Friday, February 27, 2009


Well today was by far one of the worst days of my life, I don't want to go too much into it since I've rehashed it a few times today, but my children came home from school crying today , because a group of kids at school decided to make my sweet Aslan the brunt of their jokes. That topped off by all the other issues we are having with that school, like the IEP negative meeting, the teacher saying, " I'm gonna wring your neck Aslan" that kind of thing, just put the ice on this proverbial cake. I sit hear feeling exhausted just exhausted..... but as I told my amazing yet emotional family earlier, we have each other and that's more than a lot of people have. Plus I know this is an attack cause so many many things are going so very well.

So in honor of our crazy bad day I asked Aslan the 22 questions ,to lighten things up a bit.

1. What is something mom always says to you? - "I love you"(as he crawls up beside me on the bed)
2. What makes mom happy? - the fact that I love you
3. What makes mom sad? - when I fall and get hurt, or when I hurt you cry that is what makes you sad, how many more do you have, two more okay
4. How does your mom make you laugh? - (insert weird voice) when you do weird voices
5. What was your mom like as a child? - *shrug* I do not know, drawing maybe, okay one more
6. How old is your mom - uhhhhhh 32
7. How tall is your mom? - about six inches or maybe more
8. What is her favorite thing to do? - draw
9. What does your mom do when you're not around? - play on the computer like your doing right now?
10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for? - I don't know, maybe for drawing
11. What is your mom really good at? - drawing, I don''t want to do these questions, but your good at everything
12. What is your mom not very good at?- (insert funny noise here) your not very good at ummm... cooking...haha just kidding running maybe
13. What does your mom do for a job?- doing paper, Radical Reality
14.What is your mom's favorite food? - I don't know , shrimp
15. What makes you proud of your mom? -that I just love you half to death
16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be? -Charity the brave
17. What do you and your mom do together? -fun stuff , games and exercising
18. How are you and your mom the same? - we are both half viking
19. How are you and your mom different? - I kinda don't know, your bigger than me, oh...and your a girl
20. How do you know your mom loves you? -Because I'm your little boy, and your my mom, your really nice to me, things you do for me( as he loops his arm in mine and puts his head on my shoulder)
21. What does your mom like most about your dad? - He's your husband, you love him..he's handsome, and that's all
22. Where is your mom's favorite place to go - ummmm....(laugh as he sees me type ummmmm)
Radical Reality?? ummmm church!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Funny stories! and 22 questions!

So a few funny things, I haven't shared stories about my kiddos in awhile so here we go.

First , Selah informed me the other day that in "the really really old days" they didn't know real words yet words like the and they, they always used thee's and thou's. (LOL)

Tonight at dinner Aslan said, "This chicken is good" To which I said "It's not chicken it's carne asada" So he says, "Well whatever I like this carne asada flavored chicken"

So here is a cute little quiz that you ask your kids, tonight I asked Selah these questions, you really should do it it's cute

1. What is something mom always says to you? - "I love you"
2. What makes mom happy? - Me being obedient
3. What makes mom sad? - Me being disobedient
4. How does your mom make you laugh? - *by tickling me
5. What was your mom like as a child? - *shrug* I do not know, good singer , pretty, umm
you were super super nice, I think *giggle* why are you doing this, " to see what you say" " Well I quit then" "no please come back"
.6. How old is your mom - uhhhhhh 32....31 31
7. How tall is your mom? - I don't know. I would have to check on the wii fit to know that
8. What is her favorite thing to do? - I don't know.....wii fit
9. What does your mom do when you're not around? - Work , Watch tv, do wii fit
10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for? - being so nice and loving
11. What is your mom really good at? - everything (with arms spread wide)
12. What is your mom not very good at?-Nothing (so i give her that look) and she says "honestly"
13. What does your mom do for a job?- Work at Radical Reality, I wonder what your career is.
14.What is your mom's favorite food? - I don't know , tell me... Pizza?
15. What makes you proud of your mom? - Everything....being my mommy , being funny, and caring and nice and everything
16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be? -Olive on Popeye and Olive is nice ( she says without hesitation, not even a second to think about it).
17. What do you and your mom do together? - Draw, read , wii fit , we read together, we love each other
18. How are you and your mom the same? - everyway YOur nice I'm nice, your kind I'm kind your pretty, I'm pretty, you like fashion I like fashion, we look alike
19. How are you and your mom different? - Your older , taller, engaged slash married, you put on makeup, you watch tv more than me" " that is not true" " yeah"
20. How do you know your mom loves you? -YOur my mommy, your always nice to me your pretty much never mean to me
21. What does your mom like most about your dad? - Ummm I don't know (as she gets embarassed) I don't know everything, " he's handsome, and nice and sweet, great cook
22. Where is your mom's favorite place to go - Long JOhn silvers ," so I say, "what" and she says " El Torito, am I wrong, what is it, is it El torito?
So I say not a place to eat
"oh what is your favorite place to go period....hmm grama's house, sunsplash, disneyland, LA, I got nothing"

