Life is busy
-Rest in Christ
Church is amazing
-Do not forsake the fellowship of believer
Camp is soon
-Lives will be changed
Work is busy
-idle hands are the devil's pathground (lol) Thank you Jesus for my job
Health scares are not fun
-Thank you Jesus that it was not serious, and by your stripes we are healed
Dameron hospital in Stockton is dirty
-God has nothing to do with this one
There is so many hurting kids in our life
-Thank you Jesus for you sent us here for a reason
I don't know how ends will meet
-God shall supply all my needs according to his riches and glory
When we feel like we have given of all we are til we have nothing left
-God only gives us what we can handle
Why do we go through the things we do?
-It's called the refiners fire baby!
I feel like God has blessed us more than we deserve
-He loves us so much more than we ever know and we are His kids, he loves to take care of us!
When Iwonder how some parents can destroy their kids, and bring so much pain to their lives
-We remember they are hurting, and thank God that he placed us in their lives to help try to shoulder some of the pain
sometimes I feel that the sorrow will overwhelm us
-Remember joy comes in the morning
When we just sit back and go......What in the world???
-All things work together for God for those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose
When I wonder what the future will hold
-My favorite scripture.... I know the plans I have for you .....plans to prosper not to harm, to give you a future of hope!
In all things........
All things
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
First time for everything..
So I am posting at work, my first time ever!!! Wow not a big deal because I never take lunches I work late and I work at home at night most of the time, but still the first time.
So if you don't' know Selah has a blog she just posted 2 days ago.
She is a funny random girl.
Well I preached last night at collision and it was awesome. Not me being awesome but the holy spirit showed up. I touched on quite a few things including my testimony. I really felt like everyone was really connecting to what I was saying, it felt good. It has been a little while since I spoke to guys and gals so I was a bit nervous. But once I got up there I was so calm and so walking in authority, I can' t explain it. It completely brought back to my memory the rock story , that I have shared before about my speaking gift. I even mentioned the rock when I was preaching and encouraged everyone to think of what would be on their rock. The thing that comes to their head when they think about their call. Bill said it was the best he's ever seen me, that he couldn't pick apart one thing about it. That feels good because I sooo love speaking, I sooo desire to be used in that way and when I do it's awesome! Plus our drama team knocked it out the park they were so powerful!
It's amazing to look at my life now, we are so happy here, we feel so appreciated,so loved, so needed, and I get to do my favorite things, pastor, speak and drama. Wow life is good.
By the way I'm also doing the woman of God talk at camp, Cindy just asked me yesterday, I'm excited!
So if you don't' know Selah has a blog she just posted 2 days ago.
She is a funny random girl.
Well I preached last night at collision and it was awesome. Not me being awesome but the holy spirit showed up. I touched on quite a few things including my testimony. I really felt like everyone was really connecting to what I was saying, it felt good. It has been a little while since I spoke to guys and gals so I was a bit nervous. But once I got up there I was so calm and so walking in authority, I can' t explain it. It completely brought back to my memory the rock story , that I have shared before about my speaking gift. I even mentioned the rock when I was preaching and encouraged everyone to think of what would be on their rock. The thing that comes to their head when they think about their call. Bill said it was the best he's ever seen me, that he couldn't pick apart one thing about it. That feels good because I sooo love speaking, I sooo desire to be used in that way and when I do it's awesome! Plus our drama team knocked it out the park they were so powerful!
It's amazing to look at my life now, we are so happy here, we feel so appreciated,so loved, so needed, and I get to do my favorite things, pastor, speak and drama. Wow life is good.
By the way I'm also doing the woman of God talk at camp, Cindy just asked me yesterday, I'm excited!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Where to start?
I'm so far behind on blogging it's ridiculous! Well I can't even put into words how amazing our life is right now. God has open soooo many doors for ministry around here , and given us favor in so many people's lives. It's like at every turn God is reassuring us why we are here and that we are in fact making a difference. It's funny cause we have hardly a chance to breathe lately with our schedule but we don't feel overwhelmed because it's all God!
