Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I live with superman!
Ok that sounds so generic cause I can't compete with Bill's post today you can read it at . You won't be surprised to hear it may me bawl like a baby and no one can ever compete with that blog in my eyes. I guess there is a reason why after all these 13 1/2 years together he is still my best friend. God knew what he was doing, we have had our rough times in life and with each other but never even uttered the big "d" word or even considered it. Times are a little unstable right now, a storm at every corner, but he is my safety in the storm, covering me with his amazing strength and buff arms. My cheerleader and the spiritual head of my house... thank you God for my superman.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Auditors are Satan's spawn!
So today we had a corporate audit, not cool at all! I didn't get one break or lunch in a 10 hour day icky icky. So auditors aren't really satan's spawn, it just feels like it sometimes! One auditor was on a power trip , witch hunt because she is from a different district and wants to make sure she finds everything we are doing wrong, so she can prove how great her district is. The corporate auditor was actually pretty cool for an auditor that is. But the worst part is my boss was not there , she didn't even come in when they told her they were there, so I get paid less that half what she does and I had to deal with all the pressures, but I'm not bitter no not bitter at all nope not me , no way , no how, not bitter at all. Did I mention I wasn't bitter!
LOL jk actually I learned a lot from them even the one who was on a witch hunt lol! But anyway what a day what a day!
When I got home I got to cuddle with my amazing children and Bill told me a sweet story about our amazing son. I know I talk about them all the time but they are my life , of course! So Selah was at breakfast, saying she was cold, shivering , (not being dramatic at all of course) so Aslan gets up, and Bill says, "Aslan sit back down and eat your breakfast", Aslan says, " I 'll be right back" , then my sweet little angel goes and gets his sister a blanket and wraps it around her shoulders and sits right back down. He is such a sweet little guy with the biggest heart! Ahhhhh I love my children!
LOL jk actually I learned a lot from them even the one who was on a witch hunt lol! But anyway what a day what a day!
When I got home I got to cuddle with my amazing children and Bill told me a sweet story about our amazing son. I know I talk about them all the time but they are my life , of course! So Selah was at breakfast, saying she was cold, shivering , (not being dramatic at all of course) so Aslan gets up, and Bill says, "Aslan sit back down and eat your breakfast", Aslan says, " I 'll be right back" , then my sweet little angel goes and gets his sister a blanket and wraps it around her shoulders and sits right back down. He is such a sweet little guy with the biggest heart! Ahhhhh I love my children!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Seek and you will find
I want to share something in this post, but you have to know my heart in this, I am not by one ounce of anything wanted to get a pat on the back, or a well done from anyone, and I waited to share this cause I didn't want to even sound close to that, Does that make sense? But I want to encourage everyone in something cause I feel so blessed right now!
So the other morning getting ready for work, Joyce was talking about looking for opportunities to bless people, just by open our eyes and talking to people and asking God for an opportunity to bless. i would like to think I try to do that, I love to give little gifts , and bless people. Its purely selfish though I'm sure because I feel so good if I can bless someone.
That being said, I went ahead and asked God to give me an opportunity that day to bless someone even in a small way. So I went to work and things were just kinda normal. Nothing special. Well we have this gentlemen who does the housekeeping for the store at night. We have talked before, he even once brought me homemade enchiladas that his wife made, he is full Hispanic so let me tell you those enchiladas were out of this world!, Any who I digress..... he seemed kinda down that night, and I asked him how he was doing, he began to tell me about running out of gas on his way to work from his other job, not having money so he had to walk, so he didn't get to go home to get food, so he didn't eat all night. Now this is a family man, he has never complained, never talked about money, so he was not looking for a handout. So I felt really bad for him, but I definitely didn't have any money to give him so I felt helpless, then I remembered I had some frozen meals in the freezer, so I asked if he was hungry, and I was able to give him one, but he had mentioned his kids, so I asked how old they were and he said, 22, 20 and the other will be 15 tomorrow, so we talked a bit about it, and he said he would make a big deal for her 16 cause they didn't have money to get her anything this year, So something occurred to me, earlier that night I had bought a few things with something we call Kohl's cash, it's like free money to use in the store, so I asked him if I could give him something to give to her. And I returned the stuff and bought a gift card with the Kohl's cash and gave it to him to give to his daughter . It was only 25 dollars but that way he would have something to give his daughter on his birthday. It just goes to show that if we open our eyes there are opportunities every day to bless someone, even if you don't have money , or resources, there will always be a way if we ask God for the opportunity.