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Ok you gotta help me pick

So we have to choose a pic to go in the newsletter to introduce my family to the world of Radical Reality and since a kid ended up taking the pics they aren't maybe the best but they are pretty good. Anyway please let me know which one you like best by Tuesday!

In other news, I'm sorry that I'm way behind in blog reading, it's been a crazy couple weeks we are doing great! I will also post some pics of our college bbq Saturday night! It was a blast , we ate tons of unhealthy food, talked a lot laughed a lot , drank some great coffee. When all was said and done it was a smashing success. God is good! We are going to do our first skit for college age on Tuesday night and I would like to have one every week to go with the sermon, as an illustration or an intro. I love drama so so much and I have been helping directing drama the last few years and I'm ready to be in stuff again. It's like "I've got a fever.......and the only cure is more cowbell....I mean more drama" Not baby mama drama mind you. LOL But it is a true passion of mine and I feel like I have the team that we need to get it done and done right, and the talent of course. So I will let you know how it goes, and keep us in your prayers that our church would continue to thrive and grow and there would be a huge finacial blessing on our church so the pastors don't have to sweat it at all!

pic 1 pic 2

pic 3

College Age BBQ

Ok here's the college age pics

Thursday, February 12, 2009

picture of the day 7!

It was a challenge to take a pic today, I've been feeling awful all day and have big bags under my eyes so it's blurry on purpose! lol.
So I have another one of those cut and paste info about yourself kinds things for whoever is up for the challenge, it doesn't require much thought it's just a bunch of questions! So hope you all have fun with it, ( you can thank my sis for this one)
44 ODD Things about you! If you opened this, FILL IT OUT! Learn 44 things about your friends, and let them learn 44 things about you! Send back to me and to several more friends!!
1. Do you like blue cheese? EWWWW no way
2. Have you ever smoked? Tried to once but ewwww, and you don't have to answer this one!
3. Do you own a gun? No never have,
4. What flavor of Kool-Aid Is your favorite? Absolutley none.It's pure sugar but crystal light pink lemonade or peach tea is good
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Yeah I do, almost always, partially because I hate to tell people about being sick or anything wrong with me
6. What do you think of hot dogs? Well sometimes I like them, specially at Ball games and Costco dogs, at home I only eat oscar meyer all beef or turkey or chicken dogs!
7. Favorite Christmas movie? It's a wonderful life or polar express
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee of any kind nice and strong
9. Can you do pushups? I can do the cheat style ones pretty good
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? a silver necklace I have with wings and a heart and the heart earrings that match
11. Favorite hobby? Painting, hanging with my family, and adventure comp. games
12. Do you have A.D.D.? Well may.....what were you saying again?
13. What's one trait you hate about yourself? My beat myself up mentality, I'm trying so hard to get past it
14. Middle name? Rebekah
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment. I feel awful, I am beating myself up about being sick , and I beating myself for beating myself up
17. Current worry? Aslan school and health, and finances.
18. Current hate right now? The attack of the enemy
19. Favorite place to be? With my family anywhere wher we can have fun!
20. How did you bring in the New Year? At home in our new home with the greatest family in the world.
21. Where would you like to go? To Disneyland before the kids get too old to really appreciate it
22. Name three people who will complete this? mom, Jen and Jess?
23. Do you own slippers? Can't live without them
24. What shirt are you wearing? Grey christian t-shirt
25. Do you like sleeping on satin Sheets? Sure mine are Sateen and I love them
26. Can you whistle? Sorta
27. What is your all time favorite song? I can only Imagine
28. Would you be a pirate? Hmmm I get really sea sick so maybe a ninja would work better for me since I have catlike reflexes lol
29. What songs do you sing in the shower? Worship songs
30. Favorite girl's name? Selah, Iona , Ashlyn
31. Favorite boy's name? Aslan, Solomon, Tobias and Gabriel
32. What's in your pocket right now? no pockets at the moment
33. Last thing that made you laugh? The show "Howie do it" that Selah and I and Bill were watching
34. Best bed sheets as a child? Rainbow Bright no contest
35. Worst injury you've ever had? back injury
36. Do you love where you live? Yes even though I live in #2 most miserable city in America, I love it and I love my house
37. How many TVs do you have in your house? 3
38. Who is your loudest friend? Hmmm Sidney
39. How many dogs do you have? 1 .
40. Does someone have a crush on you? My husband he tells me all the time
41. What is your favorite book? Chronicles of Narnia
42. What is your favorite candy? tootsie roll
43. Favorite Sports Team? Sacramento King
44. What song do you want played at your funeral? That's kinda morbid so I will change it to What song played at your wedding? Steven curtis chapman, " Go there with you"

