So today I had an actual day off where I didn't have to go anywhere, So I cleaned under my bed, my closet and cleaned out my drawer, boy was it fun!!! In the meantime I was listening to Joyce Meyer, Ed YOung and Hillsong in the background. First Joyce talking about our attitude toward change, then Ed talking about change and then Hillsong talking about how we deal with the seasons in our lives, like when it feels like things are stacking up against you etc. Very interesting how the 'theme thing' always happens to me, God loves to talk to me like that. So in the midst of all of this, and the drawer cleaning I came across a little mesh back with some smooth stones in it. I remember very well what those were but haven't looked at them in years. At a womens retreat shortly after Selah was born a speaker handed out the stones and asked us to ask God what dreams and visions he may have for us, and then write them down. I remember thinking at the time that the things I wrote on the stones were pretty out there, maybe even fleshlly, because 3 out of 5 were a stretch. But today looking at them, it was definetly a 'God-moment'
1. Aslan-the prophecy over him that he would have a "moses spirit" ( that's a story for another time if you have not heard it, but in brief it came from 4 totally unrelated sources, from the time I was pregnant to when he was born ill, that he would have a moses spirit- and Moses is the only one who spoke face to face with God) anyway 2. Selah would be a woman of God- So these were the two softballs, what every mother desires for their children, no surprise there. then comes #3 That I would speak to women/girls someday- weird thing was at the time, I had never preached a sermon , (except once in high school) and that seemed like a huge stretch for me, but in case you guys don't know I have now been speaking at camps and conferences for almost 3 years, wow how God knows when we have no clue.
4.That we would have a youth ministry that people would pattern theres after- This actually happened when we first moved to Gridley- 3 seperate youth pastors that came and started using the ideas to bring back to their church. So odd
5. (Now this one confused me, it wasn't neccessarily a dream or vision so I'm not sure why I wrote it) but the weirdest thing is that today it was exactly what I needed to hear, it so amazes me how God works , I shouldn't be surprised but it surprises me everytime. I know you want to know what it said but Im not going to tell you! :p
Ok ok just kidding 5. Though the vision tarry wait for it....
This may mean nothing to you, but the life and times Bill and I are in it means everything so in case you are questioning, or wondering maybe this will encourage you too or maybe try to put something on paper and see what God may do with it in a few years or maybe try some stones in a little mesh bag with a sharpie, it worked for me ....
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Did you know it's Christmas!
Yeah Christmas has come to Kohl's ....Already, I've been looking at the fall/halloween stuff as I walk by for weeks now so I feel like that is already over, Our schedules are holiday-like, the stress level etc. Too funny how retail works at it's own pace. Speaking of work some of the girls are taking me to dinner for my birthday, what a nice gesture that is!
Hmmm.... what to say , what to say, I'm speaking at a conference on the 11th and 12th so pray for me, I always get nervous until God gives me the entire word, all organized and ready to go! It's still a very odd season for us, Bill is working over night 4 times a week which means I sleep alone, which I haven't done more than a month combined in our entire marriage, now it's most of the time, I miss him a lot, we use to get away every six months too , so we will have to start doing that again, since we also have a teenager living with us, like most of the time. LOL
I really pray for a house where we can offer them a bedroom not just a couch, but most of them are quite thankful for that!
Not sure what else to say except Merry Christmas!
Hmmm.... what to say , what to say, I'm speaking at a conference on the 11th and 12th so pray for me, I always get nervous until God gives me the entire word, all organized and ready to go! It's still a very odd season for us, Bill is working over night 4 times a week which means I sleep alone, which I haven't done more than a month combined in our entire marriage, now it's most of the time, I miss him a lot, we use to get away every six months too , so we will have to start doing that again, since we also have a teenager living with us, like most of the time. LOL
I really pray for a house where we can offer them a bedroom not just a couch, but most of them are quite thankful for that!
Not sure what else to say except Merry Christmas!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
And I have the certificate to prove it!
So yesterday was the awards ceremony at the kids school. They give out monthly awards to the students who excel in certain areas. Well Selah came home as thrilled as she could be and said, "I'm the best speller in 2nd grade! And I have the certificate to prove it!" I'm so proud of my little girl. Now she is determined to get student of the month, which it took me til 5th grade to get that, but then I got student of the year so maybe she will follow in those footsteps. We framed her certificate and she said, "NOw when I get student of the month it can go over this" Not if but "when" , I like that faith, I like that determination, and Selah is the type that will not stop until she attains it I guarentee you that!
Aslan on the other hand, keeps getting these "Caught ya " cards, which means he gets caught doing something good, you turn them in to a drawing and they pick names weekly for it, he's already won once. He picks up trash and helps people out a lot so I'm told him, he is "Helper of the month" in the mommy awards.