I hope you all know my heart and know I didn't tell this story to bring glory to anyone but God, because he gives us every blessing we have anyway, and wants to use those things to bless others.
So the other morning getting ready for work, Joyce was talking about looking for opportunities to bless people, just by open our eyes and talking to people and asking God for an opportunity to bless. i would like to think I try to do that, I love to give little gifts , and bless people. Its purely selfish though I'm sure because I feel so good if I can bless someone.
That being said, I went ahead and asked God to give me an opportunity that day to bless someone even in a small way. So I went to work and things were just kinda normal. Nothing special. Well we have this gentlemen who does the housekeeping for the store at night. We have talked before, he even once brought me homemade enchiladas that his wife made, he is full Hispanic so let me tell you those enchiladas were out of this world!, Any who I digress..... he seemed kinda down that night, and I asked him how he was doing, he began to tell me about running out of gas on his way to work from his other job, not having money so he had to walk, so he didn't get to go home to get food, so he didn't eat all night. Now this is a family man, he has never complained, never talked about money, so he was not looking for a handout. So I felt really bad for him, but I definitely didn't have any money to give him so I felt helpless, then I remembered I had some frozen meals in the freezer, so I asked if he was hungry, and I was able to give him one, but he had mentioned his kids, so I asked how old they were and he said, 22, 20 and the other will be 15 tomorrow, so we talked a bit about it, and he said he would make a big deal for her 16 cause they didn't have money to get her anything this year, So something occurred to me, earlier that night I had bought a few things with something we call Kohl's cash, it's like free money to use in the store, so I asked him if I could give him something to give to her. And I returned the stuff and bought a gift card with the Kohl's cash and gave it to him to give to his daughter . It was only 25 dollars but that way he would have something to give his daughter on his birthday. It just goes to show that if we open our eyes there are opportunities every day to bless someone, even if you don't have money , or resources, there will always be a way if we ask God for the opportunity.
I hope you all know my heart and know I didn't tell this story to bring glory to anyone but God, because he gives us every blessing we have anyway, and wants to use those things to bless others.
Friday, October 24, 2008
"You've got to be kidding me" and Chilloween
I don't know which is funnier or which to talk about first I think the potty story wins then you can have the other.
Disclaimer: If you you are offended by "potty stories" you probably should stop reading now, maybe even stop reading my blog in general because no subject is sacred on this blog
So for some random reason, unknown to our family, Every time Selah goes "#2 " in our bathroom the toilet gets clogged. I don't know why, Bill doesn't know why, Selah doesn't know why even sweet Aslan has no clue why. Of course we have pulled out our CSI kits many a times to try to get to the bottom of the mystery, (not literallly of course cause that would be gross) We've checked on using too much toilet paper, the size of bodily excretions is a possibility but that doesn't seem to be a factor since the toilet has probably seen much worse ( I know ewww!) But without fail it happens, one of life's great mysteries that I will have to ask God in heaven some day.
So tonight, Selah was getting ready to get in the shower and decided to use the bathroom first , and I turned to turn on the shower, and look back and she flushes and wham the water starts to come up, not much in there either so I have no idea why this happened. So I am now frantically searching for the plunger can't find it
"Selah go get the plunger"
"But I'm naked"
"Go get it anyway no one else is here" ( but the front screen was open oops!)
