried...boy I felt dumb .. but I couldn't help it, ( oh I forgot to add we tried to get Aslan's medicine that he has to have monthly and they told us it would be $150 dollars) and basically Jen (obviously knowing me very well ) said I'm making an executive decision, you need to go home and take care of your family. At that point I knew it was what I needed to do but , so soon after starting my job, I wouldn't have made that choice, but Jen said she would call Cindy (Jen's amazing) So Cindy called me and was great about it, and I went home! When Bill got home we prayed, and we knew it was an attack and we just fought it, and I kept my sanity!
Yeah this was the longest post ever I know! But it's funny, the car ended up being just water on the brakes, the kids are now starting school tomorrow, and the medicine with my new insurance is only $120 (hmmmm not much better on that one, but what can you do?) and the things that came up today didnt' seem like such a huge deal after yesterday... hmm go figure....
How would it have ended if we would've tucked our tails between our legs and grumbled and complained and doubted? I mean we are human and we had an emotional go, but after that we prayed it out. Now I know more attacks will come, (there were a few big ones today) but maybe this time I can raise my hands to the sky and say" Come on devil , Come and get me"
But thank God for blogs cause they help you give a virtual scream about these situations and in doing so it lets out the viral endorphins to help you feel a bit better, knowing that your friends on the world wide web can share in your trials!
So as anyone who went to Lakeview Sunday can tell you, It was amazing!!!! Amazing and amazing, a great first Sunday kick off for the Steelman's, a Sunday night welcoming all was well.
Monday morning started off er...sorta kinda well enough...sorta..not really but not bad. So we get to the school to register the kids real quick for school. Now mind you we have checked this school out and were assured , yeah this is your school, etc. etc. We find out that you can only register them between 10am and 11am , ok big city we will play your game...
So 10:20am hits, (20 minutes to get the kids out of the house and into the car looking somewhat presentable) So we are there and second in line.. ok so we get the HUGE packet of paperwork to fill out and they don't even give you a clipboard, and I realize we forgot the utility bill as proof of address, so as I try to balance and fill out my family history in a (did I mention sweltering hot ) office, and Bill returns in the rain to our house to get the bill. So.... the kids are a bit antsy in the office but not too bad, I am feeling sick from the heat, and finally I hand over all the papers,( you think in the files from the other school they could've got some of this info, but oh no that would be too easy.) She looks at the papers and says, do you have the original shot records I can't take this printout you have because it could have been entered wrong, I looked at her blankly, and said :well no we turned them into the other school and our copies are packed " (considering we just moved and all) So the young lady, , says, "Well you can have them fax me the records then." Clearly she wanted to get rid of us, as they were busy. Bill pulls out the phone and says, ok I will call them, So luckily our small town school who loved us sent the papers right over. Now I must say through it all we were very kind to the Registrar. So finally we get it all signed and ready and then , "Wait your not in our school"
"Um excuse me?" ( this school is two blocks from our house, no lie)
" Your supposed to be at August Knot" ( oh and by this time it is 11 :30am) This is when it became a huge test for me not to get mad at the girl as it wasn't her fault, although no one at this school was very accommodating! So now we are past registration time , so I ask " Will they still take us," And she said ( Now she only said this because we continued to be kind to her and patient through the entire process) " I will call them and tell them your coming" Thank you Jesus!
So long story short ( I know too late) other school , people are much friendlier and immediate good first impressions, met 2 vice principles, one whom was an amazing lady! So all seems good then we get into the fact Aslan needs an IEP- which is a resource program to help him with his reading, and adaptive PE. Then it becomes about which track can fit him in (since it's year round school) and they may not start until February 2nd.
At this point mommy (aka me, the one who has had to bring them to work with me while trying to learn my new, not easy, job) is about to blow a gasket, because I was letting my flesh rise inside me. But as the lady told me she would call the school get the info and let us know in a day to be sure, I very politely said, "Thank you so much" because they were wonderful, then went outside and scowled to myself.
So then we get into the car, and the expedition is doing some crazy thing as I try to go to work, so I drive home call bill crying and saying I almost wrecked cause the car did something when I turned...blah blah. So he met me at home to take me to work and by this time its' like 12:30pm, and we need gas, Guess what the pumps not taking our card , we go to a new pump, not taking the card, there's money there it's just not taking it. We go inside every things fine, but meanwhile Aslan, who didn't look so good when he woke up, says to me , " mommy I'm really not feeling good" and I look at him he's pasty and white and with him you can just I did what any sane person would do.... I called Jen... I called cause I needed a friend and because I knew she had been at the office earlier, and she knows me better than Cindy... I just called her to tell her what was going on and why I was running so late.. .but I cried...boy I felt dumb .. but I couldn't help it, ( oh I forgot to add we tried to get Aslan's medicine that he has to have monthly and they told us it would be $150 dollars) and basically Jen (obviously knowing me very well ) said I'm making an executive decision, you need to go home and take care of your family. At that point I knew it was what I needed to do but , so soon after starting my job, I wouldn't have made that choice, but Jen said she would call Cindy (Jen's amazing) So Cindy called me and was great about it, and I went home! When Bill got home we prayed, and we knew it was an attack and we just fought it, and I kept my sanity!
Yeah this was the longest post ever I know! But it's funny, the car ended up being just water on the brakes, the kids are now starting school tomorrow, and the medicine with my new insurance is only $120 (hmmmm not much better on that one, but what can you do?) and the things that came up today didnt' seem like such a huge deal after yesterday... hmm go figure....
How would it have ended if we would've tucked our tails between our legs and grumbled and complained and doubted? I mean we are human and we had an emotional go, but after that we prayed it out. Now I know more attacks will come, (there were a few big ones today) but maybe this time I can raise my hands to the sky and say" Come on devil , Come and get me"
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Lutefisk is still nasty

Lutefisk a norweigan tradition, not sure why, my ancestors are insane I guess. In case you are wondering Lutefisk is cod soaked in for hours then it's rinsed and cooked. It is probably one of the most disgusting things ever invented, I have only tried one little bite one time and it was enough for a lifetime! But every year at the family reunion I am shocked once again at the people eating the lutefisk, they also make lefsa which is potato bread and that is quite yummy and swedish meatballs which is a good thing, but still there are many pots of lutefisk and people eating it and even taking home doggy bags of it. I mean really is it even possible to like the stuff? Look at it, it looks so yummy and appetizing, don't you just want to dig in. By the way I saved some in a doggy bag , so come on over there is still plenty left my "doggy" wouldn't go near it!
In other news Pastor Joey preached all day today , as their first official Sunday, it was off the chain , as we say here in Stockton! hehe. But really worship and the word was so amazing, I am blessed to be a part of it!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Thankful for a new start in a new year.
It's pretty simple. I'm very grateful for this new start in this new year. I love my home, I love the time with my family I have now. I love our new church and Pastors and friends we are close to. Most of all i love the future of hope that awaits us, and the ministry yet to be had here in Stockton.
"I know the plans I have for you , says the Lord plans for good and not evil , plans for a future of hope" That means so much more even now than it did before. Thank you Lord that you still saw fit to hear my feeble prayers and bless us!
"I know the plans I have for you , says the Lord plans for good and not evil , plans for a future of hope" That means so much more even now than it did before. Thank you Lord that you still saw fit to hear my feeble prayers and bless us!
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- Lutefisk is still nasty
- Thankful for a new start in a new year.