This is me hiding behind some flowers that my husband gave me for early Valentines day gift! I have no makeup on, I have been caring for a sick Aslan for so many days I'm going stir crazy, and now my throat is hurting really bad which is where it all starts, but I'm not going to get sick in Jesus name, cause my life and responsibilities will go on whether Im sick or not! So no sickness!
So pray for us tomorrow night it's our next college service. It's gonna be good and we are very excited about it! Bills message is really good again and we are all pumped!
Sorry it seems all I talk about lately is Aslan being sick and our church being amazing!
I'm sorry it's just true, I got a call from the bookkeeper today from the church and she was just going on about how thankful she is for Bill and I that we are so upbeat all the time and such a blessing to the church etc. It was exactly what I needed to hear, because having missed church Sunday I feel so lame, like I'm slacking (even though I couldn't control the situation) I know I'm just weird like that.I'm trying to stop it though! I promise Im trying! LOL
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