So Selah screams, ahh drawing attention if anyone was in fact outside, and I move the hamper and there is the plunger so I say, " Selah I found it" and she comes running back in naked,
"you've got to be kidding me" so I try to plunge the the toilet and it's not working, uh oh bill's not here, and it is just not working. So now I'm frantically moving things off the floor, (cause this toilet loves to overflow) and trying again. Selah says, "mommy let me try I have mucho experience in this" exact words
So I let her try and she puts heart and soul into it's not working, then I try again and again and finally selah says, "Lets both try" So here we are both of us with our hands on the plunger in the toilet and finally the water goes down ordeal over. Selah ends it with, " I don't know what it is it's weird I guess your toilet's hole is just too small for me"
Wow that was so so funny!!!! Potty stories to the max around here!
Ok here goes the second one, We were sitting at the dinner table (which is where the best stories come from and
Aslan says, "Too bad tommorrow is not Chilloween"
I said, "What is that"
Selah says so matter of factly, "You know Chilloween it's August 21st, " and keeps eating.
Ummm ok I thought , "What is Chilloween?"
"it's just a day where you sit and do nothing and chill, " she says hand motions and cool as a cumcumber.
"So Selah where did you get this holiday, I heard the word on a show but I made up the rest!"
So then Aslan says, " I wish tommorrow was Chilloween,"
to which Selah says, "NO Aslan it's on August 21st you can't just change the date of a holiday" (which mind you is only a holiday to my two amazing children lol)
So remember next year in August 21 don't forget to celebrate Chilloween
Disclaimer: If you you are offended by "potty stories" you probably should stop reading now, maybe even stop reading my blog in general because no subject is sacred on this blog
So for some random reason, unknown to our family, Every time Selah goes "#2 " in our bathroom the toilet gets clogged. I don't know why, Bill doesn't know why, Selah doesn't know why even sweet Aslan has no clue why. Of course we have pulled out our CSI kits many a times to try to get to the bottom of the mystery, (not literallly of course cause that would be gross) We've checked on using too much toilet paper, the size of bodily excretions is a possibility but that doesn't seem to be a factor since the toilet has probably seen much worse ( I know ewww!) But without fail it happens, one of life's great mysteries that I will have to ask God in heaven some day.
So tonight, Selah was getting ready to get in the shower and decided to use the bathroom first , and I turned to turn on the shower, and look back and she flushes and wham the water starts to come up, not much in there either so I have no idea why this happened. So I am now frantically searching for the plunger can't find it
"Selah go get the plunger"
"But I'm naked"
"Go get it anyway no one else is here" ( but the front screen was open oops!)
So Selah screams, ahh drawing attention if anyone was in fact outside, and I move the hamper and there is the plunger so I say, " Selah I found it" and she comes running back in naked,
"you've got to be kidding me" so I try to plunge the the toilet and it's not working, uh oh bill's not here, and it is just not working. So now I'm frantically moving things off the floor, (cause this toilet loves to overflow) and trying again. Selah says, "mommy let me try I have mucho experience in this" exact words
So I let her try and she puts heart and soul into it's not working, then I try again and again and finally selah says, "Lets both try" So here we are both of us with our hands on the plunger in the toilet and finally the water goes down ordeal over. Selah ends it with, " I don't know what it is it's weird I guess your toilet's hole is just too small for me"
Wow that was so so funny!!!! Potty stories to the max around here!
Ok here goes the second one, We were sitting at the dinner table (which is where the best stories come from and
Aslan says, "Too bad tommorrow is not Chilloween"
I said, "What is that"
Selah says so matter of factly, "You know Chilloween it's August 21st, " and keeps eating.
Ummm ok I thought , "What is Chilloween?"
"it's just a day where you sit and do nothing and chill, " she says hand motions and cool as a cumcumber.
"So Selah where did you get this holiday, I heard the word on a show but I made up the rest!"
So then Aslan says, " I wish tommorrow was Chilloween,"
to which Selah says, "NO Aslan it's on August 21st you can't just change the date of a holiday" (which mind you is only a holiday to my two amazing children lol)
So remember next year in August 21 don't forget to celebrate Chilloween
Thursday, October 23, 2008
You just never know
So there is a girl at work that I have had a bit of mixed feelings about in the past, she is super fakey sweet sometimes, and then she will say something to try to hurt me or insult me just out of nowhere, she does it to everyone as well as being someone who takes advantage whenever possible.