Ok bye for now!
Aslan on the other hand, keeps getting these "Caught ya " cards, which means he gets caught doing something good, you turn them in to a drawing and they pick names weekly for it, he's already won once. He picks up trash and helps people out a lot so I'm told him, he is "Helper of the month" in the mommy awards.
Ok bye for now!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Warning on Mercury.....
So Aslan is still learning so much about planets and the solar system. Every dinner he talks about how much he has learned, So tonight he told us to be warned, because on Mercury, you will "Fry like a chicken" It was so funny how he said it and so cute. Then we asked why it was and he said, " Because its closest to the sun duh" It's just amazing to me how much he has learned and how much he enjoys it! Thank God for great teachers!
There is an awards ceremony tomorrow at school and Selah thinks she is going to get student of the month, I know she is an amazing student, but there are a lot of students in the school so I told her not be disappointed if she didn't get it this month there are lots of months left! Also her girl scout troop is selling magazines and nuts so please let us know if you need some chocolate covered nuts or a magazine, (she has a catalog with every magazine imaginable in it) and we have to make a good first impression with fundraisers lol jk.
Alrighty then good night all and have a great day!!
There is an awards ceremony tomorrow at school and Selah thinks she is going to get student of the month, I know she is an amazing student, but there are a lot of students in the school so I told her not be disappointed if she didn't get it this month there are lots of months left! Also her girl scout troop is selling magazines and nuts so please let us know if you need some chocolate covered nuts or a magazine, (she has a catalog with every magazine imaginable in it) and we have to make a good first impression with fundraisers lol jk.
Alrighty then good night all and have a great day!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Ad Set...grrrr
So I just got home, I had to stay for adset, at work it always takes place after store close, it's not a bad process but it keeps you up late, I actually got a lot of work done at my desk, since my only job was to supervise the team, (even though they have an ad set supervisor) so actually I supervise him supervising them, (hmmmm ) anyway it wasn't so bad, but the air conditioning goes off right at close and the office is like a heater box, and the drive home was tough , but oh well I'm home safe. Thank you Jesus!
Selah started Girl Scouts today, a lot of girls from her school were in it, and she had oh so so much fun! She went on and on, and you know what's interesting. Girl scouts have not taken, "serve God" out of their motto, I was quite pleased to hear that. She also came home with her first fundraising, and of course she is like the best salesman ever, on the phone to me she described on of the chocolates, as "smooth chocolate with a touch of mint" she is too funny, I bet she will make a killing (sales wise) with the girl scout cookies when they come up!
I was glad I got to drop her off even though I couldn't pick her up since I had to go to work, a girl walked straight up to her and talked to her , so mommy was comforted!
Aslan is in Royal Rangers and he is doing amazing in it, he has expressed interest in wresting when it comes available, Bill and I both think it's a great idea, and that he would be good at it!
OH yeah and when I was picking up the kids, there was a nice lady standing next to me, and she turned to me and said, "My daughter loves reading your blog", I literally stood there mouth open trying to comprehend what she said, lots of thoughts racing like am I a blog celebrity???!???! LOL
Anyway then she said she was Mandy's mom, (Mandy being a very sweet young woman who used to go to our youth quite often) Love ya Mandy! Anyway that was the funniest sweetest thing!
So I better go to bed now its 2:35 am and I have to be back at work at 2pm tomorrow!
Selah started Girl Scouts today, a lot of girls from her school were in it, and she had oh so so much fun! She went on and on, and you know what's interesting. Girl scouts have not taken, "serve God" out of their motto, I was quite pleased to hear that. She also came home with her first fundraising, and of course she is like the best salesman ever, on the phone to me she described on of the chocolates, as "smooth chocolate with a touch of mint" she is too funny, I bet she will make a killing (sales wise) with the girl scout cookies when they come up!
I was glad I got to drop her off even though I couldn't pick her up since I had to go to work, a girl walked straight up to her and talked to her , so mommy was comforted!
Aslan is in Royal Rangers and he is doing amazing in it, he has expressed interest in wresting when it comes available, Bill and I both think it's a great idea, and that he would be good at it!
OH yeah and when I was picking up the kids, there was a nice lady standing next to me, and she turned to me and said, "My daughter loves reading your blog", I literally stood there mouth open trying to comprehend what she said, lots of thoughts racing like am I a blog celebrity???!???! LOL
Anyway then she said she was Mandy's mom, (Mandy being a very sweet young woman who used to go to our youth quite often) Love ya Mandy! Anyway that was the funniest sweetest thing!
So I better go to bed now its 2:35 am and I have to be back at work at 2pm tomorrow!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Not much to say.....
