Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Vertex and Vertice's

Suppose you have a shape with 10 sides. Choose a vertex then draw lines to the other vertices's , how many vertices's do you have?

Ok that was a question on my 2nd graders homework. Wow it was crazy to me, I don't really remember all those terms it's been awhile. But the funny thing is I googled it to see what the answer was to make sure that I didn't misdirect her, and even on yahoo answers it was a very confusing explanation. I mean I get it, but still, Second grade? Am I crazy (don't answer if you home school because you already know this LOL)

The following were the answers:
Answer 1-the lines you are referring to are called Diagonals. Since you cannot draw a line between a vertex and it's two adjacent vertices's then the maximum number of diagonals that can come out from any vertex is 7. And also, since the vertex in question and it's two adjacent vertices's are out of the rule, then you may be able to start counting diagonals after these three points are discarded. (10-3)=7. However , if you assumed that all remaining vertices's would produce 7 different diagonals you would be double counting so what you must do is "discount" the diagonals that are already "shared" . Thus, the first vertex would have 7 diagonals, but the next one, would have only 6 different ones (as it shares one with the first one) So at the end
7+6+5+4+3+2+1= 28 different diagonals on a 10 sided shape.

Perfectly clear isn't it.

Answer #2
You can't draw a line to itself or either of the adjacent vertice's, but you can to any other vertex. thus, there are exactly 3 you cannot draw a line to. Note that you are drawing all the diagonals from one vertex The number is 10-3=7

A little more clear, but crystal clear to a 7 year old mind right?
By the way how do you paste onto this box, I couldn't paste that stuff I had to type it.


Jess the Mess said...

Right click on the mouse and select to paste special should let you paste it in there as values....?

Jennifer said...

Ya, you lost me at vertice's

hambone flippy said...
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hambone flippy said...

wow....I am glad she came to you with that one....i would have passed out from brain freeze.


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