So I continually am forgiving her in my own spirit , knowing she is just lost and intends no harm in what she does, cause I always want to keep my spirit right, and my witness! So last night at work we were closing and she told me that she thought I was an amazing person and so strong, and she looked up to me. It's like everything she has done has been a test , will I still accept her, will I lash out or gossip about her,and none of those things have happened. So I'm not sure how it happened but wow it threw me off for her to say that.... I guess you just never know do ya?
Then today someone else who has been hurtful in the past opened up to me , and we had a definite "moment" and she said it was nice talking to me.
It would have been so very easy in either situation to react badly to people who hurt you with no reason except their own gain, to harbor unforgivness , develop an attitude, plot revenge etc. but I made a choice that I would rise above it, for my own sake really. And now look what God has done with it. Maybe that helps someone, maybe it was just for me... You just never know!
So I continually am forgiving her in my own spirit , knowing she is just lost and intends no harm in what she does, cause I always want to keep my spirit right, and my witness! So last night at work we were closing and she told me that she thought I was an amazing person and so strong, and she looked up to me. It's like everything she has done has been a test , will I still accept her, will I lash out or gossip about her,and none of those things have happened. So I'm not sure how it happened but wow it threw me off for her to say that.... I guess you just never know do ya?
Then today someone else who has been hurtful in the past opened up to me , and we had a definite "moment" and she said it was nice talking to me.
It would have been so very easy in either situation to react badly to people who hurt you with no reason except their own gain, to harbor unforgivness , develop an attitude, plot revenge etc. but I made a choice that I would rise above it, for my own sake really. And now look what God has done with it. Maybe that helps someone, maybe it was just for me... You just never know!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
That was the theme of today's message... Compromise... I forgot to tell you all to pray for me , I spoke at New Life's chapel today, I could've used the prayers since I only got 3 1/2 hours of sleep after closing last night at work!
Anyway I think I've mentioned before how God uses Joyce Meyer very specifically in my life, well yesterday before I went to work , I was getting ready and I always put Joyce on in the background (thank God for Tivo) so I get out of the shower, a nice hot one in which I was thinking about my message etc. I wrap my head in a towel and push play on Joyce. I kid you not, If I'm lying I'm frying, her first words were, "And compromise is going a little below what you think is right." God has a sense of humor that is fo sho! It cracks me up when he does these things to me, I just lift my finger to God and go, " Alright you got me again." and even funnier is the fact that I was looking up the definiton in the dictionary only a little before I saw her and I was able to add that definition and the story to my message today, too funny, too funny!
Speaking of funny, my kids are hilarious, of course I'm their mom so I'm completley biased, but the other day Selah says, "So mom did you know that the kids get to vote on who becomes president we get to chooose on nickelodeon," I was like oh really Selah and who are you voting for? Her response" Well I don't know, who has lower gas prices" it was just too cute lol!
And in "Aslan is so funny" news:
Aslan who was chilling with us, proceeded to call me his queen, and he said he was King-farts-a -lot, (cause he tooted) and Selah was Princess tiny toot, and I will not disclose my name as it could incriminate me.
Not sure if that made sense, just two unrelated stories that were cute and it's almost midnight and I'm exhausted so forgive me if I am not making sense!
Anyway I think I've mentioned before how God uses Joyce Meyer very specifically in my life, well yesterday before I went to work , I was getting ready and I always put Joyce on in the background (thank God for Tivo) so I get out of the shower, a nice hot one in which I was thinking about my message etc. I wrap my head in a towel and push play on Joyce. I kid you not, If I'm lying I'm frying, her first words were, "And compromise is going a little below what you think is right." God has a sense of humor that is fo sho! It cracks me up when he does these things to me, I just lift my finger to God and go, " Alright you got me again." and even funnier is the fact that I was looking up the definiton in the dictionary only a little before I saw her and I was able to add that definition and the story to my message today, too funny, too funny!