Not much to say today. Church this morning was good, after a few technical difficulties, then it was off to work. We had a guy stalking a woman in our store today pretending that he worked there, (that was weird), so we walked her out to her car, then he flipped back around to follow her and we stood in his way, and I pretending to be looking at his license number and grabbing my cell phone, so he flipped around and went the other way! Victory, I'm so tough! The guy was creepy though I will give him that, and I don't think he will be back! So that happened and an associate fainted, she has been going through some major health issues, and they can't quite narrow it down, she's been off for months (since the last 2 times she worked she left in an ambulance, due to seizures and incoherence,) so I found out today she is going to a psychatrist and a psychologist, and trust me this girl is so far from being a drama queen it's ridiculous, she is the type that likes to work hard and not cause a seen, so it makes me think that , there may be something that happened to her long ago or something, poor poor girl, so if you think about it say a prayer for her , lets just say A.
So then came home just in time to tuck some kids in and kiss a husband before he ran off to work 5th night in a row at 10 hours a shift, I felt so bad for him this morning, we were missing most of the band, including the guitarist, so he had to play, and there was a mike unplugged, and he was sweating like a madman, my poor baby I can't imagine being up all night then all that. He's working so hard!
Well not much to say turned into quite a bit, so I'm off now!
So then came home just in time to tuck some kids in and kiss a husband before he ran off to work 5th night in a row at 10 hours a shift, I felt so bad for him this morning, we were missing most of the band, including the guitarist, so he had to play, and there was a mike unplugged, and he was sweating like a madman, my poor baby I can't imagine being up all night then all that. He's working so hard!
Well not much to say turned into quite a bit, so I'm off now!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The Amazing Crawdad Hunters Part 2
Far right
So family walk time again and of course we had to visit the crawdads, So as they stop at the creek thing I keep walking so i can get some good walk time in , Sam and I circle up to the stop sign and back then follow the levy. Well this time I decided to go a diffrent direction and I hit the jackpot, I found a virtual crawdad graveyard not to mention some huge crawdads in the water next to the bank. So I went and got the fam to check this out , sticks and all. Well of course Aslan had to collect every little shell and claw he could find , but hey what would you expect? We had a blast , and got selah to take some more pictures, I can't show you any pictures of actual crawdads on this blog because well, Selah "called " all of those pics. So I must abide by the "I called it rule, in blog etiquette lol! So to see the crawdads and all the pictures she took tonight, I will post them after this, go to
So not much else to report on this end, just spending every bit of family time we can get, cause after all that is what life is about!
So not much else to report on this end, just spending every bit of family time we can get, cause after all that is what life is about!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Crawdads hunters!
So tonight we went for a walk as a family, ( as we tend to do quite often) and the kids love to go to the little creek and look for crawdads So that's what we did, we found a few got a few pics but as soon as we got our stick even close to them they ran off. Man those things are so fast! It was so funny cause the kids were talking about how big and bad of crawdad hunters they were! Also they both got sticks and then daddy said they could keep them, so Selah says, "This will be passes down for generations! It was too funny! In the pics you will see Selah covering her eyes and looking scared and thats because daddy stradled the little creek thing and she was afraid he would fall in. So enjoy the pics and our fun story. Not much else to report except God is good all the time, and I have so many many blessings in the family that I have and my husband and my children. We absolutley love spending time togther and it's the highlight of any day! They are my favorite people in the whole wide world!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A New Season
Today was overcast and thunder and lightening followed. I love it, I'm so ready for fall, I know we are going to have lots of hot days left here in Cali, but soon enough it will be here!
So now lets decide to have a new season in our lives. Those things we worry about , those things we can't quite let go of , our selfish pride, our negativity, our apathy, whatever it is. So I'm deciding to start a new season in my life, no matter how hard things get I will do my best to stay positive, because there is always someone way worse off than me. My blessings are so numerous how can I not think on them all day long! The enviornment of my world is going to change.
So now lets decide to have a new season in our lives. Those things we worry about , those things we can't quite let go of , our selfish pride, our negativity, our apathy, whatever it is. So I'm deciding to start a new season in my life, no matter how hard things get I will do my best to stay positive, because there is always someone way worse off than me. My blessings are so numerous how can I not think on them all day long! The enviornment of my world is going to change.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Entertaining Angels unaware.....
So, as I was fixing Selah's hair this morning , and listening Joyce Meyer( I know what a shock), Joyce was talking about giving to people and we have so much , that we think we need but why not give of what we have, etc. Well it's always funny to me how Selah not only listens but fully understands Joyce's ministry, and if she doesn't then she will ask. So we were not discussing it or anything and she just says
" Mommy did you know that God sends Angels to us sometimes to test us, " (this is word for word), " Like the time we were at Del Taco and daddy bought that guy some tacos and gave them to him, I know he was an angel and God was testing us, Or the time we were at Taco Bell and daddy brought the guy eating out of the trash some burritos he was probably an angel too , cause God does that you know." I just sat in awe of my little girl and I remembered a time when she was only 2 and she was in the bath and she kept pointing up above my head and saying angels, and when I asked what they looked like she said, "like birdies , tweet tweet" So I think we need to give out kids a little credit for the spiritual understanding they have, and not only that but follow our heart when God tells us to give or serve, etc. Because we may be entertaining angels unaware.