So Bill preached last night at church and it was amazing and people really responded to that altar call. He was talking about the other side of the storm. How storms in our lives have a purpose and a reason and we need to call out to God and trust him even if we don't understand why. Which is funny cause our life has been such a storm lately. As I sit here blogging I have my sick daughter next to me, and I feel like my heads gonna explode. This is the second time I've gotten sick in a month, I got antibiotics the first time and now it's back!grrr! I had a fever at church last night. Selah has got a high fever and has a bad cold. We can't seem to catch a break with our health around here. Not to mention all the other stuff going on. ....
But it's amazing because the bible talks about the peace that passes understanding. That we don't understand how we can have peace through all the circumstances, but if we trust God, then he gives us the peace!
So yeah it's all very good, because God is very very good!
So also Aslan had a cardiologist appointment on Weds, after that Sunday night I blogged about last week, us praying for his healing etc.
So they hooked him up to all the machines, the ekg, the ecocardiogram, and the doctor comes in with quite a baffled look on his face and a big smile. He tells me that Aslan's heart is pretty close to perfect, he has a little leakage , but if he were to check my heart or his heart or any ones he guarantees that we would have the same amount of leakage. He said the only reason that he has to see him in the future is because he has had heart surgery in the past. He said we can wait two years, cause he is not concerned about it! Wow! God is sooooo good. God has once again healed my little man!
So remember the storm may be sooo difficult , it may seem crazy and endless but God is working in it if you just call on him and trust Him!
So Bill preached last night at church and it was amazing and people really responded to that altar call. He was talking about the other side of the storm. How storms in our lives have a purpose and a reason and we need to call out to God and trust him even if we don't understand why. Which is funny cause our life has been such a storm lately. As I sit here blogging I have my sick daughter next to me, and I feel like my heads gonna explode. This is the second time I've gotten sick in a month, I got antibiotics the first time and now it's back!grrr! I had a fever at church last night. Selah has got a high fever and has a bad cold. We can't seem to catch a break with our health around here. Not to mention all the other stuff going on. ....
But it's amazing because the bible talks about the peace that passes understanding. That we don't understand how we can have peace through all the circumstances, but if we trust God, then he gives us the peace!
So yeah it's all very good, because God is very very good!
So also Aslan had a cardiologist appointment on Weds, after that Sunday night I blogged about last week, us praying for his healing etc.
So they hooked him up to all the machines, the ekg, the ecocardiogram, and the doctor comes in with quite a baffled look on his face and a big smile. He tells me that Aslan's heart is pretty close to perfect, he has a little leakage , but if he were to check my heart or his heart or any ones he guarantees that we would have the same amount of leakage. He said the only reason that he has to see him in the future is because he has had heart surgery in the past. He said we can wait two years, cause he is not concerned about it! Wow! God is sooooo good. God has once again healed my little man!
So remember the storm may be sooo difficult , it may seem crazy and endless but God is working in it if you just call on him and trust Him!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Ahh where to start...
Well honestly I don't know where to start about yesterday. Sean Smith was ministering at our church, he is soo good. He's charismatic and animated and brings the word. Wow , so last night there were a few things God told me to do 1. Don't pray with anyone else 2. Be honest about your need for healing , etc. So he was calling out people with very specific needs of healing and I was so nervous that he would call me out and I would die a thousand deaths if people knew I was sick. I only tell people close to me about this stuff, and I do my best to cover it up to the rest of the world. Well I had a tough weekend with the way I was feeling so I was like the woman with the issue of blood so desperate! But little did I know my desperation went so much deeper than that!