Speaking of funny, my kids are hilarious, of course I'm their mom so I'm completley biased, but the other day Selah says, "So mom did you know that the kids get to vote on who becomes president we get to chooose on nickelodeon," I was like oh really Selah and who are you voting for? Her response" Well I don't know, who has lower gas prices" it was just too cute lol!
And in "Aslan is so funny" news:
Aslan who was chilling with us, proceeded to call me his queen, and he said he was King-farts-a -lot, (cause he tooted) and Selah was Princess tiny toot, and I will not disclose my name as it could incriminate me.
Not sure if that made sense, just two unrelated stories that were cute and it's almost midnight and I'm exhausted so forgive me if I am not making sense!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Ode to a great friend

I have a great friend, she has been my friend for 5 years now, I met her because her daughter got saved in our youth group. Well this weekend we went to Sacramento overnight as her gift to me for my birthday, it was so so fun. We took her daughter and her friend so we were shopping for dresses for the girls for a fall ball . We looked around and had fun everywhere looking at makeup etc.
(This is us in Torrid being silly by the way! )
We just had fun being together and hanging out, she is a great friend she always makes me feel very special and loved. Thank God for friends like her and of course , the amazing red and pink glasses, those are definetly a godsend!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Personal days?
So today I found out I have three personal days available for work! Yay exciting I can take a day off and get paid, joy of all joy's the elation, the grandeur.....errr ummm one problem, it's well kinda sorta , a little bit, completely black out months for the next two months......elation ended. Bummer ..... but I guess they will, be waiting after these two crazy months are through.
I've also decided that making costumes for a living will probably end up making me a million dollars , I bet I would be richer than Bill Gates, because they are so very expensive so you must make bucks on them.... so my evil plan to take over the world begins....hmmm now to learn to sew, find time and get a passion for it...hmmm probably not going to happen... oh well evil plan number one is a failure, I'll let you know when Pinky and I formulate plan #2!
I've also decided that making costumes for a living will probably end up making me a million dollars , I bet I would be richer than Bill Gates, because they are so very expensive so you must make bucks on them.... so my evil plan to take over the world begins....hmmm now to learn to sew, find time and get a passion for it...hmmm probably not going to happen... oh well evil plan number one is a failure, I'll let you know when Pinky and I formulate plan #2!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Bridge
Wow , someone just emailed me the most touching video I've seen in awhile. I encourage you to watch it, even if you think you know the store and want to spare yourself some emotion don't it is so well done if you just watch til the end!
Anyway, I'm an emotional wreck now from the video, and reeling from a tough week with a lot of hours worked. Welcome to the holidays in retail! The problem is, this is the first week Bill and I's schedules have directly conflicting most of the days of the week ... and let me let you know picking up two sleeping kids from mom's at 1130pm at night is not an easy task, but it could be worse! Thank you Jesus for our jobs!
So funny story of the day, a lady came into the store today, I'm talking grown woman, and she grabbed a stroller cart and proceeded to buckle a doll into the cart and push it around the store, when I saw her later she was checking on the "baby" making sure it was strapped in ok. There was no one else with her, wow the things I see......
Anyway, I'm an emotional wreck now from the video, and reeling from a tough week with a lot of hours worked. Welcome to the holidays in retail! The problem is, this is the first week Bill and I's schedules have directly conflicting most of the days of the week ... and let me let you know picking up two sleeping kids from mom's at 1130pm at night is not an easy task, but it could be worse! Thank you Jesus for our jobs!
So funny story of the day, a lady came into the store today, I'm talking grown woman, and she grabbed a stroller cart and proceeded to buckle a doll into the cart and push it around the store, when I saw her later she was checking on the "baby" making sure it was strapped in ok. There was no one else with her, wow the things I see......
Monday, October 13, 2008
Our emotions betray us...
