Tuesday, September 9, 2008

No pain no gain!

So my dad inspired me! He has been on a health kick and work out kick etc. Now I'm not as crazy as him doing some insane workout, but since I've worked at Kohl's I haven't been keeping up on working out since then. I mean I used a pedometer and I walk about three miles a day but it isn't cardio, so Im not in the worst shape in the world.
So tonight I got on my running shoes and decided to go for a run! I've run many times in the past and on treadmills etc. So why not? So I ran all the way down to the church sign then back the other way to Archer and back home, it's a good distance, and by run I mean I ran then walked a bit then ran etc. So when I got home my chest hurt a bit, but I felt good like I had made it etc. Then i started coughing and had a hard time breathing, (wow I am lame) I used to have to use an inhaler when I got chronic bronchitus, and such but haven't had to for a long time. So anyway I just kept coughing, So Bill who has a lot of experience with lung issues told me to take a shower to help. Well it did , although they are still sore I can breathe again. So I feel kinda dumb telling everyone that, but I've been so honest on this blog that you probably already know I'm a litlle silly at times. So anyway, maybe i overdid it for the first night, maybe I can't run because of all my lung damage from chronic bronchitus etc. I just really need to find something that works for me that is convient and free! As well as keeping all sugar and fried food out of my house , and my office ( which I don't think the other managers will agree with lol) But I am determined, my dad has stuck with it, and so I know i can do it! I make no promises except I will try!


`4GiVeN said...

You could try the podcasts I started with or just go do a fast walk it doesn't have to be a run

Cora Lynn said...

and don't forget that awesome chair you have! i almost want to drive that hour and a half every day just to do it! lol i've always wanted one but we never have the money or the space. my family in pa got one, too! so jealous am i. (:


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