So I looked forward all week to my day off , It was on Saturday which never happens! Wow amazing, so it was supposed to be yard sales in the morning with my mom and the kids and then clean house and relax. Well it didn't quite work out that way, mom had to work, and I didnt sleep hardly at all last night so it took me forever to get going! So what can we do then, fun for the kids since Bill is at work (it's always one of us !) So I contemplated the library but it has limited hours on the weekend, so I decided movie it would be! Space Chimps was the flick and the kids liked it,but the money we spent even on a matinee was highway robbery, so then grocery shopping for dinner etc. etc. We got home cleaned and ate and then went on a good long walk. Sounds like a fantastic day right? Should have been, and most of it was a joy, spending time with my sweet angels, (even though today they must have been having a bit of an identity crisis on the angel thing) But Im telling you, (whoever still reads this) The devil is working overtime on my family, the attack is constant,one thing after the other, I will not take the time to list it all, and I try not to blog about the bad stuff, but today I thought for sure I was gonna have a 'mascara meltdown', Bill called from work and got the brunt of it, I held back with my mom when I called to ask about my poor Selah's legs that are full of sores , bites and owies that are morphing into really bad situations because of the uncontrollable urge to scratch! Her skin is so so sensitive which auntie Heather is well aware of! So anyway I know attack comes when you move forward, I just wish it would lighten up a bit, wishful thinking i know but I know we will get through it, hopefully without too many more meltdowns.
So the happy ending is when the kids were going to bed , both in a bit of trouble for less than stellar behavior, Aslan said once again that , "I am miserable, I was such a bad boy today, "
To which I responded , " YOu are not a bad boy, sometimes we all make bad choices, "
He says, "But I make them a lot",
I say, "Well sometimes I do too and tommorrow is a new day for both of us,"
Then I carassed his face and talked with him smiling and cuddling til he was sleepy and smiling from ear to ear!
So in the meantime, Selah who was very emotional today(she is not used to mommy and daddy both working a lot), started crying and I went in and she said, "I don't know how I deserved the best parents like you and daddy, " When I asked why she was crying she said (as she says quite often), "These are tears of joy" Yeah not so much, So I held her and we talked too about family and how we are all perfect for each other, and finally she stopped crying and started smiling from ear to ear with her knee high green socks pants and long sleeve shirt (in case any mosquitos snuck in) I know I say it all the time but they are the bestest kids in the whole wide world!
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Wow, Charity. This was a tear-jerker for sure. I really enjoyed following along with your blogs on here. They're a blessing to me, and a close to perfect example of how I want my family to be, interact, and love each other, when I have a family. I love you guys, you're great. Much love and prayers.
that was beautiful. i'm sorry you're having such a rough time.
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