Ever notice that? Sometimes we can tell ourselves over and over again the things we need to hear and the things we know to be true, but then those stinky emotions try to sneak in and change all that. Oh how life would be without so many emotions, but then we would miss out on all the good ones so I guess it all evens out in the end. What emotions betray you? For me lately it's discouragement, I fight and fight it and most of the time it's a winning battle but we all have those moments I guess. What's a true blog if you can't be honest ?
I was talking to a girl online who has been messaging me since I met her at Radical Reality camp, this girl has had one tough road, she 's had a lot of bad happen to her, so we talk A LOT, and last night when I was talking to her I had an amazing revelation. She was talking about the hands we were dealt and I told her a little about my tough childhood, before my dad came into the picture. And she was floored she had no idea that I didn't have a perfect upbringing white picket fence and all. Anyway I said I used to always wonder why I was dealt the hand I was dealt, now I wonder the same thing in the opposite way, How did I get so blessed as to have a husband that is the best person in the world for me, and the most amazing kids. Cause I really have wondered that, I see me, and all my shortcomings and attitudes and think I , what did I ever do to deserve this? Whereas 20 years ago I wondered it all in the opposite direction, So I explained to her that it's not about deserving it's about doing the best with what we have where we are at and know that some day God will use it to His glory if we trust him and do not lose heart.
That was therapeutic for me to type out, so maybe it helped one of you? Who knows , I do know there is a reason for everything.
I was talking to a girl online who has been messaging me since I met her at Radical Reality camp, this girl has had one tough road, she 's had a lot of bad happen to her, so we talk A LOT, and last night when I was talking to her I had an amazing revelation. She was talking about the hands we were dealt and I told her a little about my tough childhood, before my dad came into the picture. And she was floored she had no idea that I didn't have a perfect upbringing white picket fence and all. Anyway I said I used to always wonder why I was dealt the hand I was dealt, now I wonder the same thing in the opposite way, How did I get so blessed as to have a husband that is the best person in the world for me, and the most amazing kids. Cause I really have wondered that, I see me, and all my shortcomings and attitudes and think I , what did I ever do to deserve this? Whereas 20 years ago I wondered it all in the opposite direction, So I explained to her that it's not about deserving it's about doing the best with what we have where we are at and know that some day God will use it to His glory if we trust him and do not lose heart.
That was therapeutic for me to type out, so maybe it helped one of you? Who knows , I do know there is a reason for everything.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
What's your word?
That's what my message was called. Everything in the world tried to keep me from going, but that made me even more determined that it would be a good day, and it was. God showed up, he used my mouth I guess but it was all him. It's funny every time I speak I get nervous that for some reason he won't be there, like I didn't study enough or I should've prayed more etc. but somehow he always shows up, in spite of me. ( Not to make it seem like I don't pray and prepare, it just never feels like quite enough) But each time i speak I feel more and more at ease and more and more like what is God gonna do with this? I wish God would use me in this area all the time, although it's getting more frequent. I'm just thankful he uses me in other ways, but this one is just so fun! LOL I say that now because it's over last night my tune was a little different lol!
The conference itself was so well done and put together those girls are blessed to have that quality of a conference made available to them. They are the ones who worked hardest in this scenario, Lord bless them.
The conference itself was so well done and put together those girls are blessed to have that quality of a conference made available to them. They are the ones who worked hardest in this scenario, Lord bless them.
Friday, October 10, 2008
We are rich!
No we have not won the lottery, ( that is a bit hard to do when you don't play it) No we didn't win a million dollars but according to Selah "WE ARE RICH" Here is the conversation that led into that. We were eating dinner, Mahi mahi and couscous salad (yummers!!!) and yes my kids eat real fish and whole wheat couscous, score! Anyway I was talking about food being "rich" and Selah was like, " oh i know what that means you have lots of money etc., " and I said that is one version of the word rich but I'm talking about food, then she continues, (cause she loves to talk , I have no clue where the girl gets it) ,"We are very rich , because we have a great family and friends and many blessings in our lives" (I couldn't make this stuff up folks, Selah talks like she is a teenagers , she loves big words. ) But it was just such an amazing moment.