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Picture of the day 6...oh yeah and I'm a bad mom..

So I should've took a pic of myself wayyy sooner, before the cold and the rain sat in my icky feeling throat and chest. Now I'm in bed with my crosswords and my laptop,It's funny cause my phone does this blur photo thing sometimes, so I figured I may as well go with it. So yeah there's me in a blur.

So your probably wondering why I said I'm a bad mom, well I don't really think that necessarily but I took Aslan to the doctor today , an appointment I had made a few weeks ago for a checkup, not for his cold, but I figured I would throw that out there too. So we loved the pediatrician she was super cool and even though we had to wait close to 1 and half hours in the office , and even though she was ultra busy, she took the time for us. So anyway she told me that Aslan needed antibiotics ( a strong one) because he was on the verge of pneumonia. Ummm yeah bad money soup for you!

To think I wasn't even gonna take him in for this cold cause I though , well it's just that, it's a cold or the flu etc. But I let him go back to school Tuesday (which she said he probably wasn't contagious at all by that time, since he hadn't had a fever since Monday morning) So yeah I got a chance to share what a miracle he was and she was in awe, an amazed that even being this sick, and everything he's been through that he didn't have severe asthma etc. Yep he's a fighter and God has done miracles in him, and the whole world can't deny that ! So anyway that is the tales of our day!

And as for living in the #2 most miserable city in America, whatever, they only go on numbers, they don't know what it like to live here! I love it!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Picture of the Day 5

This is me and my baby! My sweet miracle who will always be my baby! We returned to the real world today and went to "kids eat free Tuesday at Denny's He is still not feeling great but we had college service tonight , so we had to come out of hiding. Though unfortunately, as Jess can attest too, the cold has hit my system. By the end of service tonight I had no voice, just a frog who took up residence where my vocal cords were. My throat is so sore, but thanks to an HSA I was able to buy all sorts of cough drops and theraflu and it was like it was covered by insurance! Thank you Jesus for the little miracles. It's weird I haven't gotten sick in years with a cold, etc. But for some reason now this is the second time in less than a month that my body is trying to get sick, first it was stomach and now this, maybe it's the climate change? Who knows, I'm so happy here that I don't care.

So I know your dying to know how college service went! It was fantastic, the funny thing was there were a lot of new people this week and some that came last weren't there so we had about 35 again, which means if they all come at once we would have quite a crowd. I'm not hung up on the numbers , just sharing info. Even if it would of only been a few of us, God has been showing up, I know he's going to show up because we have been under tremendous attack! BUt that makes us fight even harder knowing that God is going to show up, and boy does it. What a great service. Wow Wow, I know I'm biased but my husband has been preaching the roof off, and working in a fresh anointing. I sit there, knowing the notes in and out because I've done the powerpoint and the handout etc. and yet I'm intrigued with what he will say next. It's like on Sunday mornings with Pastor Joey, I'm like taking notes like crazy cause it's just so good. God is doing something great in our church that is for sure!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Picture of the Day 4

This is me hiding behind some flowers that my husband gave me for early Valentines day gift! I have no makeup on, I have been caring for a sick Aslan for so many days I'm going stir crazy, and now my throat is hurting really bad which is where it all starts, but I'm not going to get sick in Jesus name, cause my life and responsibilities will go on whether Im sick or not! So no sickness!
So pray for us tomorrow night it's our next college service. It's gonna be good and we are very excited about it! Bills message is really good again and we are all pumped!
Sorry it seems all I talk about lately is Aslan being sick and our church being amazing!
I'm sorry it's just true, I got a call from the bookkeeper today from the church and she was just going on about how thankful she is for Bill and I that we are so upbeat all the time and such a blessing to the church etc. It was exactly what I needed to hear, because having missed church Sunday I feel so lame, like I'm slacking (even though I couldn't control the situation) I know I'm just weird like that.I'm trying to stop it though! I promise Im trying! LOL

Saturday, February 7, 2009

PIcture of the Day 3

Me and my mini me! I think this pic shows how much we look alike specially in expressions!
So I still have a sick little man on my hands but thank you Jesus his fever has broken!
Hope everyone is having a blessed weekend, I don't have too much to say tonight!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Picture of the day Day 2

So I thought I'd mix it up a bit with my pic of the day, feeling a little salsa in me.