So he called everyone forward that needed healing , I was already up there next to the first row so I raised my hand which is also what he requested. From there it's all kind of a blur, I know the first thing I felt after that, and closing my eyes was the first hand on my back. The person who prayed for me knows who she is and I don't want to embarrass her so I wont' say her name, but man oh man did I feel the annointing of God when she laid her hand on me. It was incredible, I felt like my knees may give out( which yes I'm pentecostal but it takes a lot for my stubborn self to fall over ) So anyway I just felt the presence of God so strong all over me, like a combination of heat and tingling!
So I just continued to pray. So I am never the type to want "the speaker" or the pastor to pray for me. I feel like God using anyone that has a willing heart, but another lady from our church had come to pray for me, and it was awesome as well, then Sean came over to me. Bill said he beelined it to me. Well the funny thing was he didn't pray over me for healing. God gave him a word for me about my calling, that God was going to take it to a new level and I may be afraid but God has been preparing me for it. Something huge, he kept saying. Something that will blow your mind.
Now....I'm always leary of prophets, I'm sorry if that offends you but I am, but everything he said, was so specific to me, and where I am in my life and what God is doing. He said some things that floored me, things I was thinking in my head or had thought in the last week or so. So I knew for sure it was from God.
So yeah it was just soo good and soooo God. So then Aslan and Selah came in (cause it was getting late and kids church was over) Well Aslan just came up to me and hugged on me for a really long time. He looked at a lady who was out on the floor, and he said, " Mom can I be baptized like that?" I said, " You want to be baptized with that ?" I said " Well maybe not" he said. So I told him God can do that right in your seat. So he said "Sure" and I prayed for him for quite awhile , and my son ( who never sits still) sat and just hugged me and he said he was praying. I was praying for his healing and his health and his circumstances, we sat there a very long time. Bill came up and prayed with Selah too. It was so amazing. All night after Aslan kept saying "Thanks for praying with me mom"
That was a lot of words but still didn't touch the depth of what happen last night. I feel like I sound super spiritual when I say all this, but I just "tells it likes I sees it" lol
Wow is all I can say really is wow!
So he called everyone forward that needed healing , I was already up there next to the first row so I raised my hand which is also what he requested. From there it's all kind of a blur, I know the first thing I felt after that, and closing my eyes was the first hand on my back. The person who prayed for me knows who she is and I don't want to embarrass her so I wont' say her name, but man oh man did I feel the annointing of God when she laid her hand on me. It was incredible, I felt like my knees may give out( which yes I'm pentecostal but it takes a lot for my stubborn self to fall over ) So anyway I just felt the presence of God so strong all over me, like a combination of heat and tingling!
So I just continued to pray. So I am never the type to want "the speaker" or the pastor to pray for me. I feel like God using anyone that has a willing heart, but another lady from our church had come to pray for me, and it was awesome as well, then Sean came over to me. Bill said he beelined it to me. Well the funny thing was he didn't pray over me for healing. God gave him a word for me about my calling, that God was going to take it to a new level and I may be afraid but God has been preparing me for it. Something huge, he kept saying. Something that will blow your mind.
Now....I'm always leary of prophets, I'm sorry if that offends you but I am, but everything he said, was so specific to me, and where I am in my life and what God is doing. He said some things that floored me, things I was thinking in my head or had thought in the last week or so. So I knew for sure it was from God.
So yeah it was just soo good and soooo God. So then Aslan and Selah came in (cause it was getting late and kids church was over) Well Aslan just came up to me and hugged on me for a really long time. He looked at a lady who was out on the floor, and he said, " Mom can I be baptized like that?" I said, " You want to be baptized with that ?" I said " Well maybe not" he said. So I told him God can do that right in your seat. So he said "Sure" and I prayed for him for quite awhile , and my son ( who never sits still) sat and just hugged me and he said he was praying. I was praying for his healing and his health and his circumstances, we sat there a very long time. Bill came up and prayed with Selah too. It was so amazing. All night after Aslan kept saying "Thanks for praying with me mom"
That was a lot of words but still didn't touch the depth of what happen last night. I feel like I sound super spiritual when I say all this, but I just "tells it likes I sees it" lol
Wow is all I can say really is wow!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
You don't live in Kansas any more Dorothy...