Then she went on to tell us how much protein was in couscous, since she looked at the box 15 minutes before and still somehow remembered the exact number (???) She has the memory of an elephant! Then Aslan explained more to us about our planets, and later when Selah gave me my "birthday gift" which was hour long massages whenever I wanted, (and by an hour she means 2 minutes max) she explained to me where my vertabrate were spelling it and all, no wonder she got best speller wow!!! So that was a nice big jumble of stuff, but I just love and adore my family and I'm amazed by my children everyday.
If you think about it tommorrow keep me in your prayers around 2pm my time, actually not me, but the girls I will be speaking to, that there hearts and minds will be open to the message.
Then she went on to tell us how much protein was in couscous, since she looked at the box 15 minutes before and still somehow remembered the exact number (???) She has the memory of an elephant! Then Aslan explained more to us about our planets, and later when Selah gave me my "birthday gift" which was hour long massages whenever I wanted, (and by an hour she means 2 minutes max) she explained to me where my vertabrate were spelling it and all, no wonder she got best speller wow!!! So that was a nice big jumble of stuff, but I just love and adore my family and I'm amazed by my children everyday.
If you think about it tommorrow keep me in your prayers around 2pm my time, actually not me, but the girls I will be speaking to, that there hearts and minds will be open to the message.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Funny it doesn't feel any diffrent...
Another year old doesn't feel any diffrent I feel a lot diffrent from 2 years ago though, before surgery's and all that, I am an old woman compared to that young 30 year old. But I have no regrets , I have an amazing family , the best actually, they are all a little crazy and can be dysfunctional at times but amazing to the core!
So today I had to lead a training class at work, 3 hours long, tommorrow another 3 hour class then a three hour orientation for new employees. The funny thing is , every time I do one I realize how much I love public speaking! People who have been with the company much much longer than I were actually learning from insights I had for customer service. It's a great feeling , like you can actually teach someone something. So even though I get nervous about speaking engagements like the one on Saturday, I always enjoy it, specially when I feel like people 'get it' , God puts those desires in our hearts , before we ever realize they are a dream of ours or even a desire. He prepares us with circumstances etc. You can be somewhere writing on rocks what seems like an impossible dream , then all of the sudden a few years down the line and your are full force into the dream and vision...that's not odd it's God!
So an encouragement, no matter how crazy the dream may be, no matter how outlandish it may seem now, if it's a deep desire of your heart and it's a God given desire, it will come to pass if we are faithful to pursue it.
P.S .
My sister is amazing, she dedicated her whole blog to my birthday how sweet is that!
So today I had to lead a training class at work, 3 hours long, tommorrow another 3 hour class then a three hour orientation for new employees. The funny thing is , every time I do one I realize how much I love public speaking! People who have been with the company much much longer than I were actually learning from insights I had for customer service. It's a great feeling , like you can actually teach someone something. So even though I get nervous about speaking engagements like the one on Saturday, I always enjoy it, specially when I feel like people 'get it' , God puts those desires in our hearts , before we ever realize they are a dream of ours or even a desire. He prepares us with circumstances etc. You can be somewhere writing on rocks what seems like an impossible dream , then all of the sudden a few years down the line and your are full force into the dream and vision...that's not odd it's God!
So an encouragement, no matter how crazy the dream may be, no matter how outlandish it may seem now, if it's a deep desire of your heart and it's a God given desire, it will come to pass if we are faithful to pursue it.
P.S .
My sister is amazing, she dedicated her whole blog to my birthday how sweet is that!
Already a great Birthday!
So I had to work another late night! Got home around 1:50am! To back up a bit, there is a sweet young pregnant girl at my work who I have been trying to be a witness to, her birthday is the same day as mine, so tonight I gave her a little gift. I love to give little gifts, it makes me happy so it's actually a selfish thing I'm sure! Anyway you would have thought I gave her a million dollars, she cried and was so grateful it made my night. It was such a little gesture but it meant a lot to this sweet young single soon to be mama. Makes me even more aware of all the little things I "feel" like doing or saying and don't , how many could lift someones day or be a little Jesus to them.