Keep my little man in your prayers, we are having to rotate tylenol and ibuprofen cause we can't quite break the fever. Poor little man.

Soooo what else to say, my last post was long and emotional so today lets keep it light. I think I will put in a youtube video that is hilarious, so check it out!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Ok so here's the pic of today, (PER THE PIC OF YOURSELF A DAY FOR SEVEN DAYS)
We've had a tough couple of days around the Hartman house, just keep my little man in your prayers, he's struggling with school right now which makes him feel unintelligent, which kills us. He said yesterday, "I'm just stupid" Now we don't even say that word in our house referring to anything, so we had no clue where it came from. When we asked what the word meant to him he said, "I'm not smart" We hugged all night and encouraged him and uplifted him etc. , but still had no idea where the word came from. He said no one called him that , and he doesn't lie. Soooo we prayed together and went to bed, then today we had his IEP meeting at school (individualized Educational Program) We met with his Resource teacher, his regular teacher, the speech therapist, the vice principal and the school psychologist. Yeah can you say intimidating, not to mention I broke down crying in front of these ladies as at one point I retold the story he said last night. So anyway the homeroom teacher starts the meeting telling everything Aslan is doing wrong, not one positive thing. (now let me preface this by saying that we have made it clear that we realize he is struggling, we don't make excuses or live in a dream world about the situation, but we also know he is the sweetest nine year old boy on the planet who is loving and would never hurt a fly.) So she went on and on about he's not writing good, his math is not up to grade level , his reading etc. In comes the resource teacher same thing, not one positive thing at all to say about Aslan. Ok we get it! So then comes the speech and language teacher, and here we are expecting the worst, and it wasn't she was pleasant, and gave a lot of positive of Aslan and his work etc. His progress, and the potential he has. So basically that was the meeting but before it was out I told the speech and language teacher "Thank you for the positive, we realize that he is struggling and we are doing all we can, and it helps to hear the positive" As we continued to sign papers, all of the sudden the resource teacher starts being positive, "yeah Aslan is very respectful and polite yada yada....( can you say a day late and a dollar short lady)

So after all the teachers left and we were left with the school psychologist ( by the way they are required to be at these meeting even though he doesn't need any kind of Psychological help lol)

So the psychologist says to me, "I'm so glad you said that, they were being way too negative and I'm so glad you pointed it out" I was shocked actually, but we talked about the importance of it etc. And she said there was no excuse, and I can't say I disagree.

Oh and by the way the resource teacher said, "Aslan's not feeling well and is asleep in my office" So we took him and Selah to my office and Aslan fell asleep on Donnie's couch when I woke him up he was burning up so we came home and he had a high fever. Grrrr what a day!

But you know what? I don't care what those women say, they can be as negative as they want to be, but I know my son, I know he is called of God, he was born with a specific purpose. There were things spoken over him before he was born and confirmed, that he would have a Moses spirit, and if you remember Moses didn't have the gift of speech, but he spoke face to face with God.

The devil has done everything to try to take Aslan out of this world and out of the game and every time God says, " I don't think so Devil"

So devil you can shove it, we aren't bowing down to you because of what this world may throw at us, we know that God says in Jer 29:11, " I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you ..plans to give you a future of hope"

So there...God is good, not just sometimes but all the time, in the midst of every trial and test!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Our first college service!

So we had our first college service last night and it rocked! It was awesome, albeit ultra stressful prior to service, and a lot of work went into it, but it was awesome! God showed up and so did quite a few people. Some unexpected too! Very cool! I knew it would be really good cause the attack prior to it was insane! God is good and faithful! Oh so faithful!

I'm sorry I have been behind on blogging and blog reading. My sister issued a challenge about taking a pic of yourself a day and posting it, one that shows your personality, and do this for 5 days , I am going to try to remember to do this tommorrow, I thought I would get to read blogs at work etc. but I have been non-stop busy. So busy I ended up staying half hour over every night if not more , so bear with me. But rest assured I always catch up, always, I always look back at all the blogs I've missed.


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