Friday, January 2, 2009

Thankful for a new start in a new year.

It's pretty simple. I'm very grateful for this new start in this new year. I love my home, I love the time with my family I have now. I love our new church and Pastors and friends we are close to. Most of all i love the future of hope that awaits us, and the ministry yet to be had here in Stockton.
"I know the plans I have for you , says the Lord plans for good and not evil , plans for a future of hope" That means so much more even now than it did before. Thank you Lord that you still saw fit to hear my feeble prayers and bless us!


`4GiVeN said...

Your prayers are never feeble to the Lord they are all important and precious to him

Jennifer said...

Ditto what you said...looking forward to the new year myself. Glad to have you to roll through it with us =)

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone. Yes, I'm still alive and kicking! I miss you all and think of you often. I'm looking forward to great things for you in Stockton. Minsitry as you've never known it before. No, I'm no prophet, I just know the Lord is always doing new and wonderful things in our lives! I love you all, and will work on getting my blog updated very soon! I'm between jobs, as my mom decided she missed her infant too much, and quit her job to stay home. I'm open to all kind of jobs, so pray the Lord will show me the next exciting thing He has for me! Love you, Aunt Mary


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