The second wonderful thing is that at exactly 12am I got a video message from my best friend, boyfriend for life, singing happy birthday , it made me cry, and I came home to a clean house. He may not have money to get me gifts but I can say with 100% truth as God is my witness , these things meant so much more than any gift. My man is the best and after all this time together I think he finally figured out how to give me the perfect gift!!!
The second wonderful thing is that at exactly 12am I got a video message from my best friend, boyfriend for life, singing happy birthday , it made me cry, and I came home to a clean house. He may not have money to get me gifts but I can say with 100% truth as God is my witness , these things meant so much more than any gift. My man is the best and after all this time together I think he finally figured out how to give me the perfect gift!!!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Oh to imagine again.
So I have always loved drama! Making up human videos, plays etc. I love it love it! I haven't had time to do it for a long while, they say when your super busy creativity is the first thing to go, but anyway! We were in the car with the kids the other day and we had gotten a new cd, It's the new group one crew song lets see if I can find a link for it Ok but WAIT! listen to this so Aslan listens to the song, then he asks to hear it again, which I immediatley loved it so I had no problem with that, so after the second time through he says "mom and dad you know what I see , I see the angels taking the keys from the demons. They fight and there are arrows but none of the angels die only the demons, and of course Jesus wins. The song is called "keys to the Kingdom" and he said more details etc. but it was so neat, his little imagination came up with it all in his head, like he could just see it, it was so very cool. Now you can listen to the song and picture the scene just as Aslan imagined it. And by the way he informed me he now wants us to pronounce his name like they do in the movie instead of (Os-lon) the correct pronunciation, he wants the one that the movies all use (As-laan) who knows how long that will last? Ok but WAIT! listen to this so Aslan listens to the song, then he asks to hear it again, which I immediatley loved it so I had no problem with that, so after the second time through he says "mom and dad you know what I see , I see the angels taking the keys from the demons. They fight and there are arrows but none of the angels die only the demons, and of course Jesus wins. The song is called "keys to the Kingdom" and he said more details etc. but it was so neat, his little imagination came up with it all in his head, like he could just see it, it was so very cool. Now you can listen to the song and picture the scene just as Aslan imagined it. And by the way he informed me he now wants us to pronounce his name like they do in the movie instead of (Os-lon) the correct pronunciation, he wants the one that the movies all use (As-laan) who knows how long that will last?
Friday, October 3, 2008
The wonderful world of retail!
So the last night I got off at 1:30am then drove home which put me home at 2am! We were supposed to have "a corporate visit" so we called in all the troops and busted our rumps to get the store perfect, but even at 1:30 there were flaws so I had nightmares about getting a call from the store manager saying it wasn't good enough etc., woke up with a stomach ache because of it, then got a text saying they weren't coming! I was like are you kidding me, cause they are coming next week which means this will yet again be reapeated , this whole process, and we already blew our payroll on this night , and payroll is a huge deal. So for us this means , cutting hours everywhere, which means understaffed on the floor, and upset customers and unrealistic expectations of the store manager as to why the store doesn't look as good as it should, when we have no staff. Talk about a catch twenty two! Not to mention when I took over as Customer Service manager, our customer service score was 49.2 and not it is 89.1 (which is the highest in our district ever! for weeks running) but when we are understaffed it hurts that number a lot!
Well anyway big rant that was and now I'm through cause I have to go back to work tonight and I won't be home until minimum 12am cause we are open until 11pm. Sorry I bored you with all that!
Well anyway big rant that was and now I'm through cause I have to go back to work tonight and I won't be home until minimum 12am cause we are open until 11pm. Sorry I bored you with all that!
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- Already a great Birthday!
- Oh to imagine again.
- The wonderful world of retail!