Ok so here's the pic of today, (PER THE PIC OF YOURSELF A DAY FOR SEVEN DAYS)
We've had a tough couple of days around the Hartman house, just keep my little man in your prayers, he's struggling with school right now which makes him feel unintelligent, which kills us. He said yesterday, "I'm just stupid" Now we don't even say that word in our house referring to anything, so we had no clue where it came from. When we asked what the word meant to him he said, "I'm not smart" We hugged all night and encouraged him and uplifted him etc. , but still had no idea where the word came from. He said no one called him that , and he doesn't lie. Soooo we prayed together and went to bed, then today we had his IEP meeting at school (individualized Educational Program) We met with his Resource teacher, his regular teacher, the speech therapist, the vice principal and the school psychologist. Yeah can you say intimidating, not to mention I broke down crying in front of these ladies as at one point I retold the story he said last night. So anyway the homeroom teacher starts the meeting telling everything Aslan is doing wrong, not one positive thing. (now let me preface this by saying that we have made it clear that we realize he is struggling, we don't make excuses or live in a dream world about the situation, but we also know he is the sweetest nine year old boy on the planet who is loving and would never hurt a fly.) So she went on and on about he's not writing good, his math is not up to grade level , his reading etc. In comes the resource teacher same thing, not one positive thing at all to say about Aslan. Ok we get it! So then comes the speech and language teacher, and here we are expecting the worst, and it wasn't she was pleasant, and gave a lot of positive of Aslan and his work etc. His progress, and the potential he has. So basically that was the meeting but before it was out I told the speech and language teacher "Thank you for the positive, we realize that he is struggling and we are doing all we can, and it helps to hear the positive" As we continued to sign papers, all of the sudden the resource teacher starts being positive, "yeah Aslan is very respectful and polite yada yada....( can you say a day late and a dollar short lady)
So after all the teachers left and we were left with the school psychologist ( by the way they are required to be at these meeting even though he doesn't need any kind of Psychological help lol)
So the psychologist says to me, "I'm so glad you said that, they were being way too negative and I'm so glad you pointed it out" I was shocked actually, but we talked about the importance of it etc. And she said there was no excuse, and I can't say I disagree.
Oh and by the way the resource teacher said, "Aslan's not feeling well and is asleep in my office" So we took him and Selah to my office and Aslan fell asleep on Donnie's couch when I woke him up he was burning up so we came home and he had a high fever. Grrrr what a day!
But you know what? I don't care what those women say, they can be as negative as they want to be, but I know my son, I know he is called of God, he was born with a specific purpose. There were things spoken over him before he was born and confirmed, that he would have a Moses spirit, and if you remember Moses didn't have the gift of speech, but he spoke face to face with God.
The devil has done everything to try to take Aslan out of this world and out of the game and every time God says, " I don't think so Devil"
So devil you can shove it, we aren't bowing down to you because of what this world may throw at us, we know that God says in Jer 29:11, " I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you ..plans to give you a future of hope"
So there...God is good, not just sometimes but all the time, in the midst of every trial and test!
I LOVE IT!!!! Awesome!
Now I got to read your whole post... the comment was just for the pic! But I had to go back and read the whole post... and WAY TO GO MOM! Aslan is lucky to have you and his speech teacher!!!
Ya, the devil can shove it and so can his negative teachers. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.
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