And a couple extra thoughts to leave you with:
"Change your thoughts , Change the World!"
"Sometimes in the winds of change we find true direction"
" Mommy did you know that God sends Angels to us sometimes to test us, " (this is word for word), " Like the time we were at Del Taco and daddy bought that guy some tacos and gave them to him, I know he was an angel and God was testing us, Or the time we were at Taco Bell and daddy brought the guy eating out of the trash some burritos he was probably an angel too , cause God does that you know." I just sat in awe of my little girl and I remembered a time when she was only 2 and she was in the bath and she kept pointing up above my head and saying angels, and when I asked what they looked like she said, "like birdies , tweet tweet" So I think we need to give out kids a little credit for the spiritual understanding they have, and not only that but follow our heart when God tells us to give or serve, etc. Because we may be entertaining angels unaware.
And a couple extra thoughts to leave you with:
"Change your thoughts , Change the World!"
"Sometimes in the winds of change we find true direction"
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Saturday -blah, Saturday-sweet!
So I looked forward all week to my day off , It was on Saturday which never happens! Wow amazing, so it was supposed to be yard sales in the morning with my mom and the kids and then clean house and relax. Well it didn't quite work out that way, mom had to work, and I didnt sleep hardly at all last night so it took me forever to get going! So what can we do then, fun for the kids since Bill is at work (it's always one of us !) So I contemplated the library but it has limited hours on the weekend, so I decided movie it would be! Space Chimps was the flick and the kids liked it,but the money we spent even on a matinee was highway robbery, so then grocery shopping for dinner etc. etc. We got home cleaned and ate and then went on a good long walk. Sounds like a fantastic day right? Should have been, and most of it was a joy, spending time with my sweet angels, (even though today they must have been having a bit of an identity crisis on the angel thing) But Im telling you, (whoever still reads this) The devil is working overtime on my family, the attack is constant,one thing after the other, I will not take the time to list it all, and I try not to blog about the bad stuff, but today I thought for sure I was gonna have a 'mascara meltdown', Bill called from work and got the brunt of it, I held back with my mom when I called to ask about my poor Selah's legs that are full of sores , bites and owies that are morphing into really bad situations because of the uncontrollable urge to scratch! Her skin is so so sensitive which auntie Heather is well aware of! So anyway I know attack comes when you move forward, I just wish it would lighten up a bit, wishful thinking i know but I know we will get through it, hopefully without too many more meltdowns.
So the happy ending is when the kids were going to bed , both in a bit of trouble for less than stellar behavior, Aslan said once again that , "I am miserable, I was such a bad boy today, "
To which I responded , " YOu are not a bad boy, sometimes we all make bad choices, "
He says, "But I make them a lot",
I say, "Well sometimes I do too and tommorrow is a new day for both of us,"
Then I carassed his face and talked with him smiling and cuddling til he was sleepy and smiling from ear to ear!
So in the meantime, Selah who was very emotional today(she is not used to mommy and daddy both working a lot), started crying and I went in and she said, "I don't know how I deserved the best parents like you and daddy, " When I asked why she was crying she said (as she says quite often), "These are tears of joy" Yeah not so much, So I held her and we talked too about family and how we are all perfect for each other, and finally she stopped crying and started smiling from ear to ear with her knee high green socks pants and long sleeve shirt (in case any mosquitos snuck in) I know I say it all the time but they are the bestest kids in the whole wide world!
So the happy ending is when the kids were going to bed , both in a bit of trouble for less than stellar behavior, Aslan said once again that , "I am miserable, I was such a bad boy today, "
To which I responded , " YOu are not a bad boy, sometimes we all make bad choices, "
He says, "But I make them a lot",
I say, "Well sometimes I do too and tommorrow is a new day for both of us,"
Then I carassed his face and talked with him smiling and cuddling til he was sleepy and smiling from ear to ear!
So in the meantime, Selah who was very emotional today(she is not used to mommy and daddy both working a lot), started crying and I went in and she said, "I don't know how I deserved the best parents like you and daddy, " When I asked why she was crying she said (as she says quite often), "These are tears of joy" Yeah not so much, So I held her and we talked too about family and how we are all perfect for each other, and finally she stopped crying and started smiling from ear to ear with her knee high green socks pants and long sleeve shirt (in case any mosquitos snuck in) I know I say it all the time but they are the bestest kids in the whole wide world!
