No forward motion goes untested! For every new level there is a new devil! I know we have all heard those things before but when they come about , I don't know about you but it always throws me off just a bit. Maybe someday I will just stand with my hands in the air and say, "Come on devil come an get me, come on I'm ready!" but alas that time has not yet come.
But thank God for blogs cause they help you give a virtual scream about these situations and in doing so it lets out the viral endorphins to help you feel a bit better, knowing that your friends on the world wide web can share in your trials!
So as anyone who went to Lakeview Sunday can tell you, It was amazing!!!! Amazing and amazing, a great first Sunday kick off for the Steelman's, a Sunday night welcoming all was well.
Monday morning started off er...sorta kinda well enough...sorta..not really but not bad. So we get to the school to register the kids real quick for school. Now mind you we have checked this school out and were assured , yeah this is your school, etc. etc. We find out that you can only register them between 10am and 11am , ok big city we will play your game...
So 10:20am hits, (20 minutes to get the kids out of the house and into the car looking somewhat presentable) So we are there and second in line.. ok so we get the HUGE packet of paperwork to fill out and they don't even give you a clipboard, and I realize we forgot the utility bill as proof of address, so as I try to balance and fill out my family history in a (did I mention sweltering hot ) office, and Bill returns in the rain to our house to get the bill. So.... the kids are a bit antsy in the office but not too bad, I am feeling sick from the heat, and finally I hand over all the papers,( you think in the files from the other school they could've got some of this info, but oh no that would be too easy.) She looks at the papers and says, do you have the original shot records I can't take this printout you have because it could have been entered wrong, I looked at her blankly, and said :well no we turned them into the other school and our copies are packed " (considering we just moved and all) So the young lady, , says, "Well you can have them fax me the records then." Clearly she wanted to get rid of us, as they were busy. Bill pulls out the phone and says, ok I will call them, So luckily our small town school who loved us sent the papers right over. Now I must say through it all we were very kind to the Registrar. So finally we get it all signed and ready and then , "Wait your not in our school"
"Um excuse me?" ( this school is two blocks from our house, no lie)
" Your supposed to be at August Knot" ( oh and by this time it is 11 :30am) This is when it became a huge test for me not to get mad at the girl as it wasn't her fault, although no one at this school was very accommodating! So now we are past registration time , so I ask " Will they still take us," And she said ( Now she only said this because we continued to be kind to her and patient through the entire process) " I will call them and tell them your coming" Thank you Jesus!
So long story short ( I know too late) other school , people are much friendlier and immediate good first impressions, met 2 vice principles, one whom was an amazing lady! So all seems good then we get into the fact Aslan needs an IEP- which is a resource program to help him with his reading, and adaptive PE. Then it becomes about which track can fit him in (since it's year round school) and they may not start until February 2nd.
At this point mommy (aka me, the one who has had to bring them to work with me while trying to learn my new, not easy, job) is about to blow a gasket, because I was letting my flesh rise inside me. But as the lady told me she would call the school get the info and let us know in a day to be sure, I very politely said, "Thank you so much" because they were wonderful, then went outside and scowled to myself.
So then we get into the car, and the expedition is doing some crazy thing as I try to go to work, so I drive home call bill crying and saying I almost wrecked cause the car did something when I turned...blah blah. So he met me at home to take me to work and by this time its' like 12:30pm, and we need gas, Guess what the pumps not taking our card , we go to a new pump, not taking the card, there's money there it's just not taking it. We go inside every things fine, but meanwhile Aslan, who didn't look so good when he woke up, says to me , " mommy I'm really not feeling good" and I look at him he's pasty and white and with him you can just I did what any sane person would do.... I called Jen... I called cause I needed a friend and because I knew she had been at the office earlier, and she knows me better than Cindy... I just called her to tell her what was going on and why I was running so late.. .but I cried...boy I felt dumb .. but I couldn't help it, ( oh I forgot to add we tried to get Aslan's medicine that he has to have monthly and they told us it would be $150 dollars) and basically Jen (obviously knowing me very well ) said I'm making an executive decision, you need to go home and take care of your family. At that point I knew it was what I needed to do but , so soon after starting my job, I wouldn't have made that choice, but Jen said she would call Cindy (Jen's amazing) So Cindy called me and was great about it, and I went home! When Bill got home we prayed, and we knew it was an attack and we just fought it, and I kept my sanity!
Yeah this was the longest post ever I know! But it's funny, the car ended up being just water on the brakes, the kids are now starting school tomorrow, and the medicine with my new insurance is only $120 (hmmmm not much better on that one, but what can you do?) and the things that came up today didnt' seem like such a huge deal after yesterday... hmm go figure....
How would it have ended if we would've tucked our tails between our legs and grumbled and complained and doubted? I mean we are human and we had an emotional go, but after that we prayed it out. Now I know more attacks will come, (there were a few big ones today) but maybe this time I can raise my hands to the sky and say" Come on devil , Come and get me"
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- Wow I really have to catch up!
- No forward motion.....
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No road is smooth, don't we know it. But with God we know we are on the right track no matter what we face. He is always there to hold our hands. And it was "Make a difference Monday" & you made a difference in those peoples lives by being calm in the face of the storm. What a testamony!!!
In regards to the medicine, be sure RR put money in your HSA!!! You can use that to cover it so you don't have to pay for it. And if you have to pay for it up front, if the check has not posted to the HSA yet, you can do a re-imbursement from the HSA when it posts. I will show you how. I just wanted to tell you that real quick before I forget!
God is good :) Even when we want to run screaming... ;)
Amen. I'd like to second the quote from Heather. You're still in my prayers, guys. Love you!
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