I don't know which is funnier or which to talk about first I think the potty story wins then you can have the other.
Disclaimer: If you you are offended by "potty stories" you probably should stop reading now, maybe even stop reading my blog in general because no subject is sacred on this blog
So for some random reason, unknown to our family, Every time Selah goes "#2 " in our bathroom the toilet gets clogged. I don't know why, Bill doesn't know why, Selah doesn't know why even sweet Aslan has no clue why. Of course we have pulled out our CSI kits many a times to try to get to the bottom of the mystery, (not literallly of course cause that would be gross) We've checked on using too much toilet paper, the size of bodily excretions is a possibility but that doesn't seem to be a factor since the toilet has probably seen much worse ( I know ewww!) But without fail it happens, one of life's great mysteries that I will have to ask God in heaven some day.
So tonight, Selah was getting ready to get in the shower and decided to use the bathroom first , and I turned to turn on the shower, and look back and she flushes and wham the water starts to come up, not much in there either so I have no idea why this happened. So I am now frantically searching for the plunger can't find it
"Selah go get the plunger"
"But I'm naked"
"Go get it anyway no one else is here" ( but the front screen was open oops!)
So Selah screams, ahh drawing attention if anyone was in fact outside, and I move the hamper and there is the plunger so I say, " Selah I found it" and she comes running back in naked,
"you've got to be kidding me" so I try to plunge the the toilet and it's not working, uh oh bill's not here, and it is just not working. So now I'm frantically moving things off the floor, (cause this toilet loves to overflow) and trying again. Selah says, "mommy let me try I have mucho experience in this" exact words
So I let her try and she puts heart and soul into it's not working, then I try again and again and finally selah says, "Lets both try" So here we are both of us with our hands on the plunger in the toilet and finally the water goes down ordeal over. Selah ends it with, " I don't know what it is it's weird I guess your toilet's hole is just too small for me"
Wow that was so so funny!!!! Potty stories to the max around here!
Ok here goes the second one, We were sitting at the dinner table (which is where the best stories come from and
Aslan says, "Too bad tommorrow is not Chilloween"
I said, "What is that"
Selah says so matter of factly, "You know Chilloween it's August 21st, " and keeps eating.
Ummm ok I thought , "What is Chilloween?"
"it's just a day where you sit and do nothing and chill, " she says hand motions and cool as a cumcumber.
"So Selah where did you get this holiday, I heard the word on a show but I made up the rest!"
So then Aslan says, " I wish tommorrow was Chilloween,"
to which Selah says, "NO Aslan it's on August 21st you can't just change the date of a holiday" (which mind you is only a holiday to my two amazing children lol)
So remember next year in August 21 don't forget to celebrate Chilloween
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dang it I got to wait almost a whole year to chill? thats just not right
ok, your kids are too funny! Constant entertainment in your house :)
this is too funny! i am crying!
OH MY GOSH that is hilarious! Both stories, take the cake today man!
roflol with cats jumping over me
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