Yeah so I wake up this morning to Bill saying... Charity, someone broke into our car! I seriously thought he was joking , but alas..... not so much!
So the funny thing was it was the Kia, they didn't touch the Expedition, thank you Jesus! Well they got away with Bill's work briefcase and ....our really expensive camera. It was in the backseat on the floorboard, with tinted windows so somehow they must have seen it, don't know how but whatever!
I was upset this morning but we kinda decided to make a joke of it, and God paid for the window before we even had to ask for it, literally, before we even considered how we would find the money , the window was fixed. God is soo good, and it helps when your walking in his will. So we had a great day actually, funny thing isn't it?
We've had so many attacks and bumps along the road here that it's comical. But each and every time God works something out amazingly above what we could ask or think.
But what was really funny is when Joey told us, "Hey guys you don't live in small town Gridley anymore....this is Stockton"
So...Hartmans..and all who follow our blog....for your safety, keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times...and hang may be bumpy...but it's guaranteed to be fun!
So the funny thing was it was the Kia, they didn't touch the Expedition, thank you Jesus! Well they got away with Bill's work briefcase and ....our really expensive camera. It was in the backseat on the floorboard, with tinted windows so somehow they must have seen it, don't know how but whatever!
I was upset this morning but we kinda decided to make a joke of it, and God paid for the window before we even had to ask for it, literally, before we even considered how we would find the money , the window was fixed. God is soo good, and it helps when your walking in his will. So we had a great day actually, funny thing isn't it?
We've had so many attacks and bumps along the road here that it's comical. But each and every time God works something out amazingly above what we could ask or think.
But what was really funny is when Joey told us, "Hey guys you don't live in small town Gridley anymore....this is Stockton"
So...Hartmans..and all who follow our blog....for your safety, keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times...and hang may be bumpy...but it's guaranteed to be fun!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Mom call the scientists, I know how the dinosaurs died
Yes that is what Aslan said to me tonight after his reading time. It was so funny.
" Mom call the scientists, I know how the dinosaurs died" he said it so dead serious too, I know now and we bettter tell the scientists. His theory was that they starved because their habitat was changed. LOL
So update on school stuff, we talked to the school today, the vice principal and the school psychologist. We got the impression that we are not the first people who have had concerns about the teacher, so Aslan is going to be moving to a different class. We decided to go this route since Selah really didn't want to move schools and it's not fair to her, so this will be the arrangement until June. As far as the kids today, looks like they moved on, I was so relieved and grateful that he had a good day. I think I forgot about it for most of the weekend , as we had great family and friend times, then last night after church it hit me like a ton of I was up all night praying and , I'm not gonna lie, worrying about it. I woke up this morning feeling like I was run over by an emotionally roller coaster followed by a train. So I literally cried when he told me he had a good day. I am just continually praying for good days , and with a great new teacher. The only downfall is that he will be on a different track but that could be a good thing.
Thank you all for your prayers.
" Mom call the scientists, I know how the dinosaurs died" he said it so dead serious too, I know now and we bettter tell the scientists. His theory was that they starved because their habitat was changed. LOL
So update on school stuff, we talked to the school today, the vice principal and the school psychologist. We got the impression that we are not the first people who have had concerns about the teacher, so Aslan is going to be moving to a different class. We decided to go this route since Selah really didn't want to move schools and it's not fair to her, so this will be the arrangement until June. As far as the kids today, looks like they moved on, I was so relieved and grateful that he had a good day. I think I forgot about it for most of the weekend , as we had great family and friend times, then last night after church it hit me like a ton of I was up all night praying and , I'm not gonna lie, worrying about it. I woke up this morning feeling like I was run over by an emotionally roller coaster followed by a train. So I literally cried when he told me he had a good day. I am just continually praying for good days , and with a great new teacher. The only downfall is that he will be on a different track but that could be a good thing.
Thank you all for your prayers.
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