Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Picture of the Day 5

This is me and my baby! My sweet miracle who will always be my baby! We returned to the real world today and went to "kids eat free Tuesday at Denny's He is still not feeling great but we had college service tonight , so we had to come out of hiding. Though unfortunately, as Jess can attest too, the cold has hit my system. By the end of service tonight I had no voice, just a frog who took up residence where my vocal cords were. My throat is so sore, but thanks to an HSA I was able to buy all sorts of cough drops and theraflu and it was like it was covered by insurance! Thank you Jesus for the little miracles. It's weird I haven't gotten sick in years with a cold, etc. But for some reason now this is the second time in less than a month that my body is trying to get sick, first it was stomach and now this, maybe it's the climate change? Who knows, I'm so happy here that I don't care.

So I know your dying to know how college service went! It was fantastic, the funny thing was there were a lot of new people this week and some that came last weren't there so we had about 35 again, which means if they all come at once we would have quite a crowd. I'm not hung up on the numbers , just sharing info. Even if it would of only been a few of us, God has been showing up, I know he's going to show up because we have been under tremendous attack! BUt that makes us fight even harder knowing that God is going to show up, and boy does it. What a great service. Wow Wow, I know I'm biased but my husband has been preaching the roof off, and working in a fresh anointing. I sit there, knowing the notes in and out because I've done the powerpoint and the handout etc. and yet I'm intrigued with what he will say next. It's like on Sunday mornings with Pastor Joey, I'm like taking notes like crazy cause it's just so good. God is doing something great in our church that is for sure!


Jennifer said...

Oh I'm so glad it went good! I was wondering last night. Great! Sorry you are feeling cruddy though. That's never good. Did you know there is a little Missionette vday party tonight? Yes, there is. I guess I will be heading to church tonight since Joey is not here to take Joei. She would have my head if I did not take her.

Jess the Mess said...

So last night Bill was trying to put into words how the presence of the Lord was there during worship. It is hard to do, but I think I nailed it.
It was like when you were kids at school on a rainy day and you would play the "indoor games". There was a gmae called "heads up 7 up".
The jist of the game:Everybody puts their heads down on the desk and one person goes through the room quietly tapping your thumb.
In short, God showed up and it felt like he was moving through the church quietly, just gently touching each person and moving through the crowd. It was awesome. It was like I could almost touch him.


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