Friday, September 12, 2008
We all know where we were.......
Oakley California , woken up by a phone call, "turn on your tv now!" I remember being irratated because Selah was an infant, and sleep was rare. I remember thinking, Nothing could be that important........then everything changed......We all remember, we all stood together for a short time we were in fact one nation under God... for a short time......churches were full and americans united....for a short time.... Lets not ever forget, let us live each day as if it were our last, what difference would that make?
Oakley California , woken up by a phone call, "turn on your tv now!" I remember being irratated because Selah was an infant, and sleep was rare. I remember thinking, Nothing could be that important........then everything changed......We all remember, we all stood together for a short time we were in fact one nation under God... for a short time......churches were full and americans united....for a short time.... Lets not ever forget, let us live each day as if it were our last, what difference would that make?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Less pain but breathing gain
So I went on a jog again tonight , less running more race walking, turned out much better , then came home and did the ab lounge ( which was before I read Cora's message haha) I planned on that last night but didn't have the breath rofl! So yeah I had a busy night and didn't want to go but knowing I would be blogging about it, and knowing you all will hold me accountable I did it anyway. I have to work tommorrow night so probably not then, unless im inspired at 11:30pm when I get of work, actually 12am when i get home lol probably not gonna happen!
So tonight at dinner we were once again having the usual conversation of , "what did you do today at school and what did you learn?" So Aslan was still talking about the solar system, and he is like a sponge with that right now, he was talking about the dwarf planets, and of course in typical Aslan manner the conversation then shifted to Lord of the Rings, "What if it's called a dwarf planets cause dwarfs live there , like the mines of moria with the balrog, (he knows more about Lord of the Rings then most adults, and that's not from watching the movie, cause he's only seen part of it one time). It was too funny. He is an amazing little man
Ok so Selah who is learning about seeds and plants, and she is naming parts of plants that I must have learned at some point but have completley forgetten, she has such an amazing memory it's insane. So she starts talking about this huge ugly plant, these are her words, "So it's so big and stinky and ugly , fly's poop on it cause it stinks so bad! Oh I love my kids I just wait for all the cute things they will say and do!
So tonight at dinner we were once again having the usual conversation of , "what did you do today at school and what did you learn?" So Aslan was still talking about the solar system, and he is like a sponge with that right now, he was talking about the dwarf planets, and of course in typical Aslan manner the conversation then shifted to Lord of the Rings, "What if it's called a dwarf planets cause dwarfs live there , like the mines of moria with the balrog, (he knows more about Lord of the Rings then most adults, and that's not from watching the movie, cause he's only seen part of it one time). It was too funny. He is an amazing little man
Ok so Selah who is learning about seeds and plants, and she is naming parts of plants that I must have learned at some point but have completley forgetten, she has such an amazing memory it's insane. So she starts talking about this huge ugly plant, these are her words, "So it's so big and stinky and ugly , fly's poop on it cause it stinks so bad! Oh I love my kids I just wait for all the cute things they will say and do!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
No pain no gain!
So my dad inspired me! He has been on a health kick and work out kick etc. Now I'm not as crazy as him doing some insane workout, but since I've worked at Kohl's I haven't been keeping up on working out since then. I mean I used a pedometer and I walk about three miles a day but it isn't cardio, so Im not in the worst shape in the world.
So tonight I got on my running shoes and decided to go for a run! I've run many times in the past and on treadmills etc. So why not? So I ran all the way down to the church sign then back the other way to Archer and back home, it's a good distance, and by run I mean I ran then walked a bit then ran etc. So when I got home my chest hurt a bit, but I felt good like I had made it etc. Then i started coughing and had a hard time breathing, (wow I am lame) I used to have to use an inhaler when I got chronic bronchitus, and such but haven't had to for a long time. So anyway I just kept coughing, So Bill who has a lot of experience with lung issues told me to take a shower to help. Well it did , although they are still sore I can breathe again. So I feel kinda dumb telling everyone that, but I've been so honest on this blog that you probably already know I'm a litlle silly at times. So anyway, maybe i overdid it for the first night, maybe I can't run because of all my lung damage from chronic bronchitus etc. I just really need to find something that works for me that is convient and free! As well as keeping all sugar and fried food out of my house , and my office ( which I don't think the other managers will agree with lol) But I am determined, my dad has stuck with it, and so I know i can do it! I make no promises except I will try!
