I'm so far behind on blogging it's ridiculous! Well I can't even put into words how amazing our life is right now. God has open soooo many doors for ministry around here , and given us favor in so many people's lives. It's like at every turn God is reassuring us why we are here and that we are in fact making a difference. It's funny cause we have hardly a chance to breathe lately with our schedule but we don't feel overwhelmed because it's all God!
So Bill preached last night at church and it was amazing and people really responded to that altar call. He was talking about the other side of the storm. How storms in our lives have a purpose and a reason and we need to call out to God and trust him even if we don't understand why. Which is funny cause our life has been such a storm lately. As I sit here blogging I have my sick daughter next to me, and I feel like my heads gonna explode. This is the second time I've gotten sick in a month, I got antibiotics the first time and now it's back!grrr! I had a fever at church last night. Selah has got a high fever and has a bad cold. We can't seem to catch a break with our health around here. Not to mention all the other stuff going on. ....
But it's amazing because the bible talks about the peace that passes understanding. That we don't understand how we can have peace through all the circumstances, but if we trust God, then he gives us the peace!
So yeah it's all very good, because God is very very good!
So also Aslan had a cardiologist appointment on Weds, after that Sunday night I blogged about last week, us praying for his healing etc.
So they hooked him up to all the machines, the ekg, the ecocardiogram, and the doctor comes in with quite a baffled look on his face and a big smile. He tells me that Aslan's heart is pretty close to perfect, he has a little leakage , but if he were to check my heart or his heart or any ones he guarantees that we would have the same amount of leakage. He said the only reason that he has to see him in the future is because he has had heart surgery in the past. He said we can wait two years, cause he is not concerned about it! Wow! God is sooooo good. God has once again healed my little man!
So remember the storm may be sooo difficult , it may seem crazy and endless but God is working in it if you just call on him and trust Him!
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Ah yea, the whole "Aslan is healed bit" probably should have been told to me earlier than in a blog!!!! You crazy woman. Man that's great news. Just wonderful. And yes, you are here for a reason...we need ya, people need ya. We are thankful for you guys being here...that's for sure!
great news. hooray for God.
God has had his hand on Aslan since the first hour of his birth abd it will be there always
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