So tonight I got on my running shoes and decided to go for a run! I've run many times in the past and on treadmills etc. So why not? So I ran all the way down to the church sign then back the other way to Archer and back home, it's a good distance, and by run I mean I ran then walked a bit then ran etc. So when I got home my chest hurt a bit, but I felt good like I had made it etc. Then i started coughing and had a hard time breathing, (wow I am lame) I used to have to use an inhaler when I got chronic bronchitus, and such but haven't had to for a long time. So anyway I just kept coughing, So Bill who has a lot of experience with lung issues told me to take a shower to help. Well it did , although they are still sore I can breathe again. So I feel kinda dumb telling everyone that, but I've been so honest on this blog that you probably already know I'm a litlle silly at times. So anyway, maybe i overdid it for the first night, maybe I can't run because of all my lung damage from chronic bronchitus etc. I just really need to find something that works for me that is convient and free! As well as keeping all sugar and fried food out of my house , and my office ( which I don't think the other managers will agree with lol) But I am determined, my dad has stuck with it, and so I know i can do it! I make no promises except I will try!
Refiner's fire
It may seem that you've heard this before but read on, I promise it's worth it , and we all need reminding now and then!
Malachi 3:3 says: "He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver." This verse puzzled some women in a Bible study and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature of God. One of the women offered to find out the process of refining silver and get back to the group at their next Bible Study. That week, the woman called a silversmith and made an appointment to watch him at work. She didn't mention anything about the reason for her interest beyond her curiosity about the process of refining Silver. As one woman from a bible study watched a silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest so as to burn away all the impurities. The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot; then she thought again about the verse that says: "He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver." She asked the silversmith if it was true that He had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined. ; The man answered that He not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed. The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silversmith, "How do you know when the silver is fully refined?"He smiled at her and answered, "Oh, that's easy," "When I see my image in it." If today you are feeling the heat of the fire, remember that God has his eye on you and will keep watching you until He sees His image in you.
Wow! I love it! He never takes his eyes off us, and he keeps us in the fire until he sees his reflection. I don't know if that's encouraging or not jk!
Malachi 3:3 says: "He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver." This verse puzzled some women in a Bible study and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature of God. One of the women offered to find out the process of refining silver and get back to the group at their next Bible Study. That week, the woman called a silversmith and made an appointment to watch him at work. She didn't mention anything about the reason for her interest beyond her curiosity about the process of refining Silver. As one woman from a bible study watched a silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest so as to burn away all the impurities. The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot; then she thought again about the verse that says: "He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver." She asked the silversmith if it was true that He had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined. ; The man answered that He not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed. The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silversmith, "How do you know when the silver is fully refined?"He smiled at her and answered, "Oh, that's easy," "When I see my image in it." If today you are feeling the heat of the fire, remember that God has his eye on you and will keep watching you until He sees His image in you.
Wow! I love it! He never takes his eyes off us, and he keeps us in the fire until he sees his reflection. I don't know if that's encouraging or not jk!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
What is God concerned about?
And the answer for 500 dollars is? SOULS! That is the word God gave my hubby for the church this morning and he rocked the house (and Bill didn't do so bad either! :) There were a few people there that I was so glad were there, it was such an attack in the morning , the medicine I'm on is helping, but I can feel when it wears off which is odd since its not like a pain medicine per se, anyway in the mornings it has worn off and it's tougher than before, ( So you take the good you take the bad right? A day of less pain for a morning of more.., anyway I digress) So this morning was very hard, my body was screaming, and I was so tempted to just crawl back into bed for a few more hours before work, but I didn't, then in worship I was having major flare up of pain in my side every time I exerted my voice to sing, and at that point I was like , "Ok God apparently you are going to do something big here today, so I just kept praising and singing , and in walks a couple who really needed to be there, and during prayer time they went up to the altar, Thank you Jesus!! Then my "boyfriend for life" brought an amazing word with great impact! He was right when he said we need to get ready for the souls, our church prayer time has been amazing, so as long as we keep that up and get the rest in order, the new wind of souls will be coming , i just know it! There has never been such an attack on our church so I know it's coming! With great trial comes great victory if we stay faithful!
Sorry that was a big long ramble, if you followed it great if not, then I guess it was for me cause I sat down saying I have nothing to say tonight! LOL If you followed then please agree with us in prayer for our church.
Sorry that was a big long ramble, if you followed it great if not, then I guess it was for me cause I sat down saying I have nothing to say tonight! LOL If you followed then please agree with us in prayer for our church.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Confess those things that aren't as if they were
- I am the righteousness of God in Christ
- I have favor everywhere I go
- God is on my side and I will not live in fear
- Good things are happening to me
- I am a blessing everywhere I go
- God gives me bread to eat and seed to sow, I am able to meet needs
- I walk in the fruit of the spirt, love, joy , peace, patience, gentleness, self-control
Stop being negative so God can bless you! Those were the words coming out of the tv, right as I turned it on, not two seconds after I said, "Our house has so many problems, I am so sick of it"
Funny how I admit so many of my weaknesses on this blog for all to see! But oh well this is me take it or leave it. So Charity, stop being negative about your house, ok ok God I will, but please can you stop giving Joyce my mail..... she keeps reading it for all to hear lol.
Friday, September 5, 2008
So today on my blog it said I have one follower, and that's aunt Mary! Yay for aunt Mary, it's really cool, however I have no clue how to do it. I have just saved everyones blogs to my favorites and I read them everyday, but following sounds like a better option but Im not sure how to do it, so if anyone could let me be part of the 'in ' crowd and give me a little 411 on the subject it would be splendid.
So another amazing week at school! Aslan is like a diffrent kid, in his learning capacity, and behavior, God is so good. Tonight at dinner we were talking about their week at school and what they had learned, you have to tune in to Bill's blog for the story of the night , since he "Called it" after all! It's so funny it would come under the catagory of kids say the darndest things! It was priceless! Kids are so amazing and wonderful, what did Bill and I ever do before our amazing kids?
So another amazing week at school! Aslan is like a diffrent kid, in his learning capacity, and behavior, God is so good. Tonight at dinner we were talking about their week at school and what they had learned, you have to tune in to Bill's blog for the story of the night , since he "Called it" after all! It's so funny it would come under the catagory of kids say the darndest things! It was priceless! Kids are so amazing and wonderful, what did Bill and I ever do before our amazing kids?
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Memories from the table
So tonight at the dinner table we were talking about how things they say on tv aren't always the truth and we have to be careful what we believe etc. So Aslan says , "What about Debbie Meyer's( or whatever the name, he knew it, I don't) green bags, do they really work like that?" And Selah piped in and say, "You should see the bananas after 9 days, not even a brown spot" Bill and I start busting up laughing , then I said , "I get this blog", Then Selah says, " I call this blog, I get to write about it, " (but I'm cheating since she is in bed) It was so very funny, Bill was laughing so hard that Aslan started caressing his head and saying , "
It's ok daddy" and Selah was like Daddy don't have a heart attack.... oh kids!
The funny thing is they have been watching less than an hour of tv a day, so it's not like they have seen that commercial a lot.
Not to mention it's not like it comes on the cartoon stations, only when we watch food network.
So of course it got me thinking.... I try to be so careful about what the kids watch , and I m glad I am because at this age they remember everything, every detail of random things! They are like sponges, not only tv, but our habits, our attitudes , our consistency or lack there of.
I think we should all ask ourselves, what are our sponges soaking up? How to treat their spouse someday, or how to react when you have a bad day, or patience, or pure family values.
I pray that my sponges (a.k.a. kids in case your not following) will soak up a godly home, that through it all preservers, puts God first, and lives every day to the fullest.
I have to say , we look forward to dinner when we are all home, because it is always around the dinner table.... these are some of the best times in our lives.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Truth will in fact, set you free!
Selah's view
Aslan took this one
Self Selah lol
Im an angel sent by God...
Aslan took this one
Self Selah lol
Im an angel sent by God...
The truth will in fact, set you free..Everyone needs to remember that, Not only will the truth set you free but venegance is not ours it's Gods. No matter what happens to us that we think we owe them one, or we hold onto unforgivness for them. God says no... he will take care of the problem and take care of us. And he does. Sometimes also giving us a true love and compassion for that person or persons.
Nuff said
On a lighter note:
Question of the day............. What is your favorite tv show and why?
Mine would have to be a toss up between, Criminal Minds, Lost, and now Doctor Who, I love murder/crime dramas , and scifi, and lost has a mystery that is awesome you never know what will happen, I wish there were more shows like that.
Short and sweet today folks, Im sure you are tired of reading novels anyway, lol.
Monday, September 1, 2008
There's a new wind blowing
So last night it was very cool, windows open all night! Yay! Hot weather gone (temporarily of course) and then this morning we woke up to fierce wind. Allergy inducing fierce wind. But at least it was not hot. Selah and I spent the morning researching lyrics to hannah montana songs and some relient k ones, and singing them out loud. Bill made us all breakfast and we ate together it was nice. So off to work didn't' start too bad. Bill is preaching Sunday by the way , I'm excited about that.
Then there was drama at work.... I am constantly amazed at the level of drama some people need in there lives, I just wish they would leave me out of it just because I'm an easy target for them. I know like last time, the truth will give me peace and set me free but it is hurtful right now, I mean it's silly that in a store of 100 employees who 98 of them like me and I'm concerned about 2 drama filled ones. I feel like I'm in high school sometimes, but the difference is I have done absolutely nothing to them except live my life for Christ, and be an example. It always happens too, when there is a lot of other attack going on in my life. God must be preparing me for something huge in my life, cause sometimes I feel like I am just one step away from insanity, when the trials are so constant.
But the wind is blowing, I talked to a young guy at work last night who is a Christian and was able to encourage him in his faith, and then today, a lady I work with having a conversation about Aslan being a miracle and my faith in God, then tonight a young girl who was talking to me about how she used to believe in God and was burned by her church and she and her bf may come to church on Sunday. So as you see it is an attack , but I am human and I bleed, and I get very very tired sometimes, but I must remember to , "count it all joy... when you go through trials ...for it produces....grrrr patience... I guess I'm still lacking it! Doesn't it feel like sometimes you know all the right words to say to yourself and you just want your emotions to follow them without question.
I don't know if anyone is still reading this but it was good for me, maybe for someone else in the great world wide web!
Oh and Selah begged for a blog, mostly for her pictures so here it is
Then there was drama at work.... I am constantly amazed at the level of drama some people need in there lives, I just wish they would leave me out of it just because I'm an easy target for them. I know like last time, the truth will give me peace and set me free but it is hurtful right now, I mean it's silly that in a store of 100 employees who 98 of them like me and I'm concerned about 2 drama filled ones. I feel like I'm in high school sometimes, but the difference is I have done absolutely nothing to them except live my life for Christ, and be an example. It always happens too, when there is a lot of other attack going on in my life. God must be preparing me for something huge in my life, cause sometimes I feel like I am just one step away from insanity, when the trials are so constant.
But the wind is blowing, I talked to a young guy at work last night who is a Christian and was able to encourage him in his faith, and then today, a lady I work with having a conversation about Aslan being a miracle and my faith in God, then tonight a young girl who was talking to me about how she used to believe in God and was burned by her church and she and her bf may come to church on Sunday. So as you see it is an attack , but I am human and I bleed, and I get very very tired sometimes, but I must remember to , "count it all joy... when you go through trials ...for it produces....grrrr patience... I guess I'm still lacking it! Doesn't it feel like sometimes you know all the right words to say to yourself and you just want your emotions to follow them without question.
I don't know if anyone is still reading this but it was good for me, maybe for someone else in the great world wide web!
Oh and Selah begged for a blog, mostly for her pictures so here it is
"If you stalk them , .....they will come"
Once again Selah's amazing talents

So today my friend came to church!!! She runs a salon in town and she does my eyebrows for me, we have bonded in the past and I think she is super cool,so I have been inviting her to church. So this morning I was running late have a very tough morning, Let me preface this tough morning by saying Bill worked overnight Friday til 7:30am, I worked the morning, Saturday he went back at 1pm , I worked the day, he worked til 11:30pm that night, So we were both exhausted, Sundays are hard anyway, so his phone is beeping and we look and he has missed calls from various hours through the night, so we freak a bit not knowing who it could be, so we call back and it's Bill's work saying he took the keys to their little campus car. So at 8:30 am he has to go bring the keys all the way to Marysville ( which is about an hour round trip) ...yeah I know right.... So I said Im just gonna shut my eyes for a minute and I woke back up when Bill was bad..... So now I'm scrambling to get myself and the kids ready for church and , at the risk of sounding like a whiner, mornings are tough for me, my body aches and it takes a bit for me to get my body going, and also going to bed with some tears last night didn't help my eyes or my morning. So needless to say I was late for church, came in on the end of the first song, onto the platform, and pastor walks up to me and says , "your friend is here" So I look up and see her beautiful smiling face and her lovely family and everything else that happened faded away, thank you Jesus! Then off to work for both Bill and I until 11:30pm tonight, Thank you mom for watching my little ones, and she didn't even need duct tape this time. lol
So cute quote of the day, Selah looks at the picture of herself from like 4 years ago and says , "Small head , big head, " as she points from the picture to her head. And I said "Selah" She said, "Well mom it's obvious why, I have so much more knowledge now, you need a bigger head for a bigger brain" lol nuff said. Aslan says so many many adorable things too, tonight his was a very dramatic head in hands , after getting in a bit of trouble, " I feel miserable" bill and I laughed out loud .
Bill wanted me to tell everyone that his blog address is:
He is going to start blogging now too, it's contagious, and I agree with my dad, ( when he says this is a medium to get our thoughts out, it's like a grown up diary that everyone reads !
Good night all thanks for reading!
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- And I have the certificate to prove it!
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- Crawdads hunters!
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- We all know where we were.......
- Less pain but breathing gain
- No pain no gain!
- Refiner's fire
- What is God concerned about?
- Confess those things that aren't as if they were
- Followers?
- Memories from the table
- Truth will in fact, set you free!
- There's a new wind blowing
- "If you stalk